Mary Joa Central Hospital.

At the moment,

Spandam is recovering inside.

Stay in the most luxurious wards.

The rooms in the ward are larger than the homes of ordinary people.

Dedicated service is available 24 hours a day.

The fruit is peeled.

Eat and be fed.

There are also daily massages.

It’s not too much to say you’re here for a vacation.

It’s a pleasant time to live in it.

Don’t take what you do to heart at all.

Instead, he was still enjoying himself with his father.

“It’s better to have Daddy’s idea!”

“Put all the guilt on CP9.”

“In this way, everything on Justice Island has nothing to do with me.”

“Now the people of the world government all think that CP9 is ineffective and has buried the island of justice.”

“They are wanted now.”

“And, best of all… I also received praise and awards. ”


“These people should be miserable now! Just the last thing they did for me, the chief! ”

“It is also their honor to carry the black pot for me, the chief.”

Spandham enjoyed the fruit that the nurse nurse fed to her mouth.

While facing the person standing by the bed, he laughed.

This person is none other than Spandyne.

Spandam’s father.

Former commander of CP9.

At this time, Spandyne couldn’t help but sneer.

“Of course.”

“The method of throwing the black pot to his subordinates has been tried and tested.”

“Your dad always did this when I was in office, and I was never seen once.”

“In this way, what kind of black pot they will carry, blessed I will enjoy.”

“You kid, you have a lot to learn from me in the future.”

Spandyne had a proud face.

Be proud of your strategy.

“That is, my father will always be something worth learning from!”

“Teach me all these tricks in the future!”

“Let me also experience the experience of deceiving the world government.”

The corners of Spandam’s mouth tilted upwards

A look of ill-intentions.


Father and son looked at each other.

Start laughing out loud.

This is a mutual appreciation that belongs to wolves and bastards.

And just when the two were proud.


The door to the ward was forcefully pushed open.

Several men in black.

Rushed straight in.

Frightened, the little nurses yelled.

“Don’t panic.”

“It’s my own people.”

Spandyne said to several nurses.

He thought it was a former colleague who came to visit.

That’s too unruly, isn’t it?

I don’t know to knock on the door.

Can’t help but be angry:

“You said you didn’t know to knock on the door when you came in.”

“Don’t you know my son is recovering here?”

Spandyne’s tone was somewhat nonchalant.

“Who and your own people?”

“Come and take them all.”

One of the CP0s at the head said.

This statement came out.

Both Spandam and Spandyne felt a little confused.

The two said together.

“Are you confused? Did you catch the wrong person? ”

“Don’t you know me?”

CP0, who was the leader, snorted coldly.

“Of course I know, if I don’t know, what are we going to do, it’s you two who are arrested.”

The voice just fell.

Several men in black rushed directly over.

Directly pinned Spandyne against the wall.


One pulled Spandham off the bed.

Plopped down on the ground.

No mercy at all.

The cold handcuffs were directly buttoned up for the two.

“Are you crazy?”

“I’m the hero of Justice Island.”

“What are you doing?”

Spandam panicked

But still said inwardly.

“It’s the order from above.”

“Don’t ask so much.”

“That’s not what you should ask.”

“You know what you have done.”

“Tell the judge something.”

“Take away.”

CP0, who was the leader, waved his hand and said in an icy tone.

Spandyne and Spandam panicked.

Said while struggling:

“I want to see the five old stars!”

“There must be some misunderstanding about this.”

“Let go of me!”

CP0, who was the leader, snorted coldly


“It’s useless for you to see them.”

“The decision to arrest you was personally ordered by them.”

This one.

Spandam and Spandyne were utterly desperate.

Suddenly, the mood fell to the bottom.

If it was personally ordered by the five old stars

Then they can only take their lives.


They are still puzzled.

Why did things come the way they did?

Isn’t it okay just now?

The World Government only presented him with the Medal for Combat Hero this morning.

Why did it change in the afternoon?

What the hell is going on here?

Spandam asked unwillingly

“Is the Five Old Stars going to dispose of me?”

CP0 held out a finger

Pointed to the sky

Then said in a very awed tone

“It’s someone from above.”

What the?

Spandam was even more confused.

People on top of the five old stars?

Who is this?

I have never heard of it, and there are still people on the five old stars.

When did you mess with someone above?

For the people above, they are an ant!

Even if you want to mess with it, you won’t have a chance to mess with the people above!

At the moment,

The two were already discouraged.

There is no more flying and domineering posture at all.

Suddenly it was lost.

After the Men in Black took Spandyne and Spandam away.

Nurses and sisters in the ward,

I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

Just now they didn’t even dare to breathe.

It’s terrible.

Several little nurses couldn’t help but glance at each other

Then said:

“These two guys have finally been captured.”

“It’s disgusting to see their villain’s face every day.”

“I don’t know which big guy this father and son provoked?”

“This is called the sky outside the sky, let the two of them usually bully people, now they are bullied by others, they deserve !!!”

Looking at the happy appearance of these little nurses, it can be seen how annoying this father and son usually are.


At Ron’s direction.

Spandyne and Spandam parade the streets for half a day in front of the World Government Building.

The purpose is to warn other workers.

Let them take warning.

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