Marriage of the Di Daughter

Chapter 158: Gift giving

On the way back, Tonger could barely resist the laughter on his face.

Jiang Li is very helpless, "Tong, you put a smile on your face."

"If you think of the slave, you just want to laugh." Tonger said: "The man thought that he had knocked on the girl and was complacent. If he knew he would be this **** BMW five. Hundreds of silvers are sold to girls, I don’t know how much regrets."

Jiang Li smiled: "This is the case in the East Market. After the transaction, the silver goods are two, and no one can repent. If there is no eyesight, no one dares to buy things."

"Yes, yes." Tonger smiled and said: "Our girls are eye-catching!"

She is a big heart, and she does not ask why Jiang Li decided that the horse is a sweaty horse. As long as Jiang Li said yes, he is convinced. How many people buy things in the East Market, they all pay for the clean, especially the first time to go, never thought that Jiang Li will go to the first time, you can find such treasures.

“The East Market is really a good place,” Tong’s grinned. “There will be opportunities in the future, let’s go again!”

This child, thinking about playing. Jiang Li shook his head.

"When I go back, I will wash the horses and clean them. I can't give them to General Ji." Jiang Lidao said.

"Slaves are saved." Tonger nodded, and some disappointment, "a good horse."

Jiang Li tapped her head gently: "How about that? It only cost five hundred and two silver!"

"It’s also true." Tonger laughed sillyly.

When I returned to Jiangfu, Jiangli directly brought the horse to the Fangfeiyuan. The courtyard of Fangfeiyuan was big enough. She let Baixue bring the horses to wash, and just returned to the house, the breeze came over. Posts, by the way, the words of Jiang Yuanbai and Mrs. Jiang have been thinking for a long time, and finally decided to let Jiang Li go to participate in the birthday party of General Ji.

It is exactly the same as Jiang Li.

She smiled and picked up the post, letting people know when they came back to the evening.

After a while, the sound of white snow sounded outside the yard, let Jiang Li look at it, Jiang Li walked out of the house, and saw the yard, we were surrounded, the middle, a light golden horse standing in the middle, proud Looking up, the prestige.

After washing the sludge, the horse showed its own color, which was actually a pale gold coat. Its hair is very plentiful, but I don't know if it is because the things I have eaten before are not enough, it is not bright enough. Even so, this is a very handsome pony, with a proud attitude.

Tonger looked at it and even liked it. Zhao Wei, who was hiding in the dark, saw this scene. He didn’t see that the horse was a sweaty horse at first glance, but he could see that the horse was very good, that is, in the stables of the National Government. Very good one. Since ancient times, the hero has loved Liangzhu, and he has seen it. I wondered if Jiang Li had found such a mount from there, but there were other horses left, and he could pick one.

Jiang Li walked to the horse's side, and the horse looked at her. His eyes were still a little proud. Jiang Li reached out and touched his forehead, and the pony snorted twice.

The surrounding cockroaches all laughed, Snow said: "The girl gave it a name."

Jiang Li is about to talk, think about it, and shook his head: "Well, this is the pony given to General Ji, or it is better for General Ji to personally name it."

"It is a boy!" Bai Xuedao.

"That's even better." Jiang Li touched the pony. "If it's a girl, put it in the government office, isn't it a violent thing?"

Zhao Wei: ""

What is violent weather? Is it good to have flowers and plants in their government offices? It’s time to have a few more girls! The girl is outside and only violent!

Everyone was playing with the pony for a while, and it was getting late. Jiang Li was optimistic about the horse and went back to sleep.

On the post, the birth of General Ji is three days later. She suddenly thought that she did not know when Ji Yun’s birthday was. It seems that I have never heard of his birthday feast.

It will soon be three days later.

This morning, the sky rose up and down. The spring day of Yanjing City came very late. After the year of the year, it seems that this winter will last for a long time. The snow is bigger than the previous year. Occasionally a few times the sun has become a rarity.

Tonger carefully selected the clothes in the house. When Jiang Li saw it, he said, "Just pick one."

"Isn't the girl going to the birthday party?" Tonger smiled. "It's natural to pick a good look."

"No," Jiang Li replied. "There are no other ladies on the birthday banquet. It is unintentional to wear, but it is a waste of heart."

"That's not necessarily," Tonger shook his head. "Even so, General Ji and General Su Guo are men. If the girl wears it, they will appreciate the girl."

Tonger is innocent and only thinks that it is good to wear ginger, but this also shows that even Tonger is not wary of the people of the National Government. In the heart of Tonger, General Ji and General Ji are not enemies worthy of guarding.

Jiang Li thought about it and smiled. "Then you pick it."

It took a lot of time to pick clothes, and Tonger found the matching jewelry for Jiang Li, and it was very time to find it. When all this is ready, it is time to go out. Bai Xue took the sweaty horse from the yard.

I don't know if it is the illusion of Jiang Pear. When she bought it from the East Market three days ago, she had a lot of hair color. This is also natural. The people who buy horses just sell the horses and eat the inferior food. After returning to the **** house, Jiang Lii ordered the people who feed the horses to mix the food materials and feed them on time. Eat well, the horse's pale gold hair is more beautiful, even if there is no sun today, standing in the yard, the whole body is like a pale gold satin, giving off a bright luster.

The most exciting thing about **** pear is the horse's ear. I don't know who is going to have a small red cloth flower.

Jiang Li: "What is this flower?"

Bai Xuedao: "Since this horse was given to the old general for a gift, the slave wanted to go to the warehouse to pick a beautiful collar for the pony. But this horse is not willing to wear it, and always thinks after wearing it. To get it down, the slaves have to, pick up the collar, think about it, it is better to find a flower to wear it, it looks like a gift."

Jiang Li can't smile.

The horses of the sweaty horses were originally arrogant, and it was difficult for the average person to tame. When they were young, they did not like to wear the collars. But Bai Xue can actually think of giving it a flower, this is really

The light golden pony is like a **** that has been defeated, and it is dejected to the head, not to look at the **** pear. I don’t know if it is because the flower in the ear is sulking. Jiang Li wanted to take it for him. Tonger’s head was already urging. “Girl, people said that the carriage is waiting outside, let’s go out soon.”

Jiang Lidao said: "Okay, come." The flower on the horse's head was temporarily forgotten.

When I left the yard and went outside the house, I met a rare person along the way.

Yang, who is in the three rooms, is going to go to the house with Jiang Yuyan. Yang’s hand still has a slap in the hand, and Jiang Li glances at it. The 绢pa seems not to be an ordinary material, and the work should not be the work of the ordinary embroidery workshop. Jiang Yuyan saw her far away, and she slowed down. When Jiang Li came to the front, she said, "Two sisters."

"It's A pear." Yang also sneaked at her, and there was a warm smile on the face. "This is a hurry, is it going?"

Jiang Li took a look back at Yang’s gaze and smiled and said: “Three sisters, four sisters.” She was just looking for an excuse to perfuse the past, suddenly a heart moved, a thought came to mind, and immediately laughed. : "I am going to go to the National Government for a feast."

"Guo Gongfu?" Before Jiang Yuyan said anything, Yang first asked strangely, she asked: "Which government office?"

"It is the government of the country."

"Shuguo Gongfu?" Yang's stayed. "There was no post in the government that had been sent by the government of Suguo." She looked at Jiang Li, and her tone was sour. "The old lady did not say this to us." What about the matter.” There are many banquet posts in the government office. If it is not a last resort, it will not let the three rooms participate. Yang did not complain about this matter, although Jiang Yuanxing was not the wife of Mrs. Jiang, and he was also named Jiang. The family is so divided, and it is better to promote the family than to be cheaper. But Mrs. Jiang’s wife had to put on a pair of appearances, and even with the generous and second room, she had to make a superior person, and did not put the three rooms in her eyes.

"It is rumored that the Su Guogong is not a close person," Yang continued to look like unintentionally. "When is this good with our government? Is it very close to the big brother?"

Jiang Li looked at her quietly. Her lips were smiling and her eyes were tender, but she didn't say a word. After a long time, Yang was also looked a little hairy by her eyes. He asked, "A pear, what do you think of doing this?" ?"

"I just want to answer the three words," Jiang Li smiled and said: "The father and the government of the country are not very familiar. In fact, the post of the government of the country is only given to me. Even the father And the old lady did not receive the invitation, so it is natural for the three sisters and the fourth sister to not receive the post. Only one person will go to the feast.

This time, Yang is really stunned, and even Jiang Yuyan is also puzzled. Yang’s stuttering road: “How is this going on? How can the old lady be assured that you will go to a girl’s house to go to the banquet? Moreover, this is not reasonable.”

"No," Jiang Li frowned, as if it was very distressing. "But the temper of Su Guogong, no one knows no one in Yanjing City. The post of the government office, even if I am the daughter of my father, I dare to refuse. I can only go to the scalp. Although I don’t know what Longtan Tiger Cave is in front of me, I can only take care of the overall situation for the Jiang family."

Her words are half-truthful, and it seems that there is an extravagant voice. Yang’s eyelids jumped and could not help but look up at Jiang Li. But seeing Jiang Li's eagerness, it seems that he is looking for close relatives to tell the recent troubles. There is no city, and some do not understand.

Yang’s temptation: "But why does the National Government invite you alone? Could it be?" She took a step closer. "You have reached the age of marriage." Yang seems to feel that he is not doing anything wrong with Jiang Li. When the words were exported, they quickly stopped.

Jiang Li bowed his head and his voice was like a mosquito. "I don't know,"

This appearance is clearly a shy appearance.

This is a miracle. Since Jiang Li returned to Yanjing City from Qingcheng Mountain, the Jiang family is more gentle, calm, and even calm to indifferent, so this shyness and unnaturalness are particularly obvious.

Jiang Yuyan also stared straight at Jiang Li and did not speak.

Jiang Li looked up and looked at Yang’s gaze. The time seemed to be a little flustered. He quickly said, “I’m too late to come, so I don’t go into details with the three squats. Let’s take a step.” She leaned over from Yang’s And Jiang Yuyan left, as if he was flustered, and quickly fled, can't wait for the general.

Jiang Li’s figure disappeared quickly. Jiang Yuyan stood in the same place. After a while, she whispered, “Mom, my sister, is it lying?”

Yang didn't talk, just frowning, half a sigh: "Take her say she doesn't lie, the government office alone asks her, there must be a problem!"

At the other end, Jiang Li is walking outside the government gate, and Tonger is holding the carriage.

Her shyness, jealousy, and unnaturalness have long since disappeared, and replaced by the original gentle and calm face. She was sitting in the carriage, thinking of her own appearance, could not help but laugh. I don't know when she started, she has become a person who can enter the show at any time. She will control her own joys and sorrows, and what others want to see, she will show others what.

She had long felt that the three rooms were a little weird. The three-room Jiang Yuyan and Yang’s dressing, I don’t know when it was, it’s much wider than in the past. However, Jiang Yuanxing did not advance promotion, and the three houses did not do other small businesses. The improvement of the three-bedroom life was too obvious. A lot of money must be needed.

And since Jiang Yuxi married, the three rooms do not seem to mind the gap between the two rooms, Jiang Yuanxing and even the brothers and sisters are not willing to install.

There are also the ugly things of Ji Shuran and Liu Wencai. Suddenly, the entire Yanjing City was spread all night. Jiang Yuanbai searched all the Jiang family and found no suspicious people. So for a long time, many people thought that this thing was done by Jiang Li, in order to retaliate against Ji Shuran. However, if I did not do it, Jiang Li knew it. Later, Jiang Li thought that, except for the next person, the three-bedroom person was also present. If there is a person in the Jiang family who is centrifuged with the big house and the second room, is the three rooms absolutely one?

Will the three houses be the traitors of the Jiang family? Jiang Li has been unable to find evidence until she saw Yang, and she suddenly thought that she could use this matter to try.

Her shyness and jealousy will mislead Yang. If Yang misunderstood something and told someone, this matter was leaked out, and it was almost impossible to prove that Yang was problematic.

The carriage left, and **** pear sat inside and looked at his fingertips.

I hope that my doubts are wrong.

But if it is right, it doesn't matter. However, it is a fang tooth hidden in Jiang's house. After it is pulled out, nothing is done.

At the entrance of the National Government, Zhao Wei is in the yard, talking to Wen Ji.

He went out last night and went back to the government office early this morning, so he did not return to Jiang.

Inside the house, Situ is busy in September. When she gets free, she will do some new poison. Haitang stood next to her and handed her the materials she needed from time to time.

Since Haishu’s face was hurt, she had nothing to do in the government office, but she could not find anything to do, and she simply became the next person in Situ’s September. When Situ refining the medicine in September, Haishu was on the side.

Zhao Wei looked at the two people in the room, shook his head and sighed: "A good girl, how did she follow Miss Situ?"

Is Situ September beautiful? Natural beauty, her appearance in the Yanjing City women, can even rank in the top ten. However, it is too fierce to give people poison in a word, and others dare to get close to her. Haishu, let alone, the guards of the National Government still admire her. In September, Situ gave He Haizhi a wound on his face. He used the poisonous spider's method of poisoning and poisoning. The danger and pain of the poisonous spider were known to the people of the National Government. It is already unexpected that the sea otter is willing to accept it. She can bear it, and it is unexpected.

A girl's family can be so tough and brave, and the guards of the National Government are admired. Some people are even very eager to go out with the sea otter.

Unfortunately, this restored the original appearance, the beautiful girl, but very cold in the bones, resolutely refused all the guards who showed her love, only said that she did not marry in this life. Everyone knows the Shen Jia Shen Yurong and the Princess Yongning. It is speculated that Haitang was obsessed with the fake face of the man because of the fake face. Shen Shenrong cursed it in secret.

Wen Jidao: "Less nonsense, go to the door, count the hours, Miss Jiang II is coming."

Zhao Wei spit out the grass in his mouth. "I am not her husband. What should I do? If the country grandfather really likes her, why not just take her back to the house?"

"Like! Like!" A scream came from me, scared Zhao Yu’s soul to fly, and looked up. Xiaohong stood on the branch and stared at him with ridiculously. The black feathers were particularly conspicuous, saying: "Like! Like !"

"Grandma, don't call it." Zhao Yu can't wait to lick its mouth. "If the grown-up knows that I am behind my back, I have to lick my skin and shut up!"

The more the little red is called, the more vigorous it is, the louder the sound and the fight of General Ji.

Zhao Wei had no choice but to wait for the broken bird to be called down. He had to attract the people of the entire government office. Thinking of the picture of Ji Xiaoxiao Yingying asking himself what he said, Zhao Wei could not help but fight a cold war. He said to Wen Ji: "That, you are watching it here, I will pick up Miss Jiang and I will meet again." !" The soles of the feet are slippery.

Wen Ji took a deep breath and looked at the red red standing on the tree, turned his head and left.

Jiang Li’s carriage stopped at the gate of the National Government.

The welcoming priest saw Jiang Li, once more than a smile, and Jiang Lili felt that he was catching up with Ye Ming’s family. She is holding the pale golden pony, and the little doorman of the porter is still awkward, saying: "Miss Jiang Er, this"

"Give a gift to General Ji’s birthday," Jiang Li smiled. "Just follow me to enter the house."

Xiao Yan stupid for a while, said: "Oh, good."

Life is a pony, this **** family is really different from ordinary people, no wonder the adults are special to her.

Jiang Li and the people leading the way went to the government office. When they walked to the side of the flower garden, they saw a tall figure dancing on a piece of open space in front of the flower garden. Swordsmanship is excellent. I only see silver light as a dragon, and my body shape is strong. Then I look at it. I am wearing a white cloth and a red dress. Isn’t it the person who is General Ji?

Judging from the sword method of his sword, it is indeed possible to see the heroic posture of the past. I just don’t know if it’s too hard, and Jianqi immediately brought many petals in the flowerbed, and the petals fell down in a row. If you ignore the general of Ji, standing in the flower rain, it’s really a delightful thing.

Just Jiang Li vaguely remembers that the flowers in this flower garden are all costly and meticulously preserved. The National Government is very large. It is not only this open space. General Ji’s general has been practicing swords here. It can be said that he is very self-willed.

She stood quietly beside the flowerbed. I don't know how long it took. General Ji’s general danced the sword. What a little sister said before him, it should be a matter of telling Jiang Li. General Ji’s general turned back and strode over to Jiang Li’s side.

"Old general." Jiang Lili saluted him.

"You are here." General Ji’s look is not happy, but he is not happy, but after all, there is still some happiness. He said: "Today is the birth of the old man. The last time you broiled the venison in the house, the old man likes it very much, so I invite you to come here today. You don't have to do it this time."

Jiang Li smiled a little reluctantly. "Thank you for the understanding of the old general." She is not the next person of the National Government. If she is fine, she will go to the National Government to fulfill the wishes of others.

General Ji’s eyes glanced and suddenly said: “Good horse!” Three steps and two steps, walked behind Jiang Pear.

Bai Xue is holding the pale golden horse, **** pear licking the snow, telling her not to bring the horse to the flower bud, the flower in the flower bud is poisonous, in case the poison is poisoned, then something goes wrong.

"This is" the old general walked to the horse's side, slightly frowning, and reached out to care for the pony's hair. The pony snorted in the nose, shaking his head slightly and kicking his forefoot.

"This is a birthday gift to the old generals, I hope the old generals do not dislike." Jiang Li smiled.

Dislike? how is this possible? At least from the appearance of General Ji, the real word is not seen. I saw that his mouth had to reach the root of his ear, and his face was laughing. From the time he knew the old general to the present, Jiang Li was the first time to see that he obviously showed such a happy appearance. He touched the horse's mane again, and the movement was cautious. He looked at Jiang Li and looked at what he wanted to ask.

Jiang Li guessed what he wanted to ask, and said: "It is a sweaty BMW."

"Oh!" The old general shot the thigh. "The old man said it! This horse is simply a sweaty horse." It was confirmed by Jiang Li that his smile was more obvious, and the circle around the horse was like a lust. The man saw the peerless beauty, and the greedy man saw the two gold, and he couldn’t put it down.

"The old man hasn't seen a sweaty horse for many years. I want to say that the old man's mount chasing the wind is also a good horse. Unfortunately, he was shot dead by the enemy when he was fighting with the old man. Later, the old man raised lightning. However, I have been accompanying the old man until the end, until I die. Unfortunately, for many years, I have not been on the battlefield. The horses in the capital can be beaten. If there are less blood, this horse is different. It is different in the bones." He said When he said it, he was sad. "It’s a pity that such a good horse, now with the half-person who wants to go to the old man, can’t go to the battlefield, and can’t go around.”

Since ancient times, the name will be like a beautiful woman. The general is late and sad like the beauty.

However, Jiang Li’s heart is calm, because General Ji’s general sighs, but in the winter flower buds, he also wants to hunt for the venison, and he does not seem to be “half of the body”. People.

Just saying, not far from the exclamation of people, but also mixed with people's footsteps. When Jiang Li looked back, he saw the people of Ren Yao, Lu Yan and Kong Liu, who were coming from afar. The person who walks in the end is naturally Ji Yun. I want to come to them four people just in one place.

Kong Liu went the fastest, and his eyes fell on the horse. He couldn't open his eyes. After he got closer, he touched and looked at it again, causing the pony to be impatient.

"Master, where did you get this good horse? Look at it is not ordinary!"

General Ji, proudly said: "Blood-blooded BMW, don't worry, this is the birthday gift of Jiang Shutou to the old man, not your kid!"

I heard that it was a sweaty BMW. Lu Yan and Wen Ren were both surprised. Kong Liu was even staring at Jiang Li, saying: "Blood and blood?"

Yanjing City once had a sweaty BMW, or a gift from a small country to the emperor's tribute. He was raised in the palace, and served deliciously. In addition, he was only heard in the rumors of others. Kong Six people are not stupid people, listening to General Ji’s general said, and then take a closer look, then I know that this is not a lie.

"My sister," Kong Liu couldn't help but said: "This is really a joke." He looked at Jiang Li. "Ms. Jiang Er is too big. Is this what Jiang Yuanfu means?"

It is not an exaggeration for a BMW to be worth two thousand yuan. Is Jiang Yuanbai so generous? Jiang Jia and the National Government Office have nothing to do with each other. They say that Jiang Li will not accept the post, and Jiang’s family will have to hesitate for a long time. But if Jiang Li’s own idea, even if Jiang Li’s hand is more generous, how can Ye Jia get help from Jiang Li, it’s not possible to send a big gift so refreshingly.

"My father didn't know what gift I sent. I thought it was an ordinary tonic." Jiang Li smiled slightly. "But the adult does not have to praise. This horse is not expensive. I sent the silver of the old general. I still have it. ""

She looks at herself and does not seem to be a fake. It seems that she is still a little happy. The people around me are all a glimpse. This is really a weightlifting.

Ji Yan’s eyes, “Geometry?”

"Not much, five hundred and two silver." Jiang Li smiled and said.

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