The Draco in front of him is becoming more and more incomprehensible.

This is the most confused part of Stussy’s mind at the moment.

When she first received the task.

I thought that I was just accompanying this noble son of the Draco to go down to experience the world and have fun.

But now it seems.

This inspector general is really becoming more and more difficult to see.

The return of life is the most difficult to grasp in the Navy Six Style.

Because it can control the life force.

At the same time, this move is also the strongest in the Navy Six Style.

But even so, even if you master this trick to the highest level.

It can only affect itself.


Stussy is strange here.

The pale green ball of light in the Inspector General’s hand just now.

The burst of life energy.

It actually affected his own self in the distance.

At that time, Stussy could feel that the vitality in his body was awakened.

What exactly is this capability?

Can it affect other people!!!

Dusty watched Ron stay there and not move.

So he said immediately.

“Inspector, we will send you to the Navy headquarters.”

“Please board the ship.”

Then he waved his hand.

The warship moved in this direction.

She has not forgotten that her original mission here was to bring the inspector general to the headquarters of the Navy.

Ron heard

I also eased from the joy of opening the treasure chest.

At the same time,


Seeing this, Stussy immediately said.

“Lead the way.”


Under the crowd of numerous neat queues of the Navy.

Ron boarded.


These naval soldiers started out in exactly the same state of mind as Smogg.

There was some disbelief in this inspector general who suddenly parachuted.

After all, this kind of world government directly sends people to supervise the Navy, which is very offensive to the Navy.


Since Ron showed that punch just now.

The attitude of these guys changed 180 degrees.


It’s all about strength.

The strong are always respected, and no matter what position, this is an unchanging truth.

At the moment,

At least in strength.

Ron has already convinced the Navy.

Initially established its own prestige.

Set sail.

Just boarded the ship.

Ron noticed that the ship seemed to have just gone through a battle.

There were many wounded soldiers lying on the deck.

There is a wail everywhere.

Gunshot wounds, knife wounds, covered in blood.

A large number of medical staff are busy bandaging.

And at the door of the main cabin, there are also a large number of heavy guards.

As if escorting something inside.

Looking at this scene,

Ron frowned a little.

“What’s going on?”

Ron doesn’t yet know the current timeline.

All he knew was that the war had not yet broken out.

But the exact timeline is unclear.


Stussy had just boarded the ship and noticed this scene.

But Ron didn’t speak, and she didn’t dare to ask more.


Stussy was very upset in his heart.

I can’t think of the headquarters of the Navy,

Unexpectedly sent such a broken ship to take over as inspector general.

This is clearly disrespectful to this matter.

It is the dismount of the red fruit fruit.

This lack of attention to the actions of the inspector general

It is dissatisfaction with the world government.

It is even more a blasphemy against Lord Im!

You know,

The Inspector General supervises the work on behalf of the world government.

The Navy dared to greet it with such an attitude.

It’s really unbelievable.

Stussy was furious.

For her,

These wounded soldiers were nothing, and she was angry about the Navy’s attitude towards the inspector general.


It can also be seen from this matter.

The entire Navy is unwelcome to the inspector general.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to greet so hastily.

What a greeting

This is obviously the warship that went out on a mission and returned from a mission, and by the way, brought the inspector general back to the headquarters of the Navy … Nothing more!

It seems that this time, the work of the inspector in the navy is not very good.

Stussy was very angry.

Hearing Ron ask.

Dusty also felt a little overwhelmed.

Before this, she didn’t feel anything.

Because at that time.

She, like Smogg, felt that the inspector general had come to the motions.

It is not really necessary to purge the bad style of the Navy.


They don’t feel there’s anything wrong with their welcoming attitude.

For the airborne world government to send officials, it is already good to be able to come and pick them up.

Anyway, it’s the Lord who doesn’t eat and can’t do anything, just deal with it.

However, judging from the thunderous means of the inspector general to rectify military discipline just now….

Unlike other government officials, he should have really come to rectify the Navy.

Because of this,

Dusty felt that he should not be neglected.

After all,

This is really good for the Navy.

Dusty also hopes that the Navy can eliminate those unhealthy tendencies of brotherhood and brotherhood with pirates, fish, and laziness.

Dusty is not used to seeing these, but she speaks softly.

Don’t dare to care, and don’t have the qualifications to care.


The inspector general can really change all that.

Then, I must fully cooperate with it.

After all, I am a little ashamed

Dusty explained awkwardly


“Actually, we just finished our mission from Alabastan.”

“On the way back.”

“Then received an order from the Marshal of the Sengoku of the Naval Headquarters.”

“Let’s stop by and pick up the inspector and go back together.”

Hear this,

Stussy finally couldn’t sit still.

Pointing to Dusty’s nose,

Drink asked:

“By the way, the inspector general?”

“By the way, you say?”

Ron interrupted Stussy with a wave and said

“Let her finish.”


Stussy, who had just been imposing, instantly whispered.

Only then did Dusty dare to continue:

“These naval soldiers were all wounded in the battles at Alabastan and Klockdar Studio.”

Ron at the moment

Finally figured out the current timeline.


Pointing to the main cabin, he asked.

“That is, it was Klockdar who was escorted here.”

Dusty nodded quickly.

“That’s right.”

“It’s Klockdar, the main culprit.”

“The other accomplices have been escorted back by other fleets.”

Hearing this, Ron asked lightly.

“It is said that you have made great contributions to the elimination of the Seven Martial Seas this time.”

Dusty and Smog looked at each other

Then said:

“That’s right.”

I don’t know how.

The sensitive Dusty noticed that something was wrong with Ron’s face.

It seems to be a little angry.

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