After that, we followed the instructions of the Demon King and ran around the demonic world from end to end.

Sometimes he was driven out by an unusually proliferating Warcraft exorcism, sometimes into the fold of a bunch of wild dreamers, and sometimes again into negotiating with dragons.

And so those kids' personal skills, their training as squadrons, and the fact that they had the communications device, and they were giving instructions more quickly than ever, went on for a while.


In front of him, a brown fist rolled out with a prestigious hanging voice is stopped in inches.

Conversely, the fist I tried to roll out is still far from the body of the fist owner.

"... Hey, Frey... Isna sister... This..."

Sun, the owner of the inched fist, said so in a trembling voice.

"One bottle..."

From the rear right, I heard Isna's groaning voice serving as a mixed referee

"Oh, that's one bottle"

Following that, I also said that to my fist trembling in small pieces in front of me.

"That's... I mean..."

"It means you win."

"My win... over Frey... I won..."

The fist that was in front of me is slowly lowered.

And Sun takes it to his chest and stares at it as he says so in a moving, trembling voice.

"Uh... damn... I thought it would come within a short distance, but there's something a little regrettable about the boulder..."

With that said, I scratch my head to deceive my remorse.

I fear that it was the kick that made it look like fate that was positive, and the punch on the face released from the impossible position that, if you were a human, you should not be able to make an effective punch was true fate.

That was just the best blow that nature's ability to exercise combined with a thirst for victory.

But regrettably, I regret it, but more than that, the joy of my godson growing up to this point far surpasses me.

"Yay..., yay! I beat Frey!

After hundreds of combiners, Sun, who won his first victory, now begins to express that joy all over his body as he jumps around the edge in a pimple.

I don't know if you're a little overjoyed by exaggeration as much as you won once, but since you're a kid whose motivation and strength closely influence you, now I'll let you still soak in that joy rather than calm you down.

Watching Sun jump with that in mind, this time suddenly I thought I'd stopped pitting, and he turned to me with a nigga and a happy grin.

"That's right! Promise! You remember!?

And that's what I've been saying to the outskirts.

"Promise? What are you talking about?

"Already! You did! When I got enough to take one from Frey, he said he'd make me a cool weapon like Femme too!

A… weapon….

I rely on that word to do the thread of memory.

"Ahhh... Speaking of which..."

Like I said... like I didn't say...

I have a pretty vague memory of it because I was saying it in such a way that I felt sorry for the child who mentioned selfishness.

"I did! You won't let me tell you I forgot!

I thought I was exploding my joy, and now I'm going to say that with a little anger.

"All right, all right. I'll make you one, so calm down."

"Really!? Really!?

"Oh, really, really"

"Yay! Weapons! What would you like ~... an axe? Or a spear? Mm-hmm... don't get lost."

When I gave him my word, he started blowing up that joy again.

"You've hardly ever used an axe or a spear..."

I have tried several weaponry techniques, but unexpectedly, the motor nerve is high, but your talent was a tease.

So much so that I feel watched and even jeopardized just like Feer.

"Uh, 'cause it's cooler to be big"

"You're not choosing because you think it's cool. I'll make something that suits you, so you do your job with Shi."

"Yes...... oh! Speaking of which, I wasn't ready to leave yet! Do it, Frey! Promise me! Then I'll go!

With that said, Sun rushed off to the mansion as if he remembered.

"Ha... I wonder if it's okay at that rate... I'm alone this time..."

I make sure Isna holds her head and sighs loudly.

"Well, you said it was as polite as a job, so you'd be fine."

"Still worried..."

Isna does so while still looking in the direction Sun disappeared in, causing her body to soften and soften.

The big book goes back a few days to the letter that came to me from Sun's mother, Shi.

What was written there was that she wanted me to lend her only daughter Sun for a little while because of the situation in the elves she represented in, which was understaffed and unresponsive.

I felt like it was no longer part of the training or anything, but Sun also agreed with me that it would be a long time before I went home and stretched my feathers.

"Well don't say that. He's grown a lot more than he was when I got here."

"Well, pure martial arts only... at last I took one from you. But... I don't think so, but I'm not out of hand to motivate you before you leave, am I?

"No way."

Isna's immediate answer, which she asked with a slightly surprising look.

I can't say enough that there is no zero chance that there was an alarm somewhere in my mind, but I meant it for once. And this time they surpassed it. That's all we're talking about.

I won't make it that easy next time.

"Phew... but you might feel comfortable thinking you haven't been loud for a while. Shall we go back then?"

"Oh, yeah"

Word is walking back into the mansion with Isna, who seems a little lonely.

And when a few days passed in the absence of a single person,

"That's unusual, I can't believe I called you out of nowhere"

On the morning of the holidays, Rosé called me to the interview room.

"I'm sorry for the sudden. I need to tell you something."

"Well, even for me, I thought it was time to say something, so it was convenient."

Yes, come on. I have something to say to this maid and to the Demon King behind it.

"Okay, I'll start with you. Please call me."

When Rose said that, she urged me to sit down.

Following that, as he lowered his back to the wooden desk, Rosé also lowered his back to the chair opposite him by pinching his desk.

And he opens his mouth with a firm eye on those sucking black eyes without fear.

"I've said this before, okay, plus or minus. Shouldn't we go to the next phase?

"What's the next stage?

Rose answered unfathomably if she didn't understand the intent of my statement, or if she still blurred after she did.

"The next thing I know is how to train a small group or individual unit. I mean, this is raising the demon king's successor, isn't it? The Demons may need strength to stand on top, but they are too relaxed on the boulders."

I've never been clearly told that, but I don't think there's any other purpose to bring the king's son together.

If that's the case, it's barren to let them train on individual or minority squads forever. In addition to the general, we should learn the mindset and methodology to lead more people.

"No, you don't have to"

But from Rosé's mouth, words were spun that were in direct conflict with my opinion.

"No need!? Take a break from such a stupid joke."

I knew this maid would say ridiculous jokes sometimes, but I didn't think I'd mention it at such a serious time.

Sure, I don't think that demon king has come to learn that, but if you're thinking about that in an unreasonable place, it's an extraction mistake.

"No, I'm not kidding"

"Then it's too bad, let me talk to you once."

Worst case scenario, I need to punch some tough magic in that belly again. But I need to make him rethink it.

"Well... in order to follow up on the matter, let me first tell you what I was trying to tell you today."

"What does that have to do with what we're talking about?

"Yes, make us what we are… and we are talking about the truth surrounding this world"

"The truth about this world... it's a long story again."

"Yeah, listen to me."

That's what Rose said to me to tear it up a little bit, in a very serious way.

Then he sat back as he was, corrected his posture, and slowly opened his mouth again.

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