Marriage of the Di Daughter

Chapter 203: Injured

Jiang Li was left alone to let the person loose himself. When she saw the front, she saw the person in front of him, and his hands were smashed from the wrist.

Jiang Li couldn't see how he was knocked out of his hands. He only saw the fan of Ji Yun and had a little blood. He took out the white silk scorpion from his sleeve, wiped the blood on the clean fan with a disgusting scent, and threw it away.

The squatting light fell on the man on the ground, and the people on the ground held their bare hands and tumbling, rolling like a painful, crying heart. Zhao Wei came over and a sword pierced his throat and ended his life.

Jiang Li saw this clearly. The other four people have fallen to the ground. They all see the blood seal. They want to come to Zhao Wei and Wen Ji. As for this one, it is about the honor of Ji Yun. He was rubbed with his fan by Ji Yun.

"The dead." He smelled the man, and he sighed and folded his hands together. "Sin has been sinned."

A good look of sorrow and horror, how could it lead to these people if he didn't run around at first?

Lu Hao did not take it for granted. It seems that he is familiar with such things. He said to Ji Yun: "Let's continue on the road."

Lin Biao was young and scared to tears. He didn't dare to cry, his eyes were red, and he looked distressed. Jiang Li looked at Ji Yun, Ji Wei looked at her, smiled and patted her shoulder and said: "It's okay."

Just one sentence "It's okay", it seems that Jiang Li is relieved, only feels that the strength of his body is exhausted, and instantly becomes exhausted. He was about to talk. Suddenly, not far away, there was a hoof of hooves, which was filled with curses and shouts.

The crowd surprised a moment.

Lu said: "It's not good. These people are not scattered soldiers. I am afraid there are other people. If you listen to a large number of people, let's go quickly."

Everyone hurriedly got on the carriage, Zhao Wei and Wen Ji did not dare to delay, and the whip ran. Jiang Li is sitting in the carriage, the mountain road is bumpy, but the mind is still a matter of talent. No one expected that such a thing would happen in the middle of the road. The soldiers behind him did not know how many people were there. Wen Renyao and Lu Yan were all dignified. Ji Xiao had no expression, but Jiang Li knew that things were not like her imagination. So easy.

Lin Biao nervously sat and sat in the distance, his grievances with red eyes, he was very noisy, and the carriage was silent.

Jiang Li was somewhat upset. When she lowered her head, she suddenly saw a red rope from her neck. It was a red rope tied with a civet cat and jade. The red rope was still there, but the bottom was light. Only Yu Pei has disappeared.

She was stunned first, then she was a little scared, and then she thought about it. I was afraid that when I was entangled with the soldiers, I was accidentally pulled down and lost. Jiang Li felt a little regret, that is the jade that her father gave her. As evidence of Xue Fangfei, she has been carefully kept, and she did not expect to be lost here.

But there is no way, you can't let the carriage turn around and look for it. I don't know who to follow, if it happens to be a soldier and a soldier, I am afraid that it will not pay for it. Because of the small loss, Jiang Li will quietly grab the red rope and pull it down. In the sleeve.

When she was regretting her heart, Ji Yun suddenly said: "Parking."

The carriage stopped abruptly, and Zhao Wei and Wen Ji asked: "Adult?" It is also very strange why Ji Ji will stop at this time.

Ji Yu said: "I have something to do, keep the mark on the road, and meet you at night."

"Adult, can't." Lu Yi heard, anxious: "The king's soldiers and horses are behind, although I don't know how many people, but at least one team, we will soon be out. If you are alone, you will encounter What happened to them?"

"I have my own size," said Ji Wei. "You continue to move forward, don't worry about me." After saying this, he got off the carriage, and Lu Hao would have to persuade him again. Ji Yun has disappeared.

Zhao Wei and Wen Ji have always listened to Ji Yun’s words. Since Ji Yun let them go forward, the carriage will sprint again. Lu Yan frowned, a strong road: "Noisy, noisy!"

Wen Ren was also taken aback. When Ji Yun left, he thought about it: "Auntie, what are you going to do? How did he suddenly go? Hey," he glanced at the carriage curtain. , said: "The direction he left is actually going back. What is he doing?"

"How do I know." Lu Hao did not respond with a good gas, and looked at Jiang Li, and asked with a good voice: "Ginger girl can know why adults are going?"

Jiang Li shook his head stunnedly: "I don't know."

There was a slight disappointment in Lu Yan’s eyes, and he sighed and stopped talking.

Jiang Li’s heart is also strange and tense. On the way, Ji Yun has not been separated from them. It is also said that it is good to return to Yanjing City together. How suddenly he left alone at this critical juncture, what is he going to do? Can't this be seen by others? Although knowing that Ji Yun does not like others to see their secrets, Jiang Li’s heart is still somewhat annoyed.

This is too worrying.

At this moment, her fingertips touched the cold scissors in the sleeve. Before Ji Yun did not cut off the soldier's hand, she took out the scissors and stabbed the soldier. Later, Ji Wei rescued her. Hey, Jiang Li took the scissors back.

At this moment, I calmed down, how did she remember... She was a pair of scissors, was it stabbed?

Jiang Li took the scissors out of his sleeve.

The silver scissors are small and delicate, with a cool color, but there is some solid red on the top, and the **** pear is stunned. Wen Ren suddenly saw Jiang Li took a pair of scissors and said strangely: "Where is the scissors coming from here... Miss Two, what did you do with him? How is there blood?"

In the brain of Jiang Li, immediately floating up, Ji Yun blocked himself. His red robes protected his body. When he said "Don't be afraid", it seemed that his body trembled a little.

Everything happened too fast, and she was so overwhelmed that she ignored some of them. When Ji Yun was in front of her, the scissors couldn’t be recovered and stabbed him. I just didn't know what was in the thorn. He had nothing to do with it. The red robes covered the wound. She couldn't see anything. She didn't know that he was hurt by himself. He didn't know that he had to endure the pain. The wind is lightly concealed.

Jiang Li closed his eyes.

He still has injuries on his body, and he does not know what to do alone, but at the moment he is in danger and he is shocked.

She can't do anything, and she can't help anything. She can only pray in silence.

Pray that he is safe and sound.


Zhao Wei and Wen Ji really listened to Ji Yun’s words. Ji Wei asked them not to stop moving forward. Even if Ji Ji was absent, Zhao Wei and Wen Ji also kept on their way. Just did not catch a long way, Zhao Wei and Wen Ji will stop to make a mark, their mark Jiang Li can not understand, but about Ji Yun understand. I don't know if it was lucky. When it was dark, in the mountains, they found a thatched cottage.

This room should have been occupied for a long time, about the straw house left by the people hunting in the mountains. Even the door of the house was closed. When you entered, there was a spider web on the ground. There are two rooms, each with a collapse, but the collapse is not smashed, and the windows are only papery. There is a stone-built stove in the kitchen, and there is some firewood in the stove.

"Just stay here." Lu said: "Well, there is a place to rest."

I heard people go around looking for dry wood, and this time he no longer dared to go too far as before, picking up some dead branches nearby. I plan to burn some hot water. Jiang Li took the broom at the door and cleaned up the inside and outside of the house. There was no one to live here for a long time. The dust was everywhere, and it was much better to sort it out.

Zhao Wei and Wen Ji looked dignified and walked around the house, probably to investigate the situation around him. It was very quiet all around, and it seems that no one has been there on weekdays.

After everything was packed, everyone went into the room to sit down. Zhao Wei and Wen Ji sat at the door and heard people sitting on the ground. There was no bench here. Only the stone was moved into the house and sitting on the stone.

"Why don't you come back?" Wendeng said: "You said that he won't have anything?"

"Adults won't have anything to do." Lu said: "I don't know if I have any trouble."

"Even if you are in trouble, the aunt's ability should be solved." Wen Ren looked at Jiang Li: "Can it be solved?"

Jiang Li: ".... I don't know."

She was flustered. She didn't know where her scissors were tied to Ji Yun. If it hurts a lot, it will affect Ji Ji.

"Do not worry," the silent literary genre is open. He said: "The grown-up is self-contained, very dangerous, he will not do it."

This sentence is to let everyone put aside their minds. Ji Yun has no choice, so savvy people really want to threaten themselves, he naturally will not do it alone. He is a person who will weigh the pros and cons and will not make unnecessary sacrifices.

At night, everyone went to sleep. Jiang Li can own a room alone because she is a woman. However, she could not sleep, and Zhao Wei and Wen Ji slept outside to prevent sudden situations.

Jiang Li always feels restless and simply sits up and walks outside. Zhao Yu and Wen Ji took a scorpion on the ground and fell to sleep on the ground. Ginger pear went out and saw a man coming in.

It turned out to be Ji Yun.

Zhao Wei and Wen Ji also woke up, and Ji Wei waved their hands to them, and the two did not know. Jiang Li couldn't help but walked forward and took Ji Yun to her own room.

Wen Renyao, Lu Yi and Lin Biao were in another room. Jiang Li was afraid to wake them up. She took Ji Ji and there was no stool in the house, so Ji Ji sat on the bed.

There was no light, only the clear moonlight, she lowered her voice and asked, "You, are you okay? What have you done?"

The young man spread his palms, his palms were slender and powerful, and there was a jade in the middle, and the civet cat on the top was embarrassing.

Ginger pears.

"I got this." He laughed.

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