Chapter 100 The time has come to test the old man’s acting skills!!

“Luffy, I will use my ability to send you directly to the execution table, which is the most difficult and dangerous for others to break through.”

“But it’s the safest place for you.”

“Your grandfather won’t really do anything to you, only you can get through this last hurdle.”

“If you want to save Ace, this is the only way.”

Dorag faced the direction of the naval headquarters and said in a deep voice.

And at the same time.

The southwest wind on the sea changed direction in an instant. 180 degree rotation.

It turned into a northeast wind, and the entire revolutionary army fleet suddenly turned around and began to slowly advance towards the naval headquarters.

Luffy was standing at the bow of the ship at the moment.

Showing rows of big white teeth, rubbing his fists, he grinned: “Ah, if I can rescue Ace, no matter how difficult it is, I will go.” ”

Dorag’s face that had been slapped by the sole of his shoes couldn’t help but show the same smile.

It has to be said.

The teeth of the Monchid family are really good, ancestral big white teeth, neat and beautiful. Looking at the actions of the father and son standing on the bow of the ship, the shemale king Ivankov couldn’t help but widen his eyes, and then said: “Dorag, you are crazy, this can be a war.” It is the final showdown between the Navy and Whitebeard. ”

“Are you just letting Luffy go up, is he your own son?”

Dorag looked serious, and the corners of his mouth rose and said, “Don’t worry, I trust Luffy.” ”

“I also believe in Karp, that old man, who is reluctant to fight Luffy.”

Ivankov sighed helplessly, they came out this time, on the one hand, to help Luffy save Ace, on the other hand, the main reason was also to save Bassolomi Bear. So, no matter what, they have to rush to the execution table.

But it was Karp who guarded the execution table, doubling the difficulty, and he was there alone, which can be described as a husband and a husband.

At this time, Saab suddenly walked out, “Saab!!! ”

Luffy said excitedly that he also learned that Saab was still alive after being beaten by Big Bear and flying to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

It was this meeting that happened.

Let Saab’s memory be restored in an instant.

“Luffy, we will definitely rescue Ace.”

Luffy nodded.

“If Ace saw you alive, he would be very happy.”

At this time, the four captains of the revolutionary army also walked up.

The Navy destroyed their headquarters, so the four captains were urgently summoned back.

The revolutionary army has gathered all the combat strength of the moment.

“Leader Dorag, is that Karp really so strong, is it true that no one can break through except Luffy?”

“I still don’t recommend letting Luffy take risks, it’s better for me to be in charge of rescuing, my flying machine breaks through in the air, the odds of victory should be greater.”

These army commanders began to persuade.

“I know the old man, guess how many punches he can hold off Luffy?”

“Chief, did you ask the opposite?”

In the center of the battlefield, at this moment, the yellow ape was kicked by Ron in front of Whitebeard. I felt Ron’s gaze staring at him behind his back, so he couldn’t fight if he didn’t fight!

Even if you are facing the strongest man in the world. The yellow ape crooked his mouth, touched his chin, and said in his heart:

It’s okay to let the old man work hard, don’t let the old man work hard! In the face of Whitebeard, this is fatal.

The inspector general is trying to get by with the old man.

Huang Ape felt that the inspector general might be a little partial to the three generals. Lately I always feel like I’ve been targeted.

Right at this moment.

Suddenly, a blue flame seemed to be reborn from the ashes. Straight up from the ground.

The eagle roared into the sky, and two pairs of blue wings waved vigorously.

In an instant, a huge wind pushed towards the ground. Suddenly, there was sand and dust.

A wind pressure even blew all the surrounding naval soldiers away. It is none other than the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Ship, the undead bird Marko. The yellow ape was stunned when he saw this scene.

Wasn’t this guy handcuffed by himself with a hailou stone? How do you say let him break free?

After handcuffing Marko with Hailou Stone, the yellow ape let the navy soldiers watch over Marko.

But he never expected that this guy would escape. How is this done?

It is clear that he is a fruit ability, why can he escape when he is handcuffed by Hailou Shi?

Not good! When I think of this.

The yellow ape suddenly felt a chill in his spine.

This guy ran away, the inspector general won’t think that the old man deliberately let him go, right?

The yellow ape has been beaten out of PTSD.

So when Marko escaped, the first thing he thought of was whether Ron would misunderstand him for releasing water.

Sure enough.

As Marko broke free from his handcuffs and soared into the sky. Ron’s expression changed.

Even without looking back, the yellow ape could feel the gaze behind him and became cold.

This icy feeling made his spine chill. Finished!

The yellow ape said darkly.

How can I explain it now?

Abominable Marko, how the hell did this guy escape?

When is it bad for you to escape, but when the old man plays against Whitebeard! The sweat on the yellow ape’s forehead flowed out.

He didn’t want Ron to be mistaken for deliberately letting Marko go. Sure enough.

What should have happened or happened!

I saw Ron roaring in the back: “Yellow Ape.”! ”

When the yellow ape heard this, his old face full of folds couldn’t help but twitch. Suddenly turned back.

Immediately embarrassed to explain: “Huh? ”

“This time it really has nothing to do with the old man.”

“The old man really didn’t release water!”

The yellow apes are about to cry!

This time he was really wronged, and this matter really had nothing to do with him. If the previous few times it was because he wanted to touch fish, then this time it was really an accident.

He also didn’t figure it out, how the hell did Marko escape?

It could only be that among Whitebeard’s men, there were geeks who could make keys. However, Ron did not reprimand him for releasing the water. Instead, he said angrily: “As a admiral, don’t you know?” What should I do after capturing an enemy general? ”

“Not only did you not strictly supervise him, but you even casually threw him aside.”

The yellow ape was stunned.

He did not expect that this time the inspector general would believe that he did not release water. This is really unexpected.

He thought he would be misunderstood this time.

But fortunately, as long as the inspector general believes that he did not release water. To Ron’s reprimand.

The yellow ape is also confused.

What should I do after capturing an enemy general?

Looking at the yellow ape’s dumbfounded expression, Ron was even more angry. At this moment, he was sitting on the top of the high command platform.

I saw Ron directly take out a slipper.

In the side of the Sengoku widened eyes and incredible expression… Those who hate iron and steel are directly thrown on the yellow ape.

With an armed color domineering supreme slippers. With a brush, it spun rapidly in the air, and in an instant he came to the yellow ape a hundred meters away.

The yellow ape didn’t have time to react.

He hadn’t even seen what it was. Only a snap was heard, and the slippers were directly pasted on his face.

The yellow ape only felt a hot pain in his entire right cheek. Touch it with your hands.

Only then did I find out that it was a pair of slippers, all of which were glued to my face. Yellow Ape: “………”

The yellow ape was about to cry, and this was the first time in his life that he was hit in the face by slippers. It’s really pain!


And at this moment, Dorag, who was watching this scene from a distance, couldn’t help but be shocked.

Subconsciously touched the left side of his face, as if remembering the unbearable past.

All the pirates in the audience looked stupid, this bald head hit his own people and what to throw around.

At this time, Ron sat back in his chair.

Then he seemed to be speaking to the yellow ape, but he was actually speaking to all the navies at the scene.


“To these pirates who launched an attack on us.”

“If we fight on land, kill them on land, and if we fight in the sea, drown them in the sea.”

“In this battle, there are no captures, only kills.”

“When you catch the other party’s senior general, don’t forget to mend the knife for me!”

“If you are like the yellow ape again, if you let the other party escape because you don’t mend the knife, you will be severely punished.”

As soon as Ron’s words fell, countless naval soldiers immediately cheered!

“Inspector General!!! mighty”

This is so relieving.

Dealing with these heinous pirates is the most painful way.

Save them every time they have to entertain pirate captives alive, and look at them angry.

And at this moment, the Warring States standing next to Ron couldn’t help frowning. Then he said: “I’m afraid it won’t work, it’s the job of Justice Island to try them, we don’t have the power to do it, we can only arrest them.” ”

Ron shook his head. The tone is very serious.

“In troubled times, the pirates are taking the initiative to attack us.”

“Where is the majesty of the Navy if this situation is not solved by them on the spot? At this time, if you don’t stand up, won’t a random little furry thief dare to attack our naval headquarters? ”

“Moreover, if they are only captured, then if they escape, they will also cause secondary damage to the navy.”

“I don’t want to joke about the lives of soldiers.”

When these pirates dare to launch an attack on the headquarters of the Navy, then the trial will be superfluous, they are already a death sentence.

Sengoku sighed, he couldn’t find a word to refute Ron. And at this very time.

Marko, who flew into the air, looked in the direction of Whitebeard and couldn’t help but laugh: “Daddy! I’m going to get Ace back. ”

The whitebeard couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth.

It is worthy of being the captain of his own team, and he is really not so easy to be caught by the enemy.

Then, Marko flapped his wings vigorously in the direction of the execution table.

The whole person was like an off-string bow and arrow, with a light blue flame, and rushed directly to the direction where Ace was.

Now it’s in the air.

Dad restrained the yellow ape, so no one could stop him.

“Ace, I’m coming!”

Marco gulped.

At this moment, Karp was holding his hands to his chest, sitting on the execution table with his head bowed. Let Marko approach.

Until Ron called out softly.


“Solve him.”

The entire board is controlled by Ron.

Ron’s order was like an activation charm. Karp instantly raised his head and clenched his fists.

He had a hunch that Luffy was coming soon, and the time to test his acting skills had come to change.

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