Chapter 228 is the rule set by Inspector Ron, do you have an opinion!!

Bucky the Clown is still triumphant at the moment.

After all, as long as you figure out that you are a regular company, then you don’t have to be afraid of the navy.

No matter what, the Navy will not be able to take their regular company. Otherwise, the Navy would not be one of those innocent people.

Just make a fuss about this yourself.

The other party has nothing to do with themselves. Come to think of this.

The clown leads the fleet, marches with his head held high and sails in a straight line. I even wanted to go over and say hello to the Navy.

Right at this moment.

Suddenly, I found a fleet on the left and right. Bucky the Clown was stunned.

He then immediately ordered his men to bring the binoculars. This does not look at the unknown, look at the frightened.

On the left is the fleet led by Admiral Yellow Ape. On the right is the fleet led by Admiral Akainu.

“What? Navy, what is this for? ”

Bucky the Clown was stunned.

The third brother of the candle man suddenly said, “Shouldn’t it be coming to arrest us?” ”

“Stop! How is this possible, we are a regular company! ”

Bucky the clown was already a little panicked in his heart.

And at this time, the subordinates of those escaped prisoners began to coax again.

“Boss Bucky, it’s you!”

“The navy will send two admirals to deal with you!!!”

“Yes, it must be because the Warring States know a big gun and can’t deal with Boss Bucky!”

“Only when two generals go up together will they have a chance to win the boss!”

“But they still underestimate the boss, even if it is two naval generals, the boss will not be afraid!” Right, boss! ”

Bucky has a black line on his face, God TMD is not afraid of the two big futures, can he not beat one of them?

What a joke, these are two admirals. Who can deal with two admirals on this sea? These little brothers also think too highly of themselves.

Don’t follow the blind hey.

What if these two admirals hear it in a moment?

The most important thing now is to quickly explain to the Navy that they are a regular company. Instead of clashing with the Navy.

“Boss, hurry up and give the order! Let’s finish off these navies! ”

“Yes, I have long stopped looking at them unpleasantly! This time they can be regarded as throwing themselves into the net! ”

“Order, boss!”

These escaped prisoners are now very excited.

Only Bucky and a few of his cadres were trembling with fear at the moment. What a joke, don’t die.

A naval fleet of this size runs rampant on the sea, who dares to take the initiative to provoke.

I don’t want to live.

“Bring me a communication phone worm, I want to talk to the Admiral!”

Bucky immediately said, “Great, boss, this is going to fight with the Navy!” ”

These subordinates said excitedly.

Bucky was speechless, the phone was connected, this belongs to the short-range communication telephone, just like a walkie-talkie, as long as it is within a certain distance on the sea, you can directly dial the opposite phone.


Sengoku stood at the bow of the ship, of course he knew that it was the clown who called.

“Marshal of the Warring States, what does your navy mean by this, we are just regular merchant ships, serious companies, why did you send two generals to surround us!”

Bucky said hurriedly.

I’m afraid the Navy won’t know they’re a regular company. And then hit the wrong person.

“I know.”

Sengoku said lightly.

“Now that you know, don’t let these two generals withdraw!”

Bucky the Clown was immediately overjoyed.

However, Warring States said coldly.

“But you were pirates before, I’m really sorry, we just made new rules, as long as you were pirates before, then you must get rid of it!”


The clown Bucky was stunned, and his face directly turned pale.

“When was this rule? Who sets the rules? How did I not know”

“Ah, it was just decided by Inspector Ron, and it’s not too late for you to know now.”

Toot toot.

When Sengoku finished saying this, he hung up the phone. Bucky the clown plopped, sitting directly on the ground.


“That Ron again! Damn it! ”

“It’s over… Finished. ”

Right at this moment.

Suddenly, the left and right navies began to attack. Bang bang bang.

A fleet on both sides of the Bucky Pirates, a clown, was all hit hard.

“Little ones! Offensive! ”

Bucky knew that it was useless to say anything at this time.

It is better to take the opportunity to let these outlaw subordinates make a way to live first. Anyway, they are excited now.

Then take the opportunity to escape yourself. Sure enough. When Bucky finished ordering.

These subordinates began to get excited. Shouted loudly, holding up his weapon.

“Great! Kill the Navy no! ”

“Kill the navy, we are One Piece!”

“Worthy of being the boss! We didn’t follow the wrong person! ”

Bucky’s old face darkened, these guys still don’t know the horror of the Navy.

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