Mark of the destiny

Chapter 35: Not like we have anything to do with each other

Honey opened his eyes and threw a sharp look at his sister.

"Waah. Waah...." The little chatterbox Yuyu turned her tears on, grabbing everyone's attention, and putting Honey on a tight spot who panicked and sat straight. "Honey bro scolded me,"

Suyin snapped her head at the back seat at a lightning speed, giving an incredulous look to Honey. Dramatically she covered her mouth, and widened her eyes, silently mocking Honey.

Honey 'Grrr.r.r.r.r.r..'

"Staring is creepy just like you. But if you are staring at me I assume you're taking mental notes on how to be awesome,"

The corner of his red lips lifted to create a proud smirk on his fairy-like face, tempting Suyin to pinch those adorable cheeks.

"Nope. I'm taking notes on how to be a grumpy old man,"

"Please get your eyes checked. I'm five." Honey ignored Suyin; he had more important issues to handle at the moment. His crying sister!

Lan scooted to the right far away from her twin, "Eww She cries so ugly. Even her nose is running,"

Honey pulled a few tissue papers from the box kept in the car and gave it to Yuyu, "There there. I didn't scold you but just opened my eyes. No need to cry little one." Patting Yuyu's head he coaxed her but send occasional glares at Suyin, "Here, let me give you a candy."

Seeing Honey's attitude Suyin's brows lifted in surprise. How can he be cold and warm at the same time?

Yuyu blew her nose loudly before accepting the candy with a cheeky smile, returning the soiled tissues back to Honey, BUT..

Honey, "Yuyu, your pretty sister seems more interested in it. Look how she's staring. Give it to her,"

Suyin ""

"It's alright, keep it,"

"No no. we took it from her car, return it,"

"You need it more than me, keep it,"

"We don't accept things from strangers, return it,"

Yuyu alternated the tissues multiple times before shoving it into the hands of her elder twin, "Since you pointed at my nose earlier, you keep it,"

Lan, "EWWWWW.."

"Hahahaha.." Suddenly everything came to pause when Wang Shi raised his chin up and laughed, attracting Suyin's attention to his gorgeous face.

His laughter was a summer rain, and birdsong too, free and pure. It's the sound she hasn't heard in a thousand years and doesn't know when she'll hear him next. Hope soon!

It came to her like a rush of warmth, which made her heart stop beating. His hearty laughter made him more human in her eyes with flesh and blood, rather a Greek God she drools over.

She retrieved her gaze forcefully, rubbed her chest, 'Relax relax Everything will be fine.'

"You guys," Wang Shi controlled himself, wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes. "All right, who is interested in fruit yogurt?"

Yuyu, "Blueberry,"

Lan, "Strawberry,"

"I hear two voices, what about the remaining two?" Wang Shi glanced at Honey from the mirror, and the woman sitting beside him.



Both said it in sync and then glared at each other with fangs out.



Honey, 'Grr.r.r.r..r.r.r'

Suyin, 'Grrr.r..r.r.rr.r..r'

"Little fairy, are you interested in me that much that you've started copying my words?"

Honey growled, "Weirdo duck, stop calling me fairy. I'm a man,"

Suyin darted her gaze down down. a little more. and laughed, "Pfft."

Honey followed her vision, "AHHHH WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT?" His small hands went to cover it as if he was really seen through.

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"Nothing!!" She shrugged her shoulders, acting innocent, "I was staring at your 'LEGS'.... What do you think it was?"

"You you.DAD Look at her, she-" Honey paused, cocking his head at the driver seat but found it vacant, "Where is my DAD?"

Suyin emptied out the pockets of her blazer, "Not here,"


Lan pointed outside the window, "When you two were fighting, he went to get yogurt. See."




Lan and Yuyu gave each other a look, probably thinking 'these two are younger than us'.


Thanks to the yogurt, the rest of the distance was covered peacefully. After dropping the kids to school, Wang Shi was driving Suyin to the press conference when he looked at her sideways. "Do you hate Honey?"

"WHAT?" Startled by the sudden question she turned to look at him. The casualness with which he asked the question and the indifference on his face told her he was serious about it. She chuckled feeling unbelievable, "Forget about Honey, I don't have the heart to hate any kid in this world. They are too adorable to be hated by someone. Why would you say that?"

"Sooo what about you treated me like air just now, not speaking a word in front of kids?" For some reason, he felt sour when she didn't give him an inch a while back. "And your continuous banter with Hon-"

He cut off seeing her laughing. "C'mon, I'm being serious. Have I cracked a joke?"

"Ok Ok sorry," She controlled. At that moment, he felt so adorable that her fingers itched to touch his face. She stared at him, trying to figure out why he brought up this. "Dr. Wang Shi, why are you so concerned why didn't talk to you? Not like we have anything to do with each other."

A surge of emotion engulfed him, his brows wrinkled in annoyance when she said they have nothing do with each other. Well technically she may be right, but with so many interactions are they really nothing?

In Wang Shi's brain- 4-5 interactions= so many!

Suyin, "And as far as my bantering with Honey is concerned, I'm just making him talk. He seems to be a reserved boy, especially towards women- for his obvious fears. It's just a small effort from my side to not let him curled up in a shell. Didn't you notice, he's so vigorous while bantering?"

While Suyin kept on saying, Wang Shi was stuck in the previous sentence. He frowned at himself, asking why he was so bothered by it.

"Dr. Wang?.... Dr. Wang?.... DR. WANG??????"

He jolted out from his thoughts and looked at her. Confused. "Huh?"

Suyin, "Am I right?"

Wang Shi "" 'Shoot.Right about what? What is she asking? What did she say a while ago?'


"Excuse me," Wang Shi secretly thanked the caller for saving him from this embarrassing situation as he pulled the car aside to answer the call. "Hello,"

Caller, "Sir, the lab results of the food sample we got from Gu Feng's home had toxoplasmosis. It's an infection."

Wang Shi, "Start him on Daraprim and sulfadiazine."

"Toxoplasmosis," Hearing the medicine names, Suyin murmured.

"Yup, you are right."

Startled, she looked up at Wang Shi. 'S*it, when did he hang up?'

"I got a tricky case last night. Just now my team informed me they found traces of Toxoplasmosis in the patient's food." He explained while typing a message for Zz on her private chatting platform. "But you guessed it correctly. Tremendous!" He was not surprised as he had seen her capability and was somewhat aware of her knowledge.

*Message sent*


Right then, Suyin's phone beeped, scaring the hell out of her. If she's not wrong, that was Wang Shi's message for Zz.

"Excuse me," Pulling a fake smile she first put her phone on silent hiding it inside her hanbag before taking it out. She did not dare to appear online to not raise suspicion and pretended to read the message. "How annoying! Now they have started selling credit cards through messages also,"

Suyin's heart started to pound, she lifted her eyes to look at him but instantly dropped down as if he could see through her soul. She pretended to do something on her phone, hoping he would ignore her.

Wang Shi's narrowed his eyes at her but recovered quickly. "Let's leave. You must be getting late for the press conference," without a word extra, he started the engine.

"Yup," She breathed in relief, looking out of the window; completely unaware that the man beside her was already thinking something else.


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