Stussy is not there,

Dusty became Ron’s only secretary.


She should handle it.


Where did Dusty do such a big thing?

Don’t say it’s talking to the five old stars.

She didn’t even have a direct call with the admiral.

So how is it possible to talk to the five old stars.

And the content of the call is still so exciting.


She didn’t even dare to say it.

After all,

She’s not Stussy

If it’s Stussy,

He definitely didn’t hesitate to call the five old stars directly.

After all, Stussy, she knew Ron’s true identity.


She didn’t have to worry about the attitude of the five old stars at all.

Because she didn’t believe that the five old stars dared to have any objections.


Dusty is different.

All she knew was that Ron was the inspector general.

But he didn’t know that Ron was a Draco, and he didn’t know that Ron was Im’s younger brother.


She didn’t know the bottom of her heart.

The five old stars are a high existence in her heart.

That’s the pinnacle of power.

How could it be possible to inform them of the removal of a vice admiral from the post of vice admiral in an imperative tone.

I don’t even dare to think about it!

She’s just a little juncao.


Dusty whispered to Ron

“Supervisor Elder, how can the five old stars listen to me.”

“I… I’m just….”



How dare she.

Want to say what identity you are, what is the identity of others?

Don’t talk about giving orders to people.

I don’t even have the qualifications to talk to the other party!

Ron patted Dustie’s shoulder very gently.

Then said softly.

“It’s okay, as my secretary, you have to get used to it later.”

“Go, reveal your identity when you call the phone.”

“Then, you just have to say that I made you do it, and nothing else.”

Ron’s encouragement.

Gave Dusty a lot of courage.

The little face is flushed,

Grit your teeth.

Then took the phone worm.

Despite some nervousness, fear.

But it still dialed!

It’s like an ordinary village official suddenly calling the UN Secretary-General.

When it was first connected.

It’s when Dusty is most nervous.


On the other end of the phone, came the condescending voice of the five old stars.

“It’s me, Dusty.”

Dusty could feel her voice shaking.

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a moment.

said disdainfully:

“Who is Dusty?”

Dusty was yelled at by this

I was so scared that I almost cried.

At this time,

She remembered Ron’s words about declaring oneself first.

Then said tentatively:

“I’m the secretary of the inspector.”


She wasn’t sure if she had any effect when she said it.

And yet,

To her surprise.

When she just finished saying this.

The attitude on the other end of the phone changed.

It was very tough.


But at the moment.

Direct 180-degree turn.

The tone became respectful

Immediately asked:

“It turned out to be Lord Ron’s secretary.”

“What are Ron’s orders?”

Dusty felt keenly.

Himself and others are generally called supervisors.

That’s because,

The three words of inspector general are superiors for them.

They obey orders because of their status as inspector general.


The five old stars do not call positions,

Instead, it was called Lord Ron.

These two appellations mean different things.

This proves it.

The five old stars obey this position

It’s Ron’s personal identity!

That’s why he called Lord Ron, not Master Overseer.

The difference

Dusty had noticed it before.

It’s just that I didn’t pay attention to it at that time.

Because she found out that there was another person who called it that.

That’s Stussis.

The CP0 who has been following Ron.

This guy seems to call Lord Ron every time.

And rarely called an inspector.

It seems that for them, it is Ron who is more important than the identity of the inspector general.

That is,

It is not the identity of the inspector general that makes them obey orders.

It’s just Ron.

Dusty knew now was not the time to think about it.

Quickly shook his head.


She didn’t get too nervous.

Then directly and tentatively said:

“Inspector General asks you to immediately inform the Warring States that from now on, you will be removed from the post of Vice Admiral Karp.”


When Dusty finished saying this, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

She never imagined

One day, he will speak in this tone for the five old stars.

Let’s be honest.

It’s really exciting.

Can you imagine that one day suddenly pointed at the nose of the leader

Does it feel like to let him do things?

It doesn’t get cooler than this!


I don’t know what the reaction of those five people is now.

Will they be angry?

No matter,

Anyway, I said it myself.

It’s over.

If you are reprimanded, reprimand.

Can command five old stars once,

How many people have this opportunity?

There are no regrets in this life!


At the moment,

In the World Congress Hall.

The five old guys looked at each other.

A confused look.

made a face


Immediately cover the phone worm,

I was afraid that Dusty would hear it.

Then whispered:

“It’s only been your third day as inspector general?”

“Lord Ron is also too ruthless, right?”

“No matter how Karp is also a naval hero, he has a high prestige in the navy.”

“The main thing is that this guy is very strong.”

“If the oppression is too fierce, what should I do if I force this guy to start my hand?”

“Forget it, it’s not something we should consider.”

“Since Lord Ron said so, then we can only do this.”

The five discussed it.

Then let go of the phone worm.

Said to Dusty:

“Understood, let’s do it, reassure Lord Ron.”

When Daschi heard this, she was completely stunned.

She didn’t think of it.

The five old stars really obeyed and did so.

How is this possible?

That’s the five old stars!

I have only heard of the five old stars ordering others.

For the first time, I saw someone order the five old stars.

What is the identity of this Lord Ron?

Daschi didn’t believe that the three words of the inspector general could make the five old stars so obedient.

There must be something else hidden in it.


Dusty couldn’t figure it out either.

Just don’t think about it first

I have to say,

Today she was addicted.

When I thought of my attitude towards the five old stars just now, I was very refreshed.

Dusty couldn’t help but sigh:

Dog fighting… Ah no, the feeling of fox fake tiger power, how good!

After making this call.

Dusty was not nervous or scared at all.

Remembering what Ron said to her earlier:

As my secretary, you have to get used to this later.

At this time, Dusty finally understood

What the inspector general had gotten her used to.


Dusty’s eyes changed when she looked at Ron.

I couldn’t help but sigh with emotion:

No wonder that Stussy guy is on his toes all day.

I see.

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