Let’s be honest.

Ron also did not expect that he could awaken the overlord color domineering.

The strength of the overlord color domineering is related to strength.

Because Ron’s strength is already very strong now.


The overlord color had just awakened and reached the point of being extremely strong.


Ron felt the power of domineering.

I couldn’t help but sigh.

It turns out that domineering is this feeling.

He didn’t actually use his full strength this time.

Because he was afraid of killing Ace with one punch.

After all,

Ace is also a valuable person.

Leave him alive.

Very useful for planning later.

If he dies.

There will be no way to seduce Whitebeard and start a war on top.

But Ron looked into the distance.

This punch is still not well controlled, and the power is still a little great.

I don’t know where to beat Ace.

“What do you see me doing?”

“Go and get Ace back.”

Ron said to Smogg.


Smog nodded repeatedly.

After this battle.

He thoroughly understood Ron’s horrors.

Although this is not Ron’s first shot.

Ron had also shot two or three times before.

But that’s not against the enemy.

So it’s not very intuitive to watch.

And that’s what it means

Although these navies said that they knew that Ron’s physique was very strong

But I don’t know how strong it is.

But at the moment.

They can see it all.

Especially Smogg.

Because he was involved in the battle the whole time.

He had a total of two battles with Ace.

The first time was in Alabastan.

The second time is here.

The first battle, he did not gain any upper hand.

And this second battle,

He was even more defeated.


Among those present.

Smogg should be the one who knows Ace’s strength best.

The strength that this guy showed just now is worthy of the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It’s really powerful.

There was nothing he could do to fight back in front of him.


Such a powerful person.

But he was directly killed by a punch from the inspector general.

Just a punch!

And look at the inspector general’s relaxed look.

It doesn’t seem to be using its full force at all.

Smogg shook his head

Get rid of the thoughts in your head

Then lead a warship.

In the direction of being flown away,

Burn the wind.

Search for Ace.

And at the moment,

Dusty is properly placing the injured.

These wounded were not wounded in battle with the enemy.

It was Ron’s punch just now.

Because that punch was so fierce.

Strong wind pressure caused some people not to stand firm.

Then fell directly into the sea, and some hit the mast.

There are also some people who are not firm because of willpower.

Stunned by Ron’s overlord-colored domineering.

I’m still sleeping.

In fact, Ron has controlled the scope of the overlord color very well.

After all, he has just awakened, and there are still some unskilled controls.

It was still inevitable to impact some people who were relatively close.

Stusschild was also almost stunned.

She knew Ron wasn’t domineering.

Other words.

The overlord-colored domineering just now has just awakened.

I didn’t expect it to be so powerful just awakened.

Stussy was shocked.

It seems that this inspector general is really talented!

And at the same time,

In the sea at a great distance ahead.

A warship is sailing unfast and slowly.

The bow of a warship is a dog’s head.

On deck.

Place on two sun loungers and a sun umbrella.

A man wears an eye patch

Lie quietly in a chair.

Seems to be asleep.

And on the other chair.

A person is eating potato chips and drinking Coke, which is very pleasant.

One of these two is a pheasant and the other is Karp.

This dog-headed warship is Karp’s exclusive warship.

The two had just set off from the Navy headquarters this morning.

Preparing to travel to the capital of seven waters.

The pheasant is just rubbing a boat.

This trip is mainly for Karp to catch Luffy.

Just the day before yesterday,

A big thing happened

Luffy haunts Justice Island and rescues Nicole Robin.

And after getting the news.

Sengoku was furious.

Prepare to capture Luffy.

Karp’s rare initiative is inquisite.

Take on the task of capturing Luffy.

And the pheasant is also groundbreaking to follow.

Both guys have ghosts in their hearts.

Because this matter is related to both of them.

One because of Luffy and one because of Nicole Robin.

Luffy is now very weak, so Karp must take the initiative to ask Ying to capture Luffy.

After all,

If someone else catches it, what if it catches?

And the pheasant passed because of Nicole Robin.

More than 20 years ago.

It was he who personally released Nick Robin.

In the end, the root of this matter lies in itself.

So he is not at ease either.

Take the initiative to go with Karp.

It’s just,

I don’t know if it’s to give the other party time to recuperate.

These two guys slowed the boat very slowly.

It’s not at all like going to catch people.

It’s like going on vacation.

Just these two old guys were lying under the sun umbrella

When the sea breeze blows comfortably.


The two opened their eyes and got up at the same time.

Followed by.

I felt like there was a huge wave in front of me suddenly.

It was as if something had cut through the sea and sped towards this side.

The two of them are very outstanding when they see and hear domineering.

I sensed this scene in advance.

Just one breath.

It flashed past their ship.

It’s too fast.

So much so that neither of these guys could see what it was.

But paddling the waves created by the sea.

But they almost overturned their warship.

Fortunately, the pheasant can use the ability,

Instantly freeze the entire ship on the sea.

It was fixed abruptly.

At the moment,

The two looked at each other.

“What is it?”

“Do you see clearly?”

Both shook their heads.

“There’s a ship coming ahead.”

A moment later.

Smogg’s warship,

In this direction, it came at full speed.

See Vice Admiral Karp’s ship, at an angle that is about to topple, frozen there.

I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

“If the inspector shifts a little more, I am afraid that he will pierce Vice Admiral Karp’s ship as well.”

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