"OK, let's do it! Han Ming, although this matter is urgent, we must be stable, you know? I don't think of any accident. After all, this USB flash disk is about me... If it is revealed, I may go to jail, and I may have nothing! So, you must get things done!" Wu Xiaotong is very worried because of this action, She put all her family and life on it and couldn't calm down at all.

"Manager Wu, I'll try my best. Don't worry! But... I still have to talk about the ugly words. In case something happens... Don't blame me! Of course, I'll be very careful!" Wu Hanming has no bottom in his heart. After all, he hasn't done such a thing before. How can he not worry about it, so he still said the ugly words first.

"Well, I know, I understand. It's normal to worry, but... Don't affect your state of mind, otherwise there will be trouble, you know? Now contact Li Tianhao and see what he said?" Wu Xiaotong looked serious. While talking, he picked up the teacup and took a big sip.

"En..." Wu Hanming looked at Wu Xiaotong and nodded. Then he took out his mobile phone and called Li Tianhao.

For a time, the office was quiet. Wu Hanming looked at Wu Xiaotong while holding the phone. He was very upset, as if the whole person was empty. Wu Xiaotong is the same. While looking at Wu Hanming, he swallows his saliva uneasily. There is no laughter just now, but only a serious face.

"Hello, Mr. Li? Ha ha..." Wu Hanming tried his best to relieve his tension. After that, he laughed and vomited a mouthful of turbid Qi.

"Oh, Han Ming, what can I do for you?" Li Tianhao was very direct. He didn't beat around the Bush, but went straight to the subject.

"Mr. Li, I have something to say to you face to face. Look..." Wu Hanming doesn't know whether Li Tianhao can respond to himself. After saying that, he can't help worrying.

"Oh, OK, come now, I'll be in the office!" Li Tianhao happened to have nothing to do and promised very readily.

"Mr. Li, I can't do it now. I have a lot of work on hand. Can I do it at night?" Wu Hanming looked at Wu Xiaotong, then slightly snuffled his nose, still very nervous.

"Evening... OK, come to me after work!" Li Tianhao hesitated and said slowly.

"Well, let's do it first. You're busy first, Mr. Li. I'll find you in the evening. Bye..." Wu Hanming didn't bother any more and hung up the phone.

After putting down his mobile phone, Wu Hanming was not happy, because although Li Tianhao promised to meet, the next thing was not easy to do, and Wu Xiaotong pressed step by step, which was really breathless.

Although there are 400000 bait, this pressure is obviously greater than interests, and even makes Wu Hanming feel anxious

However, the arrow is on the line and has to be sent!

"Han Ming, Li Tianhao promised to meet!" Wu Xiaotong looked excited, looked at Wu Han Ming and asked, and then took a deep breath.

"Well, yes, I'll find him after work!" Wu Hanming looked at Wu Xiaotong and calmed his mood.

"Well, now that Li Tianhao has agreed to meet, we must work harder! Han Ming, it's up to you this time. We must cheer up! By the way, for the sake of safety, take this... Remember, don't find it in Li Tianhao's wine when he doesn't pay attention! Don't worry, it's colorless and tasteless, can't be noticed after drinking, and it's not harmful to human body, Wu Xiaotong looked at Wu Hanming, took out a bottle of potion and immediately put it on the table.

This bottle of liquid medicine is very small, about three centimeters high and four centimeters wide. The liquid in the bottle is golden and looks like beer. There are many small English words written on the bottle body. I can't understand or see clearly. I don't know what it is, let alone where Wu Xiaotong got it. It's really sad

"Manager Wu, what's this... What's this?" Wu Hanming looked at Wu Xiaotong and the potion. He was worried about something strange.

"Hamming, it's just a psychedelic drug. It's not harmful to the human body. Don't worry about using it! By the way, just one drop can be used. Don't put too much, otherwise Li Tianhao will notice when he wakes up. Do you hear? Also, you don't have to worry about the efficacy. It can last at least half an hour. Time should be enough!" Wu Xiaotong began to explain when Wu Hamming was worried.

"Manager Wu, this... Is not very good! Just in case..." Wu Hanming doesn't want to make a big deal, so he is disgusted. After all, he doesn't know what the potion is. He can't just listen to Wu Xiaotong's words. If Li Tianhao drinks it like this, something will be very annoying.

"Han Ming, don't you believe me? Oh... This is the general potion. There's nothing in case. Really! Or... I'll try it. It's the head office!" Wu Xiaotong looked at Wu Han Ming, opened the potion directly, poured a drop into his tea cup, and drank it immediately. How happy it is!

"Manager Wu, you... What are you doing? Come on, spit it out quickly..." Wu Hanming didn't expect Wu Xiaotong to do this. He immediately stood up and looked at her and said hurriedly.

"Giggle... It's okay! Han Ming, this is the general potion. After I drink it, I will only sleep for a while without any side effects! However, when I fall asleep, you have to wait until I wake up, you know? The effect will take about five minutes, and you can sleep for about half an hour. Don't run away by yourself, you know?" Wu Xiaotong looked at Wu Han Ming and put the Potion on the table.

"OK, in that case... I'll take it!" Wu Hanming was relieved when he saw that he was really okay. However, he still struggled in his heart. After all, it's really bad to do this. It's really an abuse.

"Well, that's right! Ah..." Wu Xiaotong felt sleepy and yawned with tears as he spoke.

"Efficacy... So fast?" Wu Hanming looked at Wu Xiaotong yawning. He was a little unbelievable, but the woman's state didn't seem to be pretended. It's easy to distinguish.

"Yes, ah... Sit down first and I'll sleep for a while! By the way, if you're bored... Or want to do something... Feel free, i... I'll lie down on the sofa. Here... There's Durex! However, if you don't want to, just wait quietly. I won't force you!" Wu Xiaotong glanced at Wu Hanming, walked to the sofa and immediately lay on it, He took out two Durex and put them on his black silk legs.

"Manager Wu, go to sleep. I'll just sit here! Also, put away... That condom, so people can't see it! Go to sleep..." Wu Hanming glanced at Wu Xiaotong and turned away. It was very embarrassing.

Wu Xiaotong didn't say anything and didn't put away Durex. Instead, he lay on the sofa, slept directly and posed in a very tempting posture. Wu Hanming is still sitting there, feeling this strange silence. Although he has been trying to refuse, he still has some palpitations in his heart.

After all, Wu Xiaotong is a beautiful woman, and Wu Hanming held it for a long time. Now she is so active. Who can carry it?

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