Mark of the destiny

Chapter 3: Scurrying away

"Miya, where's the boy? And what about the tall woman in white and blue with him? Did she left already?" After performing the surgery, Wang Shi came straight to the emergency room.

Upon not finding Zhao Suyin there, he asked the nurse.

Nurse looked up from the documents, "Em… Miss Zhao is still with the boy. She must be in the private ward on fifth floor. The child needs the complete body examination…. Actually….."

"Hm, give me the child's school ID, I'll ask someone to investigate."

After hearing the entire story, he took the ID card from nurse before walking towards the elevator where co-incidentally he met Li Han who was coming to ER looking for Wang Shi.

"Good, I found you. There's a case of suspected child abuse..." And Li Han babbled the entire story, including Zhao Suyin's identity and their findings without taking a break to breathe.

"Zhao Suyin! Secretary-General at the Ministry of women and child affairs!..... That's impressive." All he heard was Zhao Suyin's name and her identity. Opposite to his belief that she was a surgeon, she turned out to be from social services.

But still… It's an undeniable fact that she has something to do with the medical profession.

"Any other info?"

Li Han: "Right, the boy's parents-"

"About the woman, Mr. Li"

Li Han "…."

"Oh! You are interested in her! Should I go and ask her personal information and latest photographs to send them to Mr. and Mrs. Wang?"

Though the hospital belonged to Wang Shi and technically he was the boss, employees share a cordial relationship with him, especially Li Han, who knows Wang Shi and his family for decades.

Wang Shi remained unfazed, his eyes twitched slightly as he let out a smirk, "Have you heard about Voluntary Retirement? I was thinking-"

"She is in private room no. A32. Please go and ask yourself." From the corner of the eyes he noticed the lift stop at fifth floor. "I'll be the director of the hospital even after my death. And if you dare push me out, I'll haunt you forever." Saying he stomped his shoes on the floor once and folded his hands. "Now go."

"Tyrant old man." Wang Shi left the words as he stepped out.

"Hey…..Who did you called old man?" Li Han peeked his head out from the lift's door and shouted.

"Aren't you sixty three?"

"Nope! I'm thirty six, we are of equal age…." Lin Han pulled his head inside before it gets sandwiched between the elevator doors.

While walking, Wang Shi called his assistant, "Daiyu, check the details of the kid named Ru Mingyu. He was found in bus no. xx and studies in smiling star kindergarten. I'm sending you a photograph of his school ID card. And yes, check the CCTV footages around his home and school. Inform me if you find anything suspicious."


In the private room Zhao Suyin took off her shirt, leaving herself in black lacy camisoles. She was done cleaning the long cut on her upper arm, after numbing the site she picked the needle to suture it.

She not only didn't wince once, but her expression and action were as steady as always. Other than a small frown between her brows that came habitually whenever she is concentrating, she was completely unfazed.

"Miss. , the woman you rescued is stable now and-" Wang Shi's words were half stuck in his mouth the moment he saw her in inner clothes. His body reacted reflexively and turned his back to her, "I'm sorry. I was not aware….. I'm extremely sorry."

He was utterly embarrassed. Earlier he forgot to ask Lin Han the reason of Zhao Suyin being in the private room. And now he was paying the price!

"It's all right, not like I'm naked." She continued stitching the cut, "And, thanks for the help in the field earlier and now for saving the woman's life."

"That's my duty." He shoved his hands in his pocket and calmly walked to check the cut on her arm,

"Though we are pretty busy today, I can arrange a doctor for you. Promise we won't charge."

"Why another doctor, aren't you one?" She stopped her actions momentarily and looked up with a raised brow. Now when he was here, why not let him do the sutures! The child's parents might come here any moment.

"Cough….Sure…Sit down first."

She let go of the needle and saw him sanitizing his hands before wearing a pair of gloves.

"By the way, I'm Dr. Wang Shi."

"Zhao Suyin, from social services."

He nodded in acknowledgement before taking a step towards her, "Oh nice! Clean and equal stitches. Your skills are amazing. Definitely a work of an experienced surgeon. Where'd you learned it from?" Wang Shi studied half-done stitches and picked the needle to finish the job.

"From victims."


"Victims of domestic violence, child labour, drug addicts, dowry cases, abusers and lot many. I've to keep my skills top notch to not let them see unsightly scars of their painful past after they are rehabilitated."

Wuxiaworld for visiting.

"So you are a doctor too."

"Told you before, half doctor!"

Wang Shi paused for a second but didn't look up, "What does that mean?"

"The one who doesn't have a degree but is professionally qualified." Finally he looked up to see her face, their eyes met...

"Your answers are surely twisted."

Hearing him say after a short pause, she responded with a shoulder shrug and mumbled, "I'm the twisted one."

"Miss Zhao, the child's parents are here. They are demanding to see him." Before Wang Shi could reply, a nurse came in and informed. She saw Wang Shi and greeted politely, "Dr. Wang."

Zhao Suyin: "What about social services?"

"They are also here"

"Hm! Don't let them know about me." She wanted to see the case analysis and decision making capability of the people who will work under her. It comes as the best opportunity. "And yes… ask the attending psychiatrist…. Um… What's his name?"

Wang Shi: "Dr. He jeff"

"Yes, thank you. Inform Dr. He, I want to know his opinion as well."

"Copy that" Nurse left to execute the orders.

"And it's done." Wang Shi cut the long end of the bandage. "Lie down to your side; I'll give you TD shot."

"HUH?" She jumped off from the bed, her eyes as big as a saucer. Don't know if it was his illusion, but he saw a tinge of red on her cheeks.

Wang Shi "…"

'Did she hear something wrong? Or did I make it sound wrong?'

Seeing his questionable gaze, she averted her eyes. "Cough…. I-I already received one three months back. I should be get going. Thanks once again."

He saw her scurrying away without looking back.

Now he was damn sure she blushed and assumed something else!

Was there a need to give such a a reaction? Doctors don't see genders while treating patients, it's completely normal ah!


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