Ron’s move.

Stussy was a little caught off guard.

She didn’t even know that these kingdom guards were actually people from the world government.

It seems,

Before Ron came here, Lord Im had already handed over the command to Lord Ron.

Smog and Dusty are buzzing in their heads until now.

They were mainly surprised at how Ron could control so many classified personnel of the world government.

This is an undercover agent that the world government has installed for more than ten years!

Was it easily removed by Ron?

That doesn’t make sense


Princess Vivi is also a princess of the royal family of Alabastan.

Just like that, without asking the superiors, take her directly away.

Isn’t that not good?

If word goes out that the navy has kidnapped the princess,

That’s not a good name.

Isn’t the inspector always concerned about the reputation of the Navy?

Right at this time.

Ron said unhurriedly;

“As for your reasons for leaving Alabastan.”

“And how to explain it to the people.”

“I think you should be able to make it up yourself!

Hear it here.

Dusty covered her forehead, speechless for a while.

Worthy of being the inspector general

Took people away,

They also let people make up their own reasons to deceive their families.

“Okay, I’ll go with you.”

Princess Vivi sighed helplessly.


In the name of a visit to the Navy,

Inform the old king and the people of Alabastan.

To leave Alabastan for a while.


Step aboard Ron’s warship.

The warship headed for the naval headquarters.

And at the moment,

Ron was exercising in the warship’s training room.

Non-stop training every day has become Ron’s habit.

In the training room of the warship, there is not a lot of training equipment available.

Ron could only settle for it.

After all, his previous training sessions were high weights every time.

And here.

There were no weights that met Ron’s criteria.

The heaviest item that can be found,

It’s only 5,000 pounds.

It’s a huge barbell.

“I’ll use it.”

Ron grabbed the barbell with one hand

Put it in my hand and flip it.

Some are not very satisfied.

However, there is no choice.

Come on.


Ron threw the barbell in the air.

Then take off your top.

A flip.


Caught the bar with his foot.

The action is very silky.


Supported with one arm

Start training.

“… 998,999,1000。 ”

Ron started training with ease.

“One-punch superbody +0.00001%”

“One-punch superbody +0.00001%”

“One-punch superbody +0.00001%”

Training of this level,

The improvement is still too slow.

One set is trained.

Ron continued to carry the barbell on his back and started doing push-ups.


“One-punch superbody +0.00001%”

With the increasing number of one-punch superhuman physiques.

Ron’s workouts are also getting more intense.


Ordinary exercise has no way to meet the increase in physical fitness.

The increase is getting slower.

In the beginning.

Ron does ordinary sit-ups and push-ups, which can improve his physique.


With the improvement of physical fitness, ordinary exercise no longer increases the progress.

You have to bring a load.

So many years.

Ron’s weight is increasing again and again.

Just 10 pounds at first.

Later 100 pounds.

Immediately followed by 1000 pounds.

The weight is getting higher and higher.

“… 998,999,1000! ”

Push-ups are done in one group.

Ron got up and stretched.

Feel your own power.

Although the effect is not very great.

But also a little stronger than yesterday.

Followed by.

Ron started doing squats with his barbell.

In fact, Ron’s daily training is very simple.

Nothing more than squats, sit-ups, push-ups, running….

It’s just,

The weight is amazingly terrifying.

From time to time, Stussy took a towel to wipe Ron’s sweat.

Let’s be honest.

She was shocked at the moment, and she didn’t know how to write the word shock.

Lord Ron’s training,

That’s an exaggeration!

That’s when she remembered when she dived.

The scene where Ron empties the surrounding water with a punch.

I couldn’t help but gasp.


There is a reason why Lord Ron is so strong.

He is obviously a Draco.

He even trained so hard.

It’s so admirable.

Draco people work so hard, what qualifications do they have not to work hard?

Because the training room is on the top floor of the warship.

And the surrounding is transparent glass.


Navy soldiers below,

They all saw this scene.

They even forgot about the job at hand.

They all stayed where they were.

He looked at Ron training stunned.

The impact of this scene on their hearts was too great.

Ron’s training style is simple, direct, and rough.

Let these big-headed soldiers admire it.

And Dusty also completely solved the doubts in his heart.

She had seen Ron dress before and needed someone else to serve.

How did such a person who stretched out his hands and opened his mouth with food have such great strength?

In her mind.

Such a person certainly cannot be trained hard.

But, today saw the way Ron trained

Completely surprised Dusty and unable to speak.

She didn’t expect it

The inspector general does so much high-intensity training every day.

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