Mark of the destiny

Chapter 59: Everything stopped one day

Suyin briefly glanced at the drunkard with what looked like contempt in her eyes, before focusing on her way towards the room as the bell-boy followed, holding her shopping bags.

Song Kun! He was just a brother by name and now not even that.

He was the son of Suyin's aunt Zhao Feiyan, who by all means hated Suyin and her parents by heart. A major reason Suyin got married to Qi Wren was because of this Zhao Feiyan, who used her evil tricks to get them married.

Patriarch Zhao had three kids, Zhao Hede(elder son), Zhao Feiyan (second daughter), and Zhao Shu (Youngest son and Suyin's father.). The eldest being the favorite.

Her aunt, Zhao Feiyan was a self-willed, and an ambitious woman, involved in the family business with Zhao Hede.Though she was a capable woman, her capabilities were inferior to Zhao Hede which forced her to stay second in command in business.

However, things changed after the death of Zhao Hede in a car accident. Logically the business had to fell into the hands of Zhao Feiyan but being a man of old thoughts Patriarch Zhao passed it to his youngest son (Zhao Shu, Suyin's father), infuriating Feiyan.


This change in heads didn't go down well with Feiyan, who complained against the unfair decision, but was ignored.

It was unfair! But the command was in the hands of Patriarch Zhao's. He doesn't want the business to be passed into the Song family later.

Sadly, Suyin's father had no talent in business. Being a deep thinker and a creative person, his interest had been in artistic things. A painter to be exact!

Painter! An inferior career option.

That's what the majority thinks!

To worse, Zhao Shu went against his father's wish and married his girlfriend of two years, Si Han.

It gave Feiyan the opportunity to diss Zhao Shu, both at home and business. Slowly she poisoned Patriarch Zhao's ear, that Zhao Shu and his wife had planned the death of Zhao Hede to get family business.

Even a lie becomes truth if it's told often! After all, Zhao Shu had become the sole heir of Zhao's.

Accompanied by Zhao Shu's incapability of handling the business, Si Han and her two innocent kids became the subject of the elder's cold nature. To add to his anger, the only grandson of the family, Suyin's elder brother decided to pursue a career in sports, leaving the family business hanging.

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The situation worsened with time, so as Zhao Feiyan's greed who wanted everything for herself. The only problem was Suyin.

Though she was into medicine, her intelligence and sharp brain were a threat. Shaking Feiyan's chances to get the hold on family assets.

But destiny had its own plans...

Feiyan got Suyin married to chuck her out of the race of inheritance, but paved way for the greedy Qi Wren. Serving the Zhao business on a silver platter!

At the downfall of Zhao's family, the one who was most blamed was Suyin.

Even the matchmaker Zhao Feiyan forgot her role in Suyin's marriage and blamed her.

For what? For being the wife of the capricious Qi Wren?

And so the patriarch Zhao, for whom Suyin never existed at first.

All they cared about was family property and business, but none noticed she became a divorced woman at the age of twenty-three. She became a used and broken shoe who would never gain its old shine.

And then..

Everything stopped one day.

Si Han broke her marriage of almost three decades and left the country with Suyin.

Now the two, husband and wife, are living in separate countries with a child each. Suyin with her mother.. while her brother with their father.

"Sister, you ignore your elder brother?"

Suyin covered her nose with the harsh smell of drink and smoke, moving two steps away from him. He looked older than his true age of thirty-nine. Years of drinking had robbed him of youth, body, mind, and soul.

A greedy, junky drunkard!

"SCRAM," her voice echoed when he extended his hand to touch hers. He was equally responsible for everything. Qi Wren and Song Kun were college friends after all.

"YOU.How are you such a stingy woman? After what you did, you should be grateful that I'm talking to you." Though staggering, he was a little sober now. "What are you being proud of? A used woman! Don't forget you're-"

His eyes shone at the shopping bags the bell-boy was holding on her behalf. International brands!? She even knows their names!? His gaze shifted to her clothes, watch, earrings, and the diamond ring on finger..

His greedy eyes fell on the card she was holding. Platinum!?

He grabbed it. "Ah, card! My sister will pay for me. Clear the dues, and give me more chips."

The manager looked, and she warned with her eyes. Will you dare? Do you know my name?

The manager, "Cough.We would need written permission from the owner of the card,"

Suyin, "Pfft... I'm tired. Sanitize the card before delivering it to my room,"

Song Kun grabbed her arm. "Zhao family had raised an ingrate. After bringing the entire family down, you're living a lavish life? Would it harm if you'll pay for your brother? Selfish stingy woman,"

"First, you belong to the Song family, with what right you are asking for money? Second, even if I'm living a lavish life, it's my hard-earned money. I can spend however I want. I'm not born on this earth to pay for a filthy pig. Even pigs can be used to make tasty dishes, but you." She scoffed.

"YOU-" his nails dug into her soft skin.


The hand clasped staff looked at the icy floor with wide eyes.

The said pig was sprawled. Unconscious. He had a stamp of long slender fingers on the cheek. Tomato red.

The woman raised her chin; looked at her hand unpleasingly, giving a side look to the manager. "I'll get it." He scrambled to get a box of wet wipes.

She wiped her hands clean, then her card. Dusted her clothes in style. "Get him delivered to his home. If the family asks, hide nothing. NOTHING! Send me a first-aid box. Let's go,"

"Yes, yes mam." The last two words were for the bell-boy who instantly followed her. hiding the smile.

The manager "."

"Sir, you okay?"

Manager, "Put her on the VIP list. Appoint the best staff around her. And never get into her bad books."


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