Mark of the destiny

Chapter 48: Check!

Suyin stood in the balcony, admiring the majestic view of the city. Rows of towering sky crappers stretched above her with windows alight from within, creating an illusion of millions of fireflies dancing around.

Lost in the city's beauty, she was unaware of the storm brewing inside the room as Wang Shi silently watched the CCTV footage Daiyu hacked for him.

Being the two productive individuals, after solving Gu Feng's case they got busy in their own tasks instead of dilly-dallying the precious time.

Suyin answered some mails using Wang Shi's tab while he grabbed the laptop and headset to check the CCTV footage.

He lifted his head to see in the balcony, the pleasant mood he carried in her company slipped slightly. The more he tries to learn about her, the mysterious she becomes.

He maintained his cool, closed the laptop, and walked to the kitchen to brew two cups of hot chocolate for both of them.

It was a needed one!

By the time he returned she was busy on a call with someone…..

Suyin, "Right! A property at Regent Circle. Preferably two storey that can be converted into a designer boutique. On a lease of five years. Rent negotiable!"

'….. the caller said something and Suyin nodded and replied in hm…..'

Suyin, "For boutique, you can take a month but the house..... I need it within a week. The list of properties you gave me earlier is not up to my expectations. Security is my key concern. Please look out some more. If the situation calls, add five to the budget. Yup! Thank you!"

When the call ended, Wang Shi was standing behind her with two cups of hot chocolate. "Looking for a house?"

Startled, she looked back and accepted the cup. "Thanks. It looks so good," The top was swirled with white milk foam and spotted with cocoa.

She wraps her hands around the ceramic mug, letting the warmth seep through her fingers.

"You didn't answer me,"

"Yep, I'm looking for a house."

"May I help," he looked at the beautiful scenery ahead.

"Oh right. Your family is staying in the city for generations! Any idea which residential building is best in terms of security? Because of my risky job, that's my first concern."

"There are many good residential properties, but the best is the City Spire. No one can match its security." He saw her rolling her eyes at him and added, "I'm not saying because I live there. It's genuinely the best! Didn't you saw the security that day?"

She pursed her lips, "C'mon! I know it's the best in the city. And I also know it requires more than money to get a property at City Spire. If I recall it correctly, a few days back one of the actors was rejected because of his messy life."

"Yes…. But you won't be rejected. I can assure you that."


"Just tell me your requirements," He was sure if she had thought about buying a house at City Spire, it means she could afford it. Money was not a concern for her!

"Okayyyy….. three-bedroom apartment, south-facing. Budget open! Since its City spire, I won't mind shedding some extra."

"Are you sure? No backsies."

"Rest assured, I won't back off."

"Hm…" He nodded. "Now give me your account number. I'll transfer the money."


"Haiiiii?" She faced him with a sizeable question mark on her face. why would he transfer the money? Isn't it should be the other way?

"Remember I mentioned a doctor who stood me up on this case? It was Minister Gu who requested for him. He charges one million per hour and had dedicated eight hours before vanishing all of a sudden. Such unprofessional behavior! I'm not giving him a single penny this time. All this money goes to you now." She took the seriousnessof his tone, sending a shiver of awareness and guilt through her. "Btw, have you ever heard of Zz,"

"NO!" Instantly, she turned away from him. If a moment ago she was torn between wanting to savor the hot chocolate or inhale it, now everything seems bitter.

He took a deep breath, put his cup down before he caught her by the elbow, and looked deep into her eyes. "I don't talk in a roundabout way. Let me ask straight…. Are you Zz?"

Silence ensued for a minute….

Before it broke by her chortle.....

"You are mistaking me for someone. It's the first time I heard this name. Who is he?" It took all her will power to remain calm as she forced herself not to move away or give him the reaction that would reveal the truth.

"Then how did you know it was Gu Feng's parents who asked for MRI? It was not mentioned in the reports. Other than me and Zz, no third person knew about it. Do you want me to recall your exact words?"

[It was a simple case of dehydration, that's why he collapsed during sex but his PARENTS SCREWED EVERYTHING]

She froze.

Shoot! She was so cautious every time but did such a blunder in her momentary excitement. But still… it was not a enough reason to let Wang Shi ask her directly. Was he suspicious of her from the beginning?


Where had she dropped the clue? Did he get suspicious in the car?

Mortified by his sudden question her expression turned serious, "I remember you mention it before,"

"Nope. Never."

Wuxiaworld for visiting.

"This talk won't go anywhere. I'm rooting you mentioned it to me. Hundred percent!" She tried to walk away from there, but he stood firmly. "Wang Shi!?"

He started counting on fingers.....

"First- in the car when I messaged Zz, your phone buzzed. Check!

Second- CCTV footage of the press conference. Unedited. Raw. Timings of Zz and my conversation matches. Check!

Third- Zz got a sprained ankle and you too. Check!

Fourth- he's unreachable after our last interaction. Your phone is dead as well. Check!

Fifth- At different times, I heard a man calling both you and Zz with the name Susu. Check!

Sixth- And…. that man's voice was the same at both times. Double-check!"

Her lips pursed into a thin line as she took a few deep breaths to calm down first. Dammit! She has to!

When did Wang Shi and James talked? When did James called her Susu in front of him? Why the f*ck James mentioned nothing to her??

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