Mark of the destiny

Chapter 96: but it scared me

"LET GO," Suyin growled, "RIGHT NOW,"

Qi Wren's forceful grip on her hand disgusts her, bringing back the memories she hated from every cell of her body.

His eyes flickered over her bare shoulder, sliding downwards to the cleavage. He looked up from her breasts, and then shot her a cocky smile, "Why? Aren't you doing all this to get my attention? Even your appearance beside Wang Shi was to tease me, right?"

"Qi Wren, don't think too highly of yourself, you are not worth it," within a few seconds Suyin realized he was badly drunk and tried to pull out of his grip. "Bastard let go of me."

She cocked her head to look behind him and hoped she was not alone in this corridor. Sadly, the chances were dim; the exhibition was over and most of the guests had left already as it took her longer to help Chen Wenwei clean.

for visiting.

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