Don’t caress, don’t stroke~

Right at this moment.

The phone bug that Princess Vivi was carrying with her suddenly rang.

It was the old king who called.

At the moment,

He was thrilled.

Not even caring about the image of the king.

There excitedly said:

“Vivi! It finally rained in Alabastan. ”

“You don’t know yet, not long after you left, it rained heavily.”


“So that Alabastan finally has water.”

“Don’t be happier for the residents here.”

“Everyone rushed out to get the basin for water.”

“It hasn’t rained in Alabastan for half a year.”

“The land in many places has dried up!”

“There’s simply no way to grow it.”

“It’s finally good now.”

“After this heavy rain, Alabastan came to life completely.”

“I wish you saw all this here, Vivi!”

The old king’s voice choked.

You can see this rain.

How important it is for Alabastan.

And at the moment,

Princess Vivi took a deep breath and said

“Father, I see it.”

This statement came out.

The old king was stunned for a moment, and then said.

“How is this possible?”

“Aren’t you all already leaving with the Navy?”

Princess Vivi didn’t know how to explain it to the old king.

After all, it’s hard to believe.

But she said anyway

“Believe it or not, this heavy rain was caused by the inspector general.”


This matter.

In the surprised eyes of all the naval soldiers, it came to an end.

The warship continued to move towards the naval headquarters


It gave a great shock to the Navy soldiers.

Because Ron found.

These naval soldiers began to imitate their own exercises, consciously or unintentionally.

They can always be seen doing squats, push-ups and sit-ups in various parts of the warship.

It seems that a trend has formed.

The main thing is that the impact that Ron has brought them is too great.


They also found

Ron’s training seems to be simple.

Although said,

They can’t do the same weight training right now as Ron.

But you can start from scratch step by step.

Let’s start with the most ordinary training.

No weight bearing.

Come a little bit,

If you keep training the way Ron trains.

Even if it can’t become so strong as a supervisor

It’s going to get a little more powerful!

This is the truest thought in the hearts of these naval soldiers now.

That’s why they scrambled to imitate Ron exercises

For a while,

Fitness is the sport.

It became popular among the navy.

On deck.

In bed.

At breaks.

Navy soldiers working out can be seen everywhere.

Morale has also improved a lot

Another voyage of more than three hours.

At the moment,

Suddenly a lookout reported.

“Major Smogg, there are pirate ships ahead!”

As soon as I heard the pirates,

Smog was immediately interested.

“Can you see which pirate group it is?”

The lookout observed carefully for another moment before continuing.

“It seems to be the flag of the Whitebeard Pirate Ship.”

“What? You mean whitebeard? ”

“Let me see!”

Smogg immediately snatched the nautical telescope from his hand.

Then looked in that direction.

Sure enough.

Really saw the white-bearded pirate flag.

This time.

Smog only felt his heart pounding.

Did you run into the Whitebeard Buddha-figure?

How could they be here

At this moment, shouldn’t Whitebeard be in the New World?


When Smogg saw it clearly.

That’s when I found out

Not the Whitebearded Moby Dick.

And just a small boat with a white-bearded pirate flag.

A man,

Stand on it.

Small boats are speeding through the sea.

Extremely fast.

And this man,

Smogg knows!

Not so long ago.

He also fought this man in Alabastan.

It is none other than the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace.

Smogg didn’t expect to meet him again here.

What a coincidence!

Didn’t catch him last time.

This time.

He must not be allowed to run any further.

After all,

The Inspector General is here

So this battle has to be fought well.

The Navy cannot be disgraced.

Come to think of it,

Smog immediately came to the inner cabin

Report to Ron:

“Inspector General, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment was found earlier, Fire Fist Ace.”

“He’s alone.”

“I’m ready to attack.”

“Please approve.”

Ron was supposed to take a lunch break here.

Half reclining on a sun lounger.

Close your eyes.

Several maids were pressing Ron’s legs.

Hearing Smogg’s instructions,

There were also some surprises

I didn’t expect to meet Fire Fist Ace here.

Calculate the timeline.

This guy should be going to duel Blackbeard right away, right?

I didn’t expect to be cut off by myself here.

It seems that this guy is not destined to escape the fate of being sent to the Navy.

Since it happened.

Then it is impossible to let go.

Ron opened his eyes.

Then nodded.


“Go ahead,”

“Attack allowed.”

After Smogg was authorized,

Excited enough.

Immediately come to the deck.


“Aim at the boat in front and fire.”

In a flash.

Countless cannons were aimed at the boat.


Simultaneous launch.

The shells in the sky were like a rainstorm.

Poured down in the direction of Ace.

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