Marriage of the Di Daughter

Chapter 114: Reinforcement

Feng Yutang and Yongning Princess’s order, Jiang Li did not have time to pay attention, but she is not a fool, and once dealt with the predecessor of Yongning Princess, I also know that Princess Yongning will kill him. The name of the first auxiliary thousand gold 唬 佟 佟 阳, 唬 冯 Feng Yutang, but can not stand Yongning. Sooner or later, they will kill their own killers, but the most important thing at the moment is to settle down Peng Xiao, they have not had much time. It has passed two days on the 7th.

The secret room that Jiang Li said is hidden in a haunted abandoned farm in Tongxiang. There is an authentic underground in the farm. The entrance to the tunnel is on the stone wall of the lake. There are lush weeds on the outside, which are invisible to others.

Ye Minghao placed Peng Xiao several people in the secret room. First, people gave Peng Xiao a change of clothes and ate something. Peng Xiao and He Jun are okay, but their bodies are weak. Gu Da and Gu Er are in poor condition, and the worst is Xiao Hei. According to what Jiang Ming said, when he found Zhong Dafu, Zhong Dafu shook his head again and again.

Ye Mingxi brought the only son of Zhong Dafu, and gave Zhong Dafu five hundred and two silvers. He told Zhong Dafu that as long as he could cure a few black people, they would find a way to send the doctor to leave Tongxiang and give him to Dr. Zhong. One thousand five hundred and two silver, enough for them to settle down outside.

In the small county of Tongxiang, the people have seen so many silvers at once, and Ye Mingzhen seems to have a sly look on the face of the fierce and sinister. Zhong Dafu was frightened and frightened, and he also took out 120,000 points of effort to repair the injury to Xiaohei.

When Xiao He Gu Gu Gu Gu was resting, Jiang Li and Peng Xiao went out to talk.

Ye Mingxi first found a stone on the edge of the secret room and said, "Ali, you are looking for a good place. I see Feng Yutang is three feet of land, and can't find a second place. There are stones here. The table stone bench, I do not know who left it."

Who left it? Nature is Xue Zhao. At that time, Xue Zhaozhi sneaked a lot of travel notes, and often said: "One day we also wrote such a story, and found a lonely hero, is being chased by the government, we let him live here. If you can't find them, he will teach me martial arts here. Hey, after three or five years, I am a generation of heroes. No one dares to look for me. Whoever dares to move your sister a finger, I will - A sword makes them stumble and beg for mercy!"

The juvenile laughter seems to reverberate in the deep secret room. After many years, they really saved the people who were chased by the government, but there was no Xue Zhaolai martial arts.

Jiang Li regained his thoughts and met Peng Xiao's eyes. He said: "I also accidentally heard people say that this place is safe for the time being. At least seven days, Feng Yutang's people can't find it here. Just seven days. Yes, nothing is different."

"Miss Jiang Er, thank you very much." Peng laughed. He now knows the identity of Jiang Pear and understands some things that Jiang Pear is doing in Tongxiang. Although I still don't quite understand why Jiang Li is doing his best to help Xue Jia to reverse the case, but at least now, the five people who are lucky enough to survive, believe in Jiang Li.

Perhaps it can't be said to believe, but to believe, just like a drowning man suddenly finds a life-saving straw, he will desperately swim forward, no matter whether the straw will sink to the bottom, no one wants to believe that it is a mirage. . Xue Huaiyuan is a superior to them, more like a teacher. But if there is a chance to save Xue Huaiyuan, they are willing to give it a try.

"What can we do?" He Jun asked.

Jiang Li glared at He Jun. She used to think that He Jun was too weak, how could he be a bureaucrat, but after going through this period of time, he also grew a lot like overnight. The young man who always asked Xue Fangfei to find some books for him would insist on his teeth for the fair justice in his heart. Although nothing can be done, as long as it is alive, it is a failure to admit defeat.

There is still a chance to come to the end.

"Only see Xue's case, only through the hands of Tong Yu Feng Yutang. As long as Feng Yutang handles, Xue Jia's case will also become unfavorable. You also know that Feng Yutang deliberately let Xue County be jailed. So the case cannot be passed. The hand of Feng Yutang, I want to come and think, only let Feng Yutang also come in and hand over to Dali Temple to manage, there will be room for circumstance."

Peng Xiao and He Jun looked at each other and said, "Do you want us to identify Feng Yutang?"

It’s easy to deal with smart people. Jiang Lidao said: “Yes. I thought, I would like to ask Feng Yutang, how difficult it is. It is to identify him to use it in private. These can be concealed, and there is only one side. But Feng Yutang actually let When you go to Dongshan Mine Road, this is the way to find your own way. He can go on his own death, and no one can stop him."

"What does this mean?" Ye Mingxi interjected: "Do not identify Feng Yutang's atrocities, what do you identify him?"

"I confess that he did not confess to the court and dig gold privately. Although Dongshan is an abandoned mine, everyone knows that it can't dig gold. But that's also the thing of the past ten years. For more than ten years, many people have forgotten this time. As long as the wind is released, Dongshan still has gold to dig, but Feng Yutang is swearing at the court and privately sending people to dig gold. His crimes can be big."

He Jun muttered: "Digging privately, it is to confiscate the family's death penalty..."

"The things in the world are the things of the emperor, stealing people's things, and stealing them on the head of the emperor. The death is not enough." Jiang Li smiled slightly. "Under the circumstances of this Feng Daren, there seems to be a high man pointing. Yanjing this Who knows what Feng Yutang wants to dig for gold, and digs gold is nothing but for the sake of wealth. If it is used to recruit soldiers, is it not suspected of treasoning the enemy? It is a major event in the world. How can a major event be solved in a small place in Tongxiang? It is not an overstatement."

Ye Mingxi was stupid, and He Jun and Peng Xiao were also stunned.

In this short sentence of Jiang Li, Feng Yutang’s crime was raised to the point where the enemy was treason. But everything she said can be established. How can words kill people without seeing blood? They are now seeing it.

"Not bad." He Jun bit his teeth and laughed, and there was a kind of hateful hate in his voice. "They have been hard to write books, and they have added sins to them. They said that it is cheaper to sneak into the country. Miss Jiang, you said It makes a lot of sense! That Feng Yutang asked our brothers to dig gold for fifteen people. We used it as a witness to identify Feng Yutang’s wolf ambition! He wanted to dig gold, and he was afraid that others would find his plans, so let us be the masters of Xue Daren. Doing things for him, so that the mines do not stop day and night, once they die, no one will collect the body, but it is best not to leak the secret!"

Jiang Li smiled. He Junguo really grew up. In the face of the enemy, I know that not all the ways to be open and useful are useful. It’s just that this growth and sensibility, but it makes people feel a little distressed.

Peng Xiao Shen said: "Not only us, but also the ten brothers who died. The adults were sympathetic to us, and our fifteen brothers were all parents who died early. But there are wives and children in the family, and now they are tortured by Feng Yutang. And died, the body was thrown in the wilderness of the East Mountain by the wild dog, poor and those who just got married soon, happy with Liner, now their wife and children do not know how to spend ... is to fight this life, I Peng Xiao Also avenge those dead brethren!"

Although the tall man does not shed tears, but the words are **** and tears, he can hear Ye Mingzhen’s heart screaming. “I’m also a copy of it!” Feng Yutang’s work has been done, and since it’s not coming out, Head, my mother's out!"

Maybe people are in the same mood. Many things start to look at the difficulties. At the end, they are not so unimaginable.

"But..." He Jun paused and calmed down before he looked at Jiang Li: "What is Feng Yutang's sin, what about our adults?" He also thought of Xue Huaiyuan.

"Xue Xian's crime is simply a nonsense. It is said that it is corruption and sin. The Tongxiang people can testify. At the time of the natural disaster, the silver was distributed to the people. Xue Huaiyuan did not embezzle a silver." Jiang Lidao.

"We all know." Peng Xiao bowed his head. "But the problem is that no Tongxiang people are willing to stand up."

"Do not blame them." He Jun interjected: "The disaster is not as good as his wife and children. Feng Yutang took their parents and children to do the tricks. Whoever cares in his heart, dare not come out to testify for the adults. Miss Jiang, Feng Yutang became a county in Tongxiang. In the future, bullying men and women, no evil, no one, Baixin is dare to speak, but not only, they are still blaming human life, or else, the people have already turned over the sky. But Feng Yutang was originally a mixed hooligan, means Very much, no one dares to take the risk."

"I know." Jiang Li whispered: "I didn't blame them." In fact, it is the same. If one day she is asked to scream for a good person, but she will lose the life of Xue Huaiyuan and Xue Zhao, she will hesitate. . The knife does not cut on oneself, it will not hurt, human nature is like this, no one can be spared.

"What should I do?" Ye Mingxi scratched his head.

"Although the people have difficulties, this matter requires the people of Tongxiang to stand up. I know that there is danger, but there is no way. The world is so, the original fairness and justice can now be paid for. Only when the people stand up can they become crushed. The last straw of the camel, I want the sinners who framed the Xue family to be detached from the dead, and never let them be better!" Jiang Li said here, the tone is aggravated, and there seems to be a fire in the middle. After a while, I calmed down.

"I came, Tongxiang a total of 568 households, I came to personally convince them. From today, there are five days, every household in Tongxiang, no one has never been benefited by Xuexian. Yongquan reported that although the help does not need to return, but now it is time to report. The hearts of the people are grown up, my family is going to knock, a family to ask, 568 households, I don’t believe I can't find a family who is willing to stand up." She looked at a few people: "There will always be a family, right?"

Several people are silent.

In the eyes of **** pear, with hope. She is gentle and calm, and it is very urgent that her hands are done, as if she has become unhurried. Therefore, her own emotions are rarely revealed. This kind of look of hope, Ye Mingzhen has not seen.

I have seen it now.

It seems that at this moment, she is like a real cardamom girl, waiting for a good thing to look forward to, and whoever breaks this cautious expectation is a sinful sin.

Peng Xiaodao: "Yes, there must be more than one household, and there are many people. The people of Tongxiang are not ungrateful, Miss Jiang, you should not underestimate them."

Jiang Li mouth cornered and said: "No, I always believe in them."

Just like my father believes in them.


Coming out of the secret room, Jiang Li and Ye Mingxi walked back.

Ye Ming said: "A pear, when you go to talk about the people, I will go with them. I am afraid that you are too busy to come, 568 households, not a small number."

Jiang Li thought for a moment: "Hey, you don't know what kind of favor they have received from Xuexian. I'm afraid I can't convince. If I don't want to go back and write a booklet for you, look at the booklet first."

Ye Mingqi said: "Do you know what kind of favors they have received from Xuexian?"

"Okay." Jiang Li smiled. She and Xue Zhao sometimes think that Xue Huaiyuan is really a rare good man in the world. Because of every citizen in Tongxiang, Xue Huaiyuan will help a group as long as there are difficulties. When Tongxiang was poor, no one was willing to come, Xue Huaiyuan came, and he never played the idea of ​​leaving. In Xue Huaiyuan's view, every citizen of Tongxiang is his relatives. As a parent, he must solve problems for the people. If the people cannot even rely on him, no one can rely on them.

In the past, she felt that she had no worries. At the moment, she suddenly became confused. I don’t know whether these things happened by Xue Huaiyuan.

If Xue Zhao is just fine, Jiang Li thinks that he will understand his own confusion at the moment, and he will certainly be able to convince his heart in the shortest possible time.

The carriage team, bypassing the road of Jiang Li, walked back to the right path. Jiang Li has already exchanged the original costume on the carriage. He wants to come to Feng Yutang and has already discovered that the people in Dongshan have been taken away, and they are looking for people. It’s not long before my own disguise, and it’s easy to come out. Feng Yutang knew that Peng Xiao, who was taken away by his own people, could not find it. Feng Yutang did not dare to force himself to tell their whereabouts, but there was no fear.

Jiang Li was sitting in the carriage and seriously thinking about what to do next. Unconsciously, it was already dark outside.

In fact, the time is very tight on this day, but even then, the time has passed very quickly. Jiang Li feels that time is not enough. The past two days have passed on the 7th, and the remaining five days, I don’t know if it will come.

She picked up the carriage curtain and it was very dark in the winter. Although the original night of Tongxiang was not lively, there were still some pedestrians outside, but now I don’t know if it is because of the relationship of Feng Yutang, there are very few people on the street, and it will take a long time to see a pedestrian. Every household is closed and closed, and it seems that Tongxiang is like an empty city. The carriages lined up on the streets, and the sounds echoed, which is particularly clear.

Ye Mingqi muttered outside: "How come no one."

The wind slightly blows the foot of the carriage curtain, no reason, Jiang Li’s heart suddenly jumps.

Turning a corner, it is Qingshi Lane, which is clearly a familiar street. In the heart of Jiang Li, there is a sudden ominous premonition. She called out: "Hey!"

"What's wrong, Ah...", Ye Mingqi's "Pear" word has not been said yet, and he heard a cold sound from the wind in the air. He reacted very quickly. He didn't think about it. Blocking, they heard a "squeaky" sound, the swords touched each other and made a loud noise.

A few black shadows were picked from the eaves around the eaves. The movements were extremely fast. In the night, they almost merged with the night. From the direction of the carriage, the carriage came straight, and the tip of the sword pointed to the **** pear!

"Miss Protector!" Ye Mingxi had only had time to scream and screamed with these black assassins.

Jiang Li’s heart is “squeaky”. She thought that Yongning would tell Feng Yutang to kill himself, but he did not expect it to be so fast! The time from Yanjing to Tongxiang is not to mention, at least not so fast. Feng Yutang received the order of Yongning, at least hesitated for a while, he is the daughter of Jiang Yuanbai, just this identity, but also let Feng Yutang have some taboos.

Whenever there is a mistake, Feng Yutang and his master, Yongning, are born with boldness and enthusiasm. Perhaps he thought that Yongning Princess would keep him safe and sound, and he would be so bold!

Ginger pear looked out, a heart gradually sinking, good guy, Yongning is really a big deal, they are only seven people, but Yongning's people have twenty. In these twenty years, it seems that a few people are particularly martial arts, and they are fighting with Ye Mingqi. The rest are a little later, but they also hold other guards. Someone rushed to the carriage and their goal was **** pear!

This will not work! In the heart of Jiang Li, a speculation was suddenly passed. The purpose of these people was her, but they were not Ye Mingzhen. But it has been entangled, and Ye Mingqi may be in danger. She didn't want to think about it. Suddenly she got out of the carriage and scared Ye Ming's jump. She screamed: "A pear goes back!"

"I'm fine!" Jiang Li's action is like a blink of an eye. He turns his head and touches the dagger in the sleeve to cut off the wagon rope. The ankles turn over the horse and pull the reins and go to the night.

There was no trace in the blink of an eye.

Those killers saw Jiang Pear actually abandoned the carriage and fled, and they did not want to fight with Ye Mingqi, they must chase after Jiang Li. Ye Mingxi will let them succeed, and continue to fight the knife, but the other side of the crowd, after all, is missing a few, followers Jiang Li's back.

Jiang Li is on horseback. At this moment, the more critical, the more her mind becomes clearer.

Sometimes, the more critical the situation is, the more panicked the person is, the more likely it is to make mistakes. Sometimes it is not so fast, because of panic, it will soon surrender. She knows that she doesn't insist on the last moment and never gives up, not to mention that she has a killer that others can't match.

It is her familiarity with Tongxiang.

Jiang Li has already smashed out, only to come and chase their line of people, clearly divided into two. Those who have fewer people are better at work, and those who have more people are not very good at it. A person with good martial arts should be a person of Yongning, and a person with a hard time is the singularity of Feng Yutang who did not know where to find it. I want to come and follow my own killers, who are the Princess of Yongning.

After all, chasing yourself is their task.

Jiang Li smiled slightly, and the horse dexterously crossed the tree path of the woods. In the night, the moon is gradually covered by thick clouds, and nothing can be seen.

But she seems to be able to see it, and it is flexible in the woods.

She grew up in Tongxiang, here is her home. She is here to watch Xue Zhao hunting. When she knows hunting, the most important thing is to trap the prey into the trap. It is quiet, little by little, every tree and every piece of land is her natural barrier. Familiar courage.

The mouth of Jiang Li's mouth is awkward, and the pursuit of the sound is gradually approaching. She can even feel that as soon as she turns back, she will have a silver sword on her neck and steal her life in an instant.

But she just lightly jumped over the grass in front of him and stopped.

"Plop", "plop" and "plop"!

Three sounds.

Like the sound of heavy objects falling into the water, followed by a strange curse, there seems to be a panic-stricken life-saving voice.

Jiang Li stopped and whispered across the grass.

In the calm grass, it turned into a lake that could be caved, like what was thick and fluid, and wrapped people into it. Some people are struggling in it.

"Don't struggle," Jiang Li said slowly. "This is the most terrible swamp in this area. The more you struggle, the faster you get stuck."

The moon gradually came out of the clouds. Her clothes were covered with mud in the woods. A face was clean and not like a word. The mouth was full of laughter, and the gentle and soft opening was a terrible saying. "Oh, I realized that you have already gone down half a body. This is not saved. Someone is coming, and you can't save you. You will only be pulled down together." She covered her mouth and sighed. :"very pitiful."

The black-killed killers looked at her with anger, fierce, but half of the body had already got stuck, and even one and a half of the face were stuck. I wanted to come because the struggle was too fierce, and the swamp drowned his mouth. Immediately, he was forced to pour into his nose, and his eyes were horrified.

This kind of living waiting for death is really too torturous. It is better to give them a sword and make them die.

Jiang Pear is obviously not so kind, but turned to the horse and left the swamp.

Xue Huaiyuan used to have this swamp in the woods, and she was forbidden to play with Xue Zhao here. However, Xue Zhao is naughty, but he feels that this is a natural trap. They made a lot of traps here and caught a lot of prey. If the killer of Feng Yutang did not come out today, she asked Ye Mingxi to arrange the woods. It is not difficult to kill the killers. Just like in war, the art of war can sometimes outweigh brute force.

It’s a pity that there are only three.

Jiang Li took the horse back, she had to go back a route, safely returning to Ye Mingxi, and I don’t know how Ye Mingzhen is now.

The horse walked a few steps forward, suddenly not leaving, and the front hoof swayed a few times in the air, as if smelling some dangerous taste, stunned.

In the bright and bright moonlight, under the trees, faintly, dozens of black people are surrounded by her, surrounded her.

"The second lady is really magical." The headed person sneered: "No wonder the lady wants us to come together so many people, I thought it was overkill. Now it seems that I still underestimate the second lady."

Madam? Ginger pear brows: "Ji Shuran?"

The other party did not speak, but Jiang Li was instantly clear, and it was indeed Ji Shuran.

She also knows that she will return to Fuyang, and Ji Shuran will definitely be secretly. After all, in the eyes of Ji Shuran, he is a stumbling block. But she did not expect that Ji Shuran’s people would be so suffocating, and even think of ways to catch the oriole, so that people can follow behind, and when they and Feng Yutang’s people lose both sides, when they are distracted, Suddenly killing himself was caught off guard.

This is my own mistake, Jiang Li calmly thought.

There are ten people on the other side, and they are alone. There are no weapons, except for the short dagger in the sleeve. But this dagger can't play any role, and the strength of the enemy is too great. She has no things that can be used to distract the other's attention. When people seeing Feng Yutang fall into the swamp, these people will only be more vigilant and will not repeat.

God used to joke, always looking at the front of Kangzhuang Avenue, telling the life is absolutely. Let the hopeful person become more desperate, and the desperate person will fall into the darkness.

"The second lady didn't have to look around and think of other ways." The voice of the headed person brought a strange and malicious, saying: "Mrs. let us use all the means to torture you, then kill." He smiled slimy. "But Miss II is so pure and intelligent, brave and brave, we are all reluctant to torture you with a terrible method, or else, change a comfortable way?"

The black man around him uttered his disgusting laughter. Don't even think about it, Jiang Li knows what they are thinking about.

For a moment, she seemed to return to the afternoon at Shen's house. The humiliating and indignant emotions took control of her dying six months. Her life has been overwhelming, and these people have revived her disgusting memories.

Jiang Li's eyes deepened and sneered: "Do you think you have won? Is there no other way for me?"

The headed person laughed again. He said: "I know that Miss II is looking for a way to delay the time. However, the master Ye San has been injured. Feng Yutang’s person has already caught him in front. The horse walked too fast, but the horse of Ye San’s master did not know the road. He did not know that there was such a forest, and he could not find the whereabouts of Miss Two. Now, there is only us, and you.”

He said that the arrogance was so great that Jiang Lili recognized the road, so he could escape into the woods with three killers and let them sink into the swamp and no life. However, even if Ye Mingzhen got rid of the killers, he could not find the whereabouts of Jiang Pear - Tongxiang was completely strange to him.

But Jiang Li just smiled: "Who said that I am looking for Ye San?"

That person is a glimpse.

Her voice was clear, with inexplicable smiles, echoing in the woods.

"Guo Gongye, have you seen such a long time, can you come out?"

------Off topic ------

A raccoon: Is it unexpected? Surprise? Is the thorn not irritating?

Killer: ...

I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival! Remember to eat dumplings!

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