Mark of the destiny

Chapter 350 - Epilogue- Family 3

Smile. That was all the old man was when he saw Suyin and Wang Shi coming into the room. No need to ask what happened. Their eyes were answering everything. 

He didn't want to have a conversation while lying down, but the poor body didn't support him to stand. He pressed the button to propel the bed up and extended trembling hands towards Suyin. "Come, child." he looked at Wang Shi, "You too. Sit with her. Let me see you two together to my heart's content. Who knows--"

"Grandpa." Wang Shi squeezed his hand, careful of the IV. "Don't say it."

"Silly child. Do you think I don't know why none of you have left my side in this past week?" he glanced at the ceiling. "I'm bored here and want to see my sweetheart again. Do you think she would be as old as me? I think no."

Suyin cast a worried glance at the monitor, at the unfavorable numbers and readings. Elder Wang brought her trembling hand to her cheek. Suyin held his hand at her cheek. "Don't look at them. They are worthless. Just like me."

"Can I-- Is there something I can get you?" she asked. 

"Yes," he said. Suyin waited but the old man didn't say another word but just looked at her with teary eyes, trying to communicate everything he was feeling and wanted to make a request. He looked at Wang Shi, at Honey, and then at her. 

She bit her lips and gave a terse nod of acceptance. "I will."

Wang Shi doesn't have to ask what it was. His grandfather had only one wish to see him and Honey forever happy. The old was just seeking a confirmation that Suyin would look after them.

"And I can assure you, that my grandson and great-grandson will forever treasure you. You will be the pearl these two are going to fight for." Suyin chuckled in between her tears, reaching to wipe tears from the old man's eyes. "Ah, wish I could live a little more to see you as my daughter-in-law." he looked over at Wang Huang and Liu Jeilan, "It should be the grand wedding. Let the world see this old man Wang's grandson is getting married. Don't disappoint me."

"GG." Honey climbed on the bed, crawling his way to hug the old man. Tears ran free from his eyes.

"Hey, buddy. Are you crying? Watch it, your ducky will think you are a crybaby."

Honey looked up, pouting. "No one can--"

"Ah, I remember remember. No one calls her ducky other than you and your dad. But I like this endearment a lot, so can I?"

Honey hugged him back. "Fine. But don't make it a habit."

"Duc--ky." The old man smiled using the endearment. "And what do you use for this naughty one and Shishi?"

Suyin pointed her finger at Honey, "Little fairy."

"You must be blind to call this little devil a fairy. A-And him?"

Suyin couldn't bring herself to say it.

"Hottie bum." Honey's chocking voice came from elder Wang's c.h.e.s.t. The old man cackled, his face grimaced at the sting of lungs. He warned others not to make a sound or move lest they scare Honey, who was already shedding tears on his c.h.e.s.t. 

Wang Shi hinted Junjie to take Honey out. 

Honey didn't object or ask anything. He understood everything. This was probably the last he was seeing his GG. He kissed the old man's forehead. "Bye, GG. Love you."

"Love you back, buddy."


Three days....

Suyin and Wang Shi stayed by the old man's side, taking turns to take care of him at night. As doctors, they knew it was the time.

The old man never talked again after that day as if all his wishes were fulfilled. All he did was stare at the ceiling, hugging his dead wife's photo to the c.h.e.s.t. 

The last day, he gave her a red envelope before breathing his last.

A few days later when she opened it to find a silver dollar coin from the 19th century. When she showed it to Wang Shi, he told her it was the coin his grandmother received from the Wang family's elder when her marriage was fixed into the family.

'Blessings. An elder's blessing'


Time never stops....

Life never pauses....

Elder Wang died.... The same week Xiu Mei gave birth to a little baby boy.

In a blink of an eye, four months had passed. 

And if one thing that most changed in these four months was-- their relationship. It strengthened. It turned more beautiful and romantic where none of them shy away from expressing their love and d.e.s.i.r.e for each other.

Thirty-eight hours had passed and Suyin had rushed back from the office to not miss the special moment. Standing at the operation theatre observatory, she had her eyes on the man who was doing one of the most challenging surgeries of his life. 

One hundred and five staff members were coordinating to make the surgery successful. All lead by Wang Shi. The conjoined twins were barely a year old girl, sharing a common diaphragm and a liver and just a pair of lungs. 

It's a responsibility. And Wang Shi doesn't want to disappoint their parents. He understands the pain of losing a child. 

And she knew he'd do it successfully.

He will.

Forty hours...

And she saw Wang Shi stepping back from the table. He takes off his glove and looked up at the observatory and gave her a thumbs up.

Ignoring the presence of people around her, she gave a flying kiss, mouthing, 'I'm proud of you.'  and like a proud wife she was, she applauded for him, loudest, joined by everyone present. 

An hour later, after confirming that the twins were stable, he returned to the office to see Suyin. 


She threw herself at him, peppering kisses all over his face. Startled at first, soon he composed himself and return her gesture with a deep kiss on her lips, tasting the strawberry of her lip balm. Just when he thought to go deeper, she broke the kiss, leading him to the table where a scrumptious hot meal was waiting for him.

"But I'm interested in strawberries only."

Initially, she didn't understand but seeing him l.i.c.k.i.n.g his lips, it dawned on her. "Later. But first this." she pressed at his shoulder to make him sit. 


"Greedy man."

He checked his watch. "Forty-one hours and ten minutes, Suyin!"

She could see the red marks on his face where he had worn the mask and the head equipment. The swelling around his eyes was prominent. "Behave. You have an entire night to kiss me."


"Two days, no kissing."


"No cuddles too."

He opened his mouth, but Suyin was already ready to increase the punishment. He raises his hand in defeat. Face drooping in disappointment as he pulled the plate.


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