Mark of the destiny

Chapter 352 - Title- *secret

[Emergency. Come fast.] *added google location.


"SUYIN!" Wang Shi screamed as he got down from the car. It was pitch dark, moonlight barely contributing as he frantically looked around with his phone's flashlight. 

His heart racing wildly against his c.h.e.s.t, body trembling. Fear, panic, anxiety- no words were enough to describe his mental state. "SUYIN!"

He again checked the message send by her thirty minutes before. The three words in black pushing negative thoughts further into his mind, shaking his heart. Even the beautiful lake view and the soft fragrance of cherry blossoms couldn't help him think wisely.


He looked up. 

A light flickered. Followed by another and another, making a row of woven threads of bulbs hung above, slowly illuminating the place. His feet automatically followed the path, stopping at a white screen with a projector setting.

A chair set facing it.


"Please take your seat, Dr. Wang Shi." Woosh. Suyin's voice echoed, settling his heart that he let out a sounding breath. He sat down, eyes searching for her. It was then he noted the place he was at. Something tickled his heart. Why didn't he notice it before? Suyin had called him at the lakeside.

The lake where he had proposed to her. 


A picture appeared on the screen. It was him taking a lecture, teaching a group of young medical aspirants. 


Another picture. Young Suyin with broad glasses, sitting among the students, attentively taking notes.

"Once upon a time, a girl got the opportunity to learn from the youngest genius of the medical world. Lest the girl knew, in this four days program, her life was going to change forever. From a momentary attraction to a crush of a lifetime, that young medical genius was surely a heart stealer. Poor girl."

Once again Suyin spoke through the mic.

Wang Shi wanted to smile at this, but crossed his arm and made himself look serious. Can't forget he's angry. She scared the hell out of him.

"The girl knew they were miles apart. He was the king, and she was just a commoner. This was the modern world, fairytales don't exist. She never pushed her luck, and let the man be her forever crush and inspiration. 

The man moved on in his life. And the girl married someone else. But guess what? Destiny had made up its mind to bring them together. Twice separated, but the third time, destiny played cupid. Or let's say it poetically, it was the alignment of stars that they met again.

Unknown to these two, they were already tied to each other forever-- by a heart. A heart from one son to another. This has to be a complete story. 

This time when they met, she was a divorcee and had lost her child. 

And He- he was a single father.

So I can say, their chances were almost zero. It would take a lot to bring them together."

The pictures continue changing on the screen from their separate lives to one-day meeting again in the middle of an accident while helping injured.

"And from there, the series of them meeting never stopped. From hospital to his home to their offices to going together to the restaurant, school, museum, and whatnot. Including this lakeside where he proposed to her after punching the hell out of her ex." Suyin chuckled in the mic. 

"The girl realized he still had that magic effect that has butterflies flutter in stomach and curls her toes. Maybe he is the one. Maybe it's more than a crush. Maybe she'd find love. And everyone deserves a second chance. So why not?..... And she had another reason to say yes. The man had a little version of him beside him. The most adorable one. The man convinced her. She got convinced. And from here, they started a new chapter of falling for each other and second chance."

"Like a gentle breeze of spring, slowly they started building this relationship, making way into each other's heart. And the little fairy unknowingly became the foundation of this relationship. A foundation that can't be shaken."

The pictures changed nonstop, showing their precious moments which Wang Shi had always captured on his phone. Some pics were from Suyin's phone. Some from Honey. And many she must have collected from people in their circle.

Wang Shi heard some noise and looked over the shoulder into the darkness. A thought crossed, and he checked Honey's location on the phone. 

Ah! Matched! If Honey's here, this means-- sighs-- looks like the entire family was here.

"But it wasn't a smooth sail for them. Their relationship was meant to be tested. A test of trust, sacrifices, staying put, and fighting the storm head-on. If they fail any of these, they fail the test of love." Suyin's voice turned heavy. "The girl was stubborn. She was heartbroken, angry, hurt, and had put an end to this. But the man-- he was stubborn. Hellbent to get her back. And he did exactly that."

"Even the seasons change four times a year, but he-- he didn't budge. Such a villain he was to know exactly how to win her over." Wang Shi let out a loud chuckle. Don't know if it was the use of the 'endearment' or the way she weighted her voice while saying the word. "You know what he did? He loved me and loved me and LOVED ME until my entire being forced me to love him back."

The lake glowed with thousands of lotus, each fitted with a light glowing at its base as if the stars descended from the sky, catching Wang Shi's attention. His eyes squinted at the silhouette standing over the deck in the middle of the lake. 

He stood and walked near. Just when the tip of his shoes touched the edge of the platform to the deck, the first light lit up.

He took another step and two more lights lit up. The anticipation builds up. He had a hunch it's going to be the biggest surprise of his life..... The most special one.

Title- The proposal part 1

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