Mark of the destiny

Chapter 10: Drunk Suyin

Hearing the familiar name, Zhao Suyin stiffened. She knew it very well what kind of species Hui Guozhi was! How cunningly he got his daughter married to Qi Wren within a month of her divorce.

Qi Industries comes under the top twenty companies of the country, their power was definitely undeniable. Moreover, Qi Wren doesn't shy away from using illegal means to get work done.

Ex Secretary-General Chao Bojing was highly experienced with over three decades of experience and had faced many challenging situations, yet they were able to suppress him to the extent of forcing him to take retirement.

It explains how ruthless their methods must be!

Since Hui Guozhi did everything under the cover of Qi Industries, it's easier for the later to decline the claims because of no evidence while Guozhi continued making the life of those old women miserable.

Zhao Suyin closed her eyes momentarily and forced to control herself before looking at Long Tao. "Have they approached us for help?"


"Media coverage?"

"No use! Qi Industries have already cleared that they are not interested in that piece of land, making the case looks like those women are making false claims to get money-"

"Enough!" She stopped him mid-way, her eyes swept with a cold gaze, "Get the lawyers; draft a statement of every woman and sent a notice to Qi industries and Hui Guozhi ASAP."

Long Tao eyes sparkled. If she could solve it, he would know-two three times. He saw her walking out of the office.

"Mam, are you going somewhere?"

"WE are going for SHOPPING."


Next day….

In the night, three men walked into a construction site, carefully stepping onto the debris scattered everywhere.

All of them wore rugged clothes as dust lay thick on them, giving it a depressing dirt grey color.

Wuxiaworld for visiting.

One of them had a short goatee with dust trapped, making him scratch it continuously while the other man had crooked teeth and a streak of blue in hair peeking out from the dark hoodie and a jute bag hanging on the shoulder. The two were taller compared to the third man, who had delicate features, rough hair like a bird's nest and dark chapped skin and lips.

Walking, they came across a group of five men chatting and sat down at a distance away from them.

The shortest man with chapped skin and lips waved his hand, showing a cheeky smile, "Don't mind man, got tired working our asses in loading cement bags."

"Yeah, just a little rest and some drinks, we won't bother you." The other man added, scratching his goatee.

The third and the youngest one opened his jute bag to take out a few bottles of cheap alcohol and glasses. It instantly attracted the other group.

"No problem, you can stay until morning. But mind sharing drinks with us, we don't have any today." He asked shamelessly.

Initially, they wanted to shoo them away, but alcohol made them greedy!

"Come, come, we are brothers." The man with a crooked smile poured alcohol in the glasses and opened a packet of peanuts too.

"Yeah, after all we belong to the same category. Daily wage labors at the construction site!" The man with chapped skin and lips took a sip, mocking their professions of being labors.

"This bitch is so good, give me more." A man from the other group swayed in the pleasure of free alcohol and raised his glass. "Ah! What did you say....ah! Labors!? HAHAHA….. Do we look like labors? No! We are here for a special purpose."


"Haha… yeah…. Special purpose to trouble those women living in that housing society." Another man added, pointing his glass at a direction. "Buddy pour more, don't be petty."

The man with a crooked smile didn't mind and keep on adding the drinks…..

"Our boss wants that house. But these stubborn widows are so annoying, bloody whores."

"Pitthooo…..Already they are half inside the coffin, yet holding onto the property as of it will go with them after death. F*ck th*m."

The two tall men shared a secret glance.

Chapped skin man smirked, half-drunk, "Why bother about that tiny piece of land, your boss already have this." She patted the dusty floor.

"Naah! We don't work for Qi industries, but H-Hui…. Ahhh!" Before he could take the full name a man by his side smacked him hard, holding a finger against his lips, "Shhhhhhh….. S-Secret….."


The group of three left the group of five after making sure they were deep in sleep.

"Good job everyone." Zhao Suyin takes off her fake wig and loosened her bun as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"But we didn't get the name. They were too smart." Long Tao continued scratching his goatee.

"Yes mam, and we couldn't stress much to not let ourselves be exposed." The intern she selected for the mission voiced out. He was still high, thinking he did something as cool as this. Wow!

Live adventure!

"So what? I have a half name 'Hui', and only we know the truth that it's half. Manipulation is easy guys!" Suyin winked. She shifted her gaze at a certain direction, looking for someone, "Why is he not here yet? And Long Tao stop scratching, you are irritating me."

Long Tao "…."

'Isn't it your fault to add so much of makeup in my goatee?'

"There he is." The intern pointed out as another intern came running like a child who has won first prize in a race.

Zhao Suyin: "Is the work done?"

"All set!"


In the middle of the night, Zhao Suyin was walking on the road, a little tipsy. Her alcohol tolerance was zero, a while ago she had shared a few sips of the strong alcohol to make her acting look original.

The two interns lived nearby at a rented apartment, so they left Long Tao and Suyin when the task was over, covering the distance on foot.

On the other hand, Long Tao volunteered to drop Suyin but on the way he started scratching himself like a monkey infected with fleas.

Afraid he might cause an accident, Suyin forced him to first drive to his home first, and from there she will take a taxi as the distance wouldn't be much.

But it's been an hour she's roaming on the street looking for taxi….

Her body exhausted, eyes drooping….


Suyin looked behind and saw a yellow car stopped at a distance of only a meter away from her. "Ah! Taxi! Take me home!"

Holding her already dead phone, she flew towards it with a stupid smile glued to her face.

Annoyed, the disheveled woman dared to come towards the car instead of stepping out from the middle of the road, the owner opened the door to give her a scolding.


He has seen these cheap tricks of swindling money and wouldn't fall for it.

"Excuse me, are you that desperate-"

Before he could speak a word more, he was dumbstruck by the woman standing before her.

Zhao Suyin felt her lips dry, she licked once and then again and again…..

Her eyes blinking non-stop!

The man before her raised the hairs on her nape by just one look. And when he spoke in his heavy and smooth voice, with a pinch or rasp and anger, it made a thousand butterflies flutter in her stomach.

His gaze pulled her to him like being tied by the waist, and he was slowly, seductively pulling her.

She placed both her hands at her cheeks and blinked out of her daze, showing a wide grin, "Hottie bum!"

Wang Shi "...."

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