"Kexin, is your home... Just yourself? Don't you... Don't you live with your boyfriend?" Wu Hanming stood at the door and asked Liu Kexin, puzzled.

"Oh, we broke up!" Liu Kexin did not deliberately hide anything and directly said the matter.

"Oh... Sorry!" Wu Hanming thought Liu Kexin's boyfriend came at home. If he knew that she and her boyfriend had broken up, he would never come here for dinner. After all, it's not appropriate for a married man to go to a little girl's house. Moreover, it's so late. It's not good to be alone.

"It's all right! Come on, brother Hamming, change your shoes and I'll pour you a glass of water!" Liu Kexin didn't care about this and poured Wu Hamming a glass of water while talking.

"Oh, no... don't be so polite!" Wu Hanming suddenly felt restrained and uncomfortable.

"Brother Hamming, you can smoke at home. You can be casual. It's okay! There are fruits here. Take your time. I'll cook. Hee hee... Don't worry. Soon, wait a minute!" Liu Kexin glanced at Wu Hamming, walked into the kitchen and began to get busy.

"Kexin, let's come together, so that we can be faster and share some for you!" Wu Hanming stood up and went to the kitchen, because he wanted to cook quickly, eat quickly, and then go quickly.

"Oh, no, come on, you go back to the living room and sit down. I'll do it in a minute!" Liu Kexin didn't mean to let Wu Hanming do it. He pushed him out of the kitchen.

"This..." Wu Hanming stood in situ and felt that he had come wrong today.

"Stop this and that, go and sit down, hee hee..." Liu Kexin looked at Wu Hanming and got busy.

Wu Hanming saw that he didn't say anything. He walked back to the living room and looked around. He just felt a little abrupt today. He regretted why he didn't ask about the situation from the side before coming. Now it's OK. It's really embarrassing and can't be embarrassed any more.

After sitting on the sofa, Wu Hanming lit a cigarette and thought about things while smoking. He didn't wake him up until there was a scream in the kitchen

"Kexin, what's the matter?" when Wu Hanming heard the voice, he immediately put out his cigarette end and got up and ran to the kitchen to see what had happened.

"Oh... Nothing, nothing. It's the river crab. It... It just ran out and scared me. It's not in the way! It's not in the way!" Liu Kexin looked at Wu Hanming. After that, he sighed and looked embarrassed. He immediately bent down and picked up the river crab on the ground.

"Oh, I thought something was wrong. Scare me! Ha ha... All right, give me the river crab. You can do something else!" Wu Hanming didn't give Liu Kexin a chance to refute. He picked up the steel basin and began to clean the river crab.

"It's so funny. It's agreed to come to my house for dinner, but I let you do it. However, men work... It looks the most delicious! Hey hey..." Liu Kexin saw that Wu Hanming was busy, so he didn't say anything.

"What's this? It's just eating and not working? It's unreasonable! Ha ha..." Wu Hanming was a little embarrassed. After that, he continued to work. He just wanted to finish it, eat it and run after eating.

In this way, the two talked and laughed, and were busy in the kitchen. Wu Hanming was responsible for washing and cutting vegetables, while Liu Kexin was responsible for cooking. It was not until an hour later that eight delicious dishes came out of the pot. They were salted river crab, fried shrimp with green onions, Braised Abalone, blanched mustard blue, horseradish conch slices, raw sea urchin, cold potato shreds, cucumber peel, of course, wine and a bottle of red wine!

After bringing all the dishes to the table, the two people sat down and began to eat

"Brother Hamming, how's it going? Do these dishes suit your appetite?" Liu Kexin sat opposite Wu Hamming, picked up red wine and poured him some.

"Well, it's good. It's very rich and very appetizing! However, I can't drink wine when I drive. If you want to drink it, drink it yourself slowly, and I'll take the drink with you, ha ha..." Wu Hanming looked at Liu Kexin and smiled awkwardly, because such an environment made him feel very restrained, just like wearing shackles, which is difficult to describe in language.

"Brother Hamming, you really bully people, giggle... In that case, let's have a drink together. I don't think it's all right! Come on, let's move!" Liu Kexin stood up while talking, immediately picked up a box of orange juice and poured a cup for Wu Hamming and himself.

"It doesn't matter. You don't have to be so polite! Come on, let's start and have a taste of Kexin's craft, ha ha..." although Wu Hanming said so, he thought of eating quickly, so he picked up chopsticks as he said, but he was not polite.

"Welcome Mr. Wu to comment more, giggle..." Liu Kexin looked at Wu Hanming and began to eat.

"Well, Kexin, it tastes... Tut Tut, it's amazing. Your craft is really good. It's comparable to the chef in the hotel. Good!" Wu Hanming boasted while eating. He was telling the truth.

"Hey, hey... If it's delicious, you'll eat more. You must destroy it all, you know?" Liu Kexin was embarrassed when he saw Wu Hanming boasting while eating.

"Well." Wu Hanming nodded, didn't say anything, and immediately looked at the time, 8:30.

"Brother Hamming... Actually... Cough..." Liu Kexin looked at Wu Hamming and suddenly twisted his face. His face was crimson. He didn't know what to say and hesitated.

"Hmm? Kexin, what's the matter with you?" Wu Hanming looked up at Liu Kexin. He just felt that the girl seemed to have something to say, but he didn't know why she looked like this. He felt puzzled.

"Brother Han Ming, do you know who I was chatting with last time? I... I'm not the kind of woman you think, i... I just..." Liu Kexin lowered his head and looked embarrassed as he spoke.

Wu Hanming was stunned because he never thought Liu Kexin would take the initiative to mention it. He couldn't help sighing and couldn't say a word. Now, the environment itself is very embarrassing, and the woman said it again, which can't help but make Wu Hanming can't eat anymore and flustered. Moreover, at this time, he just wanted to go quickly. Wu Hanming was not interested in knowing why Liu Kexin did that!

"Brother Hamming, you... Why don't you talk, don't you... You think I'm a bad girl?" Liu Kexin asked immediately when he saw that Wu Hamming didn't talk or eat.

"Kexin, everyone has their own interests and hobbies, and their own private life. You don't have to tell me this! We are just colleagues and friends, and I won't care about this! Besides, I don't think you are a bad girl, really!" Wu Hanming was a little nervous. He took a sip of juice while talking, trying to calm himself down.

"Brother Hamming, thank you for thinking so! However, I think it's still necessary to say! The person in my previous video... Is my boyfriend who just broke up, which is the main reason why we broke up! He... Hey! I think he is a good person when I first met him, but after a long time, I think he... In short, I'm blind, and I'll never see him again Liu Kexin wanted to say everything, but she still couldn't open her mouth, so she had to skip the wonderful part.

"Well, I can understand! Kexin, you're not fair. Be careful in the future, especially for beautiful girls like you, you know? These young guys now rarely take it seriously. Most of them are in a playful attitude. You can see who to choose next time, otherwise you'll suffer!" Wu Hanming looked at Liu Kexin and gave a few simple words of comfort, Ready to leave.

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