Chapter 72 Can’t stop Rayleigh, someone supervises the war, the old man is serious!!

This scene.

Shocked all the naval soldiers.

At this moment, they finally cleared.

It turned out that the yellow ape general released water just now.

Therefore, the inspector will beat him up.

It has to be said.

In their hearts, the invincible Yellow Ape General would even have a day to be crushed, and the battle between the two just now was too shocking.

As a result, many people do not react now.

It’s horrible.

The position of strength of the yellow ape in their hearts is too high.

Although this guy always touches the fish.

But no one can deny his abilities.

This is the peak combat power of the Navy.

Window dressing.

But even so.

In front of the inspectors, it is simply vulnerable!

Directly knock it down with one punch.

Everyone is now thinking about that shocking punch.

It’s like a long rainbow.

Soar into the sky.

Fortunately, that punch was punched into the sky.

If it hits the ground.

Everyone had no doubt that they could directly wipe out the entire Chambord Islands.

The yellow ape is really speechless now.

I didn’t expect to be beaten up for this incident today.

This can be said to be a real beating in vain.

If he had known that it was because of this, Ron had been beating himself up.

That yellow ape has long been showdown.

Anyway, he and Renly are not acquainted.

If the inspector general just allowed himself to beat Renly.

Then you just say it.

Why do that?

You came up and beat the old man without saying why?

Not to say why.

It was inexplicable to call the old man.

The result told the old man, just to make the old man hurry up when he hit Renly, what’s so difficult about this?

Say it early!

Is it okay for you to say no at the beginning?

At the beginning, you said that the old man promised you at the beginning.

Why bother?

This is for the old man.

The bones all over my body hurt like they were broken.

I don’t know how you control the force.

The yellow ape could feel it, if Ron was serious at the time.

Then just that punch, and you’re finished.

If it is an ordinary punch, it is okay, after all, he is a natural demon fruit, so it is said that there is no entity.

Physical attacks are useless for him.

No matter how powerful your physical attack is.

Even if you can knock the planet out with one punch.

There is also no way to harm those with the ability of the natural Devil Fruit.

So at first, the yellow ape was actually not so afraid of Ron.

No matter how strong this guy is, it’s not that he can’t help himself.

But this guy will be armed, and it is not the same as the color domineering.

Plus the perverted power of this guy.

That’s a real fight, you can kill yourself with one punch!

And after the battle just now, the yellow ape has used its own practice to verify this possibility.

In other words, through the punch just now, the yellow ape already felt that he would definitely be killed, and if it weren’t for Ron’s hand, this punch would not be just a state of pain.

Let’s be honest.

The current yellow ape really feels that his body is full of abnormal pain.

He didn’t want to feel that way anymore.

Although this punch did not beat the yellow ape to the point that he did not dare to touch the fish.

But he did not dare to release water.

Other words.

In this battle.

It doesn’t matter what he is Kapu’s grandson, or Dorag’s son, or what sun god he is.

To hell with it all!

The old man still has to save his own life, and the old man can’t control the lives of others.

No, why did this inspector general also know that Renly would come over in a while?

How did he know? He didn’t see domineering.

He also did not read the script.

How did he know Renly would come over?

In fact.

There is really a script for this matter.

There was a passage between Yellow Ape and Renly.

So the yellow ape knew that Renly would come, and the yellow ape also knew that he would come and stop him.

So he just lifted his leg for so long a day.

Just to wait for Reilly to appear.

It’s just that Renly didn’t appear at the scheduled time.

That’s what it led to.

The yellow ape raised his leg for a long time just now, but he didn’t wait for the opponent to play.

Only I was left to act awkwardly there.

Then it was discovered by the inspector general who oversaw the war.

But all this is extremely hidden.

The few calls that the yellow ape made when he first landed on the island were not actually to find Zhan Taomaru.

Instead, Rayleigh was in contact with him.

This matter was Renly taking the initiative to contact the yellow ape.

It is so that when the time comes for the yellow ape to strike at the straw hats, he will not be ruthless.

Let him delay a little time and wait for him to come over, in fact, the yellow ape and Renly are not very familiar.

But after all, they are all strong and have been contacted.

And Renly knows the character of the yellow ape very well.

I know that this guy has always carried out ambiguous justice.


Only then did Renly have the confidence to contact the yellow ape and ask him to cooperate.

Renly offered the condition to release Orochimaru a horse, and then in exchange for the yellow ape to let Luffy them go.

That’s the condition that Renly made this call.

The reason why Orochimaru has not appeared now is because he has been controlled by Renly.

I have to say that Renly is worthy of being the deputy captain of One Piece.

Before doing anything.

All are well prepared.

That is, when he knew that there was a naval general in the Chambord Islands.

First, the comer was identified.

When it was known that it was a yellow ape.

Renly couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Secretly rejoice.

Luffy was saved this time.

Because yellow apes are much easier to talk to than red dogs.

Renly immediately thought of how to save Luffy from the hands of the yellow ape general.

Reilly knows more about yellow apes.

Knowing that this guy is not bad for his subordinate Zhan Momomaru.

Therefore, Reilly controlled Orochimaru in the first time.

And take this to negotiate conditions with the yellow ape.

In fact, Reilly didn’t know that from the beginning, the yellow ape planned to put the straw hat gang.

And when the yellow ape received this call and heard this condition.

Because it coincides with its own purpose.

So I went along the water and pushed the boat down.

It is also to protect Zhan Taomaru.

Cooperate with Reilly and play a match.

Take a look at the acting.

By the way, you can also shirk your responsibility.

Blame the Straw Hats for the escape of the Straw Hats to his subordinates to Renly.

Why not?

Although the yellow ape guy said that he looked obscene.

But it’s actually very smart.

It just so happened that Renly took the initiative to contact him, and also let him find a person to dump the pot.


He let the Straw Hat gang go for no reason, and some couldn’t say anything.

After all, he is a naval admiral.

It is the highest combat power of the Navy.

Comparable to the existence of the four emperors.

Someone of his strength.

It’s all too easy to catch the Straw Hats.


If you let them run away under them.

No one believes it.

It will definitely arouse suspicion.

Before the yellow ape was still distressed.

How can this gang run away logically?

And after Renly made this call and got in touch with him.

The yellow ape instantly found a candidate to throw the pot.

He didn’t understand why Renly also had to save Luffy and the group.

But it doesn’t really matter.

Since this guy offered to come and rescue.

Then I happened to accompany him to perform the play.

By the way, throw the black pot of escape from the Straw Hats gang on him.

After all, how could he say that he was also the deputy captain of One Piece?

If he was here to rescue, it would be much more reasonable for Luffy and his group to escape.

This is also the main reason why the yellow ape agreed so quickly.

It can be said to be a win-win cooperation.


Now this cooperation has changed because of Ron’s appearance.

It’s clear.

After Ron’s lesson to the yellow ape just now.

The yellow ape did not dare to accompany Renly to act anymore.

Just now the inspector general has already said, let him solve the battle with Renly quickly.

So fight for a while.

You can’t go according to the script.

There is no way around this.

In order not to be beaten up again by Ron.

The yellow ape decided to beat Renly first.

It can also be regarded as a position for Ron.

Reilly at this moment.

I don’t know about it yet.

I didn’t know that the yellow ape guy had changed his mind.

At the moment, he is on his way to the breeze.

Because everything is already going according to his plan.

So he believes.

The yellow ape guy must be waiting for him to come and rescue the Straw Hat gang.

Before coming yourself.

The yellow ape will not hit the people of the Straw Hats gang hard.

Everything will be rehearsed according to their script.

Wait until he goes over and pretends to stop the yellow ape.

Then they looked like each other for a while.

Take the opportunity to let go of the Straw Hats.

Then he released the war peach pill himself.

Again, it’s the best of both worlds.

Everything went according to his plan, in an orderly manner.

It’s just that the only thing that has happened is.

Just now, I was delayed because of some things.


My own appearance was a little later than scheduled.

But this should be harmless.

Because he believes.

The yellow ape guy must be stalling for time in place.

Wait for yourself to come and rescue Luffy.

In fact, what Rayleigh expected was good.

There was nothing wrong with his plan.

The only variable, that is, the only accident, was Ron’s appearance.

Break all his plans.

Yellow Ape is also performing at Renly’s request, but one person is missing from his script.

That’s Ron.

Ron taught the yellow ape a lesson.

Let this guy “change the evil” off the script.


All this Renly doesn’t know yet.

He also thought that the yellow ape would act with him later.

Renly was flying close to the ground and hurrying, extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, they have come to the Straw Hats.

Sure enough, at this moment, the yellow ape was preparing to make a move there.

Renly couldn’t help but secretly said: It seems that this guy is quite committed to his word.

Sure enough, I delayed time here, waiting for the old man to appear, right?

That’s just right.

The old man is here, and the plot can begin.

See that everything goes relatively smoothly.

So Reilly did not notice the yellow ape’s expression at the moment.

At this time, the yellow ape’s expression was not waiting for him to come over and act.

It’s about beating Renly!

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