Chapter 82 Karp returns to the team, Ron inspects before the war!!

The Pheasant has been ordered by Ron to find the Hades since the Capital of the Seven Waters was separated from Ron.

Sure enough.

Under the guidance of a feng shui compass.

I really found the Hades hidden in Alabastan. I have to say that this ship is really super handsome.

The entire hull seems to be covered with armed color domineering. Pitch black as ink.

It looks incredibly solid.

The cannon in the middle, the entire barrel is ~ as thick as a warship. This shot goes down.

Eliminating a country is easy. At this moment, the Hades is docked in the port of the naval headquarters. All the Navy soldiers looked stupid.

Where have you ever seen such a big ship? That’s ten times larger than their warship, and more than that. It’s like walking on a mountain on the sea. The hull is brand new, and it doesn’t look at all like an ancient weapon from 800 years ago.

This is enough to prove that the material used in this ship is extremely rare, not only extremely strong, but also resistant to erosion over time.

Like gold.

“This is the legendary Hades? It is said that one shot can take out a country”

“It’s terrifying, for the first time I feel so small.”

“It is said that this was found by the inspector general.”

“That’s an exaggeration, isn’t it?”

“That is, from now on, this Hades will be our inspector general?”

In an instant, word spread throughout the navy. Even the Warring States couldn’t help but stop and watch.

“I didn’t expect that this kind of thing really existed, and the inspector general could even get it.”

“With this ship, even if Whitebeard comes, you can make him cry with one shot”

Chi Inu carefully touched the pitch-black hull, and suddenly felt weak, and then couldn’t help but exclaim: “Marshal of the Warring States, it is a material similar to sea floor stone.” ”


At this moment, the pheasant also came to Ron’s office.

The details of the mission of this line were reported to Ron. Ron nodded in satisfaction.

“You did a good job this time, go down, and prepare for the top war.”

“Whitebeard should be here in the next few days.”

The pheasant left Ron’s office, never expecting that just a few days after he left, the navy had undergone earth-shaking changes.

As soon as he came back, he was going to hit Whitebeard.

This inspector general is really resolute and unusual. Subsequently.

Ron went down to check on the Hades himself and found that the ship was indeed different.

No wonder even if they get the design drawings, they can’t make it. This is no longer a problem with design drawings.

It is the material of shipbuilding, which cannot be made with today’s technology.

The whole ship is made of the same material as the black knife. That’s terrifying, isn’t it?

However, Ron was still very satisfied with the shape of the ship. Handsome and domineering.

It happens to be very suitable as your own car. At this moment, Stussy came to report: “Lord Ron, Vegapunk has asked to meet. ”

“Oh, it’s so good, I was about to go to him.”

Ron nodded.

Gesturing for him to come. A moment later, a scientist in a white coat walked in.

It is none other than the most talented scientist in the pirate world, Vegapunk. As soon as Vegapunk came, he asked straight to the point: “Inspector Chief, can I see your special combat uniform?” ”

Vegapunk didn’t know what it was, so he could only call him a combat suit for the time being.

Because of this thing, his old guy is also engaged in it. Before, when their experimental team was still there.

One of them, Vince Mock Qiangzhi, is engaged in this thing. He is also working on combat uniforms.

It’s just that it’s obviously not as powerful as the inspector general. Look at Vegapunk’s curious gaze.

Ron smiled and said, “Why not? ”


Ron removed the small box from his chest and threw it into Vegapunk’s hand.

Vegapunk studied for half a day. While scratching his head, he sighed.

“That’s awesome!”

“At least I won’t be able to study it in 200 years.”

“What the hell is this technology?”

“I never thought I would encounter something so fanatical in my lifetime.”

“It’s been too long since anything ignites my passion.”

Vegapunk held the nano suit and watched intoxicatedly. It has to be said that scientists’ obsession with the unknown is really unimaginable.

“Can you make it?”

Ron asked lightly.

“Can’t! This thing is so complicated that I don’t even know what material he made of. ”

Vegapunk sighed.

“I have drawings here, you take a closer look, can you copy this kind of thing according to the drawings.”

“Really? Are there really drawings? ”

“If that’s the case, I, Vegapunk, would like to worship you as a teacher.”

As a scientist, he knew how confidential such drawings were. And this inspector general in front of him was able to give him unreservedly. This kindness.

It’s just a master and apprentice!

Only the master will pass on this precious thing to the apprentice without reservation. Now.

The crazy Vegapunk actually knelt directly to Ron on the spot, and then worshiped the teacher.

This move also made Ron jump.

“What are you doing?”

“Master Superintendent, this kind of technology is completely out of my grasp, you teach him to me, you are my master.”

“No matter what, I will worship you as a teacher!”

Perhaps it belongs to the scientists’ attachment and obsession with the unknown! Ron didn’t stop him either, take an apprentice, take an apprentice.

If he could produce this kind of thing in quantity, it would be distributed to these naval soldiers.

Let them have the ability to wear: “combat uniform”, which is not more powerful than Djerma 66?

Although these mass-produced nanosuits are castrated versions. Nor can it be restored indefinitely.

However, after these naval soldiers wear them, they can directly improve their combat effectiveness. Vegapunk took a dozen drawings that Ron had given him and left the place excitedly.

Jump as you walk along the way. You can see how good the mood is.

This abnormal move made Warring States and others feel a little surprised when they saw it. How did this old guy get into the inspector general’s office and become like this after he came out.

It’s so weird.

Usually Vegapunk is not smiling, and everyone has an indifferent expression.

Why are you so excited today?

Later, when Sengoku asked, he learned that it turned out that Vegapunk had defeated the inspector general as a division.

This once again shocked the Warring States beyond words.

Of course he knows, what kind of person is Vegapunk? As a first scientist.

His IQ is naturally unparalleled.

So he always looks proud. No one can look at it.

I think that no one in the world is as smart as him.

However, it was such a person who this time actually worshipped the inspector general as a teacher. It’s incredible.

What kind of skills does this inspector general have? Why is it so confusing?

It took less than half a month to come to the headquarters of the Navy. As if it buys people’s hearts.

Not only let the two generals of the green pheasant and the yellow ape obey him. He can even make Vegapunk worship him as a teacher.

Even Lieutenant General Karp, who was fired by him, was grateful to Ron for waking him up. Sengoku couldn’t help but become curious about Ron.

In the afternoon, Ron went to inspect the Navy soldiers who were practicing the Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist.

After this burst of training, most of them have mastered 30% of the flowing water crushing rock fist.

That is to say, it has reached the power of three layers, and I have to say that this is very powerful.

Moreover, Ron has popularized the Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist, and in addition to his own guards, other people are also training.

The talent of C.P9 is relatively high, and this period has reached more than eighty percent.

Their strength has increased several times.

Now how strong the combat effectiveness of the entire navy is, Ron has no way to specifically estimate.

Sengoku looked at the way the recruits were training, and couldn’t help but gasp.

The strength of these guys is growing every day at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Because soon there will be a head-on war with Whitebeard. Ron tried to improve the combat effectiveness of the navy as much as possible, so he inspected the navy every day.

Knowing the progress of the Navy’s training, Ron went to inspect the construction of fortifications again.

Led by Peach Rabbit.

Ron also made some suggestions for building in passing.

“The progress is okay.”

Ron nodded approvingly.

“Inspector General, because of the grant you applied for last time, the Navy now has a lot of budget, so you don’t have to care about money when you build it, so the progress is much faster.”

Peach Rabbit said immediately.

For Ron to fully support them in terms of money, Peach Rabbit, the financial steward of the naval headquarters, is naturally extremely grateful.

Any previous operation of the Navy was stretched, all the budget was province-by-province, how to frugally how to come.

However, since Ron, the inspector general, arrived, every time the Navy was budgeted, the world government was very fast.

“There are still two days before the execution of Ace, presumably Whitebeard should be coming soon.”

Ron muttered. After some of his inspections.

It turned out that the preparation of the Navy was already adequate. And at this time, Karp also returned to the team.

Since the last time he was taught by Ron.

Karp was deeply aware of his mistake. And visit the Navy soldiers who were injured by Luffy. After a visit along the way.

He felt deeper.

I also know that as a pirate, even if it is his grandson, he should not release water on him.

This is not responsible for the lives of all naval soldiers. As soon as Karp returned to headquarters, he came directly to see Ron.

“Inspector General, Karp requests to return to the team!”

“Have you figured it all out?”

Ron said lightly.

“The old man thinks clearly, when he meets Luffy again, the old man will definitely not show mercy to his subordinates.”

Karp said very seriously.

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