Ron was serious.

No kidding.

Military discipline is really important.

At the moment,

Smogg was publicly accused

It’s really hard to get off the stage.

He never expected that the inspector general would actually attack him first.

Stay there,

I don’t know what to do anymore.

Ten minutes ago, he thought that this inspector general was just coming down and walking.

“Colonel Smogg, didn’t you hear the Inspector General?”

Stussy was visibly displeased.

Step forward,


As Ron’s entourage this time.

She knew Ron’s identity

Therefore, she did not allow anyone to disobey Ron’s orders.

Otherwise, where is the prestige of Lord Yimu?

Smogg saw that Stussy was still a little startled

Just now, after all.

This woman almost killed herself.

Smogg took a deep breath

Reluctantly, he returned to the warship.

A moment later,

A naval colonel in formal clothes walked out.

It has to be said.

Smogg put on the formal clothes of a naval colonel, and he still looked very spirited.


It feels a little contradictory.

And his appearance,

Instantly made the naval soldiers on the entire warship sigh.

It was the first time they had seen Smog dressed so formally.

I was a little unused to it for a while.

After all, usually Smogg dresses very casually.

And now it suddenly became such a serious book, it feels …. It’s hilarious.

Especially seeing Smogg’s uncomfortable look.

I think it’s even more hilarious.

“What are you still stunned for, let me go and put your clothes on.”

Smogg said angrily to a boatload of soldiers.

What kind of people bring what kind of soldiers,

Because Smog didn’t care about military discipline before, his soldiers were all the same.

None of them dressed properly.

A military uniform was worn by them out of the feeling of a pirate.

As a result, the entire unit looks, not at all, not like the Navy.

And this time, Smogg understood that although Ron was talking about himself, he was referring to the entire fleet.

So he was very clever this time, and without waiting for Ron’s order, he directly asked his subordinates to quickly put on their clothes.

“Ah! We have to change it too? ”

“I think it’s good to wear it this way!”

“Wouldn’t you catch pirates like this, what’s not to do?”

“Yes, we usually wear it like this, and it doesn’t affect us to catch pirates.”

These ordinary naval soldiers, some protested.

The habit of a long time made them develop the vice of being very loose and without military discipline.

Even the order to the commander was not immediately carried out.

This is the consequence of the usual lack of attention to military discipline.

“Give them ten minutes, and if they don’t sort out the military discipline, let them get out immediately.”

Ron was expressionless

said lightly.


Stussy nodded yes.

Then he took out his pocket watch and started the countdown.

Tick Tick~

Dusty saw that Stussy had begun to count down with his pocket watch.

I couldn’t help but hurriedly say to these naval soldiers.

“Go and tidy up your clothes and appearance, what are you waiting for?”


It has to be said.

Usually do not pay attention to military appearance and military discipline.

This can lead to a loss of morale.

Unexpectedly, some navies do not take this matter to heart.

The rest of the navy went to sort out their military appearance

And they still don’t see anything wrong and go their own way.

Dusty now felt that he was usually too indulgent to these naval soldiers.

As a result, they did not immediately obey the orders of their superiors.

I didn’t think it was anything before, but now it seems that the problem is very big.

It seems that there is a real need for rectification.


She seemed to understand the meaning of the Inspector General’s existence.

With the last tick of the pocket watch fell.

Ten minutes have arrived.

Stussy glanced up at everyone.

And then very decisively

Those who did not have military discipline in order were directly driven out of the navy.

Until this moment.

Those who were driven away found that the other party was really not joking.

Really drove them away.

Now they regret it.

But it was too late.

They have been completely driven out of the Navy.

Ron didn’t even look at them.

Want to put the Navy in order.

It is necessary to eliminate these lawless, disrespectful and disobedient people.

Ron’s goal is to make the Navy the embodiment of justice again.


It is necessary to undergo some bone scraping.

After just ten minutes.

Smogg’s entire fleet looked like new.

Finally there is what an army looks like.

All the soldiers were dressed neatly.

Straighten up in line.

Looks energetic.

Even Smogg wore a straight board.

It looks more like a well-trained unit.

Ron looked around as if he were parading, and then nodded in satisfaction.

And at the same time.

A voice suddenly sounded in Ron’s head that only he could hear.

It’s that familiar system sound.

“Congratulations to the host for completing the achievement of rectifying military discipline.”

“Got a chance to win a bronze chest.”

The system will issue different levels of lottery opportunities according to the different monitoring of the Navy.

From bottom to top, respectively.

Black iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamonds.

The higher the level of the chest, the greater the chance of opening good things.

And Ron’s rectification this time is the military discipline of a warship.

It’s not a particularly big surveillance job.

So a bronze chest was obtained.

However, Ron is still looking forward to it at the moment.

Because this is his second draw.

This time,

What will be prescribed?

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