On this day, Jiang Li did not know how he returned to Jiang. It seems that everyone is persuading her to be relieved, and Ji Yun will definitely return. Now I can't find the whereabouts for the time being, but I don't know why, but Jiang Li's heart can't settle down. Those who comforted her words crossed her ear, and could not comfort her a little bit.

The Jiang family did not know the news of Ji Yun, and did not know what happened to Jiang Li. He thought that everything was as usual. Tonger and Baixue knew the inside story. When they sent **** pear back, Wen Renyao specially deliberately asked for two to take care of Jiang Li, and to accompany Jiang Li, don’t let Jiang Li think about it.

Tonger and Baixue carefully served **** pears. They thought that **** pears would cry, they would be saddened by one person, and they would even get sick, but after returning from Jiangfu, Jiangli was strong. If she has nothing to do with what she will do on weekdays, at least on the surface, she is no different from the past.

But the anxiety and worry in my heart is even worse every day.

One day passed, two days passed, and ten days passed and the month passed. Waiting became more and more hopeless. There was no news of Ji Yun. At the beginning, Kong Liu would still contemplate the **** pear. Later, every time Jiang Li went to the National Government to ask for news, Kong Liu did not dare to look at Jiang Li. Jiang Li can see helplessness and sigh from Kong Liu’s eyes.

In the first month of Stuart, they also believed that Ji Yun will definitely come back, but the time is getting longer and longer, and the winter in Yanjing City is beginning to snow. The ground is full of thick white snow, and the winter is over. When the news came, Situ began to be silent in September.

Jiang Li once overheard the conversation between Situ and September.

Situ September said: "There is still no news of Ji Yun, what is going on? Is Lu Yan really looking for his whereabouts?"

"Really. The Seven Miles are also in the winter, the snow is closing the mountains, the beasts on the mountains are infested, and Lu Hao is looking for the mountains all the time." His voice is low. "Before Miss Jiang is here, I can't really say When they came out, the captives of Yin Jiabing said that when adults escaped, they were seriously injured, they could escape, and they might not be able to live. It was already very difficult to find someone in such a mountain. But if the adults are still alive, they must The idea will meet with Lu Yan. The mountains in the Seven Miles are uninhabited, and he can't hide them."

Situ was cold and cold in September: "What do you mean by this? Does it mean that Ji Wei is a fierce?"

"I don't want adults to have an accident." Kong Six sounded like an angry anger. "If I was in the mountains at the time, even if I had to fight my life, I would protect the adults safely! But now it is, I just tell What is most likely to happen to you."

There was silence for a long time, and the voice of Situ’s September came. “Life and death, people like you and me have already been used to life and death. Ji Ji is strong again. It’s also an ordinary person. But if he really returns No, how about **** pear?"

"Miss Jiang Er?"

"Yeah, she is following Jixi with all her heart. I see, if Ji Yun really can't come back, she will always wait like this. We can't help her. For her, for Ji Wei, this is the case. It is the most tragic place."

After standing in the bush, Jiang Li listened to the cruel words of Stuart in September, and the heart could not help but float a trace of sorrow. Even Situ’s September thought that this was a tragedy? The encounter between her and Ji Yun is destined to reach a good ending.

Can Ji Yun really not come back? She thought so, the news came so embarrassing, so unreal. It is remembered in her mind, but it is a variety of 蘅. In the restaurant, Ji Wei, who is smiling and listening to her, and her step-by-step Ji Yun, showed her helplessness, the gentleness of Ji Yun, and the spring breeze, the wall, the first time when Ji Wei .

Their lives, before and after the two worlds entangled, deep, now, but in this joint said to be separated? Want to break the leading edge? Jiang Li’s eyes were firm and she never agreed. Even if she is alone, she has to maintain the relationship between two people. In the life of Jiang Li, there will be no second 蘅, even if Ji 蘅 is no longer, no one will replace his position.

Jiang Li didn't listen any more, turned and left.

Yanjing City is especially cold this winter. The wind blows in from the window and can almost penetrate the bones of the person. After Yin Jiabing had been lingering for a while, the remnants finally could not resist and surrendered. Yin Zhili is dead, and the rest of the people can't make any climate. Jinwujun won a great victory, and the name that has been silent for many years has re-bong.

But this war is not as easy as people think. Only those who are really in it know the cruelty of war. Yin Jiabing is like this, Jin Wujun also suffered heavy casualties. The most important thing is that Ji Jin, who led Jin Wujun, was about to die in the battlefield.

The people of Yanjing City got this news, they are all embarrassed. The original rumors about Su Guogong also disappeared because of his death. His past personality and beauty have added a subtle color to his life. The storyteller in the restaurant began to talk about the story of Su Guogong, and in the words of the book, Ji Yun changed the darkness of the past and became unselfish and heroic.

People always do this, knowing things with what they see in their eyes. It seems as if I know the truth. At the same time as the street rumors rumored that Ji Rong, Jiang Li was also taken up and said. I only said that Miss Jiang’s life was awkward. Before that, she had a relative with Zhou Yanbang of Ningyuan Houfu, but her sister was occupied by her sister. Now he has booked a kiss with Ji Yun, but Ji Wei is dead in the battlefield. Some people are sympathetic, some people are ridiculous, and some people rumored that it is not that Miss Jiang is destined to be alone, and that every parent will have no results. . If it is a Kef, it is still a haircut for the early days, so I have to be tired of the talents.

The rumors of the Beijing rumors spread, and the Jiang family also heard it. Jiang Yuanbai came to ask Jiang Li and asked Jiang Lidao: "Little pear, now you have heard the rumors outside, and then stay in Yanjing City, I am afraid that your reputation is not good. I am now and you have resigned from your uncle. Soon after, I will take Xiaoyao to Yongzhou for treatment. If you don't want to stay in Yanjing City, we can leave early and leave this place."

In his words, he actually brought a few real concerns. Jiang Yuanbai knows that Jiang Li is really like Ji Yun, and Ji Yu’s death is a huge blow to Jiang Li. It’s almost worse for others to make irresponsible remarks. How much rumor hurts a person, Jiang Li has been taught many years ago, he has been sorry for **** pear once, I really can't bear to see Jiang Pear because it is not his own mistake and once again suffered from unwarranted accusations. If escaping is also a way, then there is nothing shameful.

"Thank you father," Jiang Lidao said: "I don't plan to leave Yanjing City. I have to wait here for Ji Yun to come back."

Jiang Yuanbai frowned. "He is dead."

"But I didn't see the body?" Jiang Li smiled slightly and said calmly: "It may not be dead. Others don't want to continue searching, but I think he is still not dead. Before the appointment was not fulfilled, I was here to wait for him to come back."

In the heart of Jiang Li, Ji Yu, a man from the beginning to the present, from bad to gentle, one of his temperaments has never changed. The promised things must be done, and the agreement must be fulfilled. From the very beginning, she and Ji Yun began to make the first transaction, they can see it.

She believes that this time Ji Ji can return, the story of the end of the pillars have been heard by everyone, others think she is stupid, crazy once and idiots for the second time, can be loved by the sea, the bitterness of the sea, the end is certainly silly But he is not willing to go to the last moment.

She is waiting for Ji Yun.

Jiang Yuanbai looked at Jiang Li for a long time and finally sighed deeply. He seemed to be compromised and completely compromised. "If that is the case, then you will stay in Yanjing City."

He really can't take Jiang Li, but Jiang Li's eyes are determined and stubborn, so he can't help but move. As if to persuade Jiang Li to give up waiting, it is a heinous thing.

He is helpless.

At the beginning of December, it was the day when Jin Wujun’s class teacher returned to the DPRK. On the way back to Beijing, the people welcomed and cheered. Those soldiers, many battlefields, remain forever under the loess, and those who come back to life become heroes and should receive the glory they deserve.

Jiang Li is also standing among the people in the crowd. She looks at the long queue and looks forward to seeing a familiar red figure from the end of the team. Ji Yun will still smile like a smile. . As always, the clouds are light and windy.

She waited for the first person from the team to the last person, but she never saw the figure of Ji Yun, so her eyes finally dimmed. No miracle appeared, he did not return, at least for now, he did not return.

Tonger looked at her worriedly and asked, "Girl, are you okay?"

Jiang Li shook his head and said: "Nothing, let's go to the government office."

Today, Lu Hao should also be back. The news about Ji Yun is only the most clear to Lu Yi. Jiang Li wants to see Lu Yan, at least know what is going on in the day.

Tonger and Bai Xue looked at each other and did not want Jiang Li to go to the government office at this moment, so as not to think of things. However, Jiang Li’s attitude was firm, and they were helpless. They had to accompany Jiang Li.

When I arrived at the National Government Office, the gate of the National Government Office was quiet. If Ji Ji came back today, I would like to have a lot of fun when I came here. Jiang Li and the porter greeted each other and walked in. They went to the house and went to the yard. They saw Zhao Wei and Wen Ji for a long time.

Zhao Wei first saw Jiang Li and said: "Miss."

Jiang Li walked over and did not see it for a year. Zhao Wei and Wen Ji also looked a lot. There are also a few scars on the face of Wen Ji, which shows that the battle on the battlefield is very intense. Some Zhao did not dare to look at the eyes of Jiang Li. Without actively speaking, Jiang Li said: "Is Ji Hong really not coming back?"

Wen Ji shook his head gently, and there was a bit of frustration in his tone. "I didn't protect my adult."

"What happened on the day?" Jiang Li asked. "I only hear the facts from other people's mouths. I am afraid that it is not entirely true. You are always with him, and naturally know the most clearly."

"When the adults and Yin Zhili circulated, the old wounds recurred, and Yin Zhili's deputy injured the adult's original wounds. The big talents were not. At that time, the adults went alone to chase Yin Li, we still don't know the situation of adults, and then when we find those prisoners They said that the adults had escaped, but they said that the adults were seriously injured and could not walk far. We looked around for a long time and did not find the shadow of the adults. Later, Mr. Lu was soaring and nowhere to fall. Until until "

The Wen Ji is not an awkward person, but he seems to be unable to say it. He is a supporter, and Jiang Li’s heart is tight, and he can’t help but ask: “Until what?”

Wen Ji glanced at the **** pear. He took out a piece from his sleeve and spread it in his palm. Jiang Li saw that it was a butterfly fan pendant, but only half of it was left. It was about to be broken, leaving half of it. A bare butterfly wing with clear marks on the jade.

Jiang Li shuddered and reached out, took over the butterfly, the familiar fan pendant, and now there is no longer the beautiful appearance of the past, can not dance with the gorgeous fan.

"We found this in the mountains. Mr. Lu recognized that this is the fan of the adult. Let us look for it. We found it and found it." The voice of the Wenji also choked. "We found the adult." The armor and clothing, as well as the bloodstains, have passed for a long time. The military said that adults may be eaten by wolf dogs."

Jiang Li was black in front of him, almost fainted, and Tonger screamed and quickly helped her. There is nothing in the eyes of Jiang Li, only appearing in the mountains, the red armor is bloodstained, and horrible traces are smeared on the ground. The prophecy, the cursing general prophecy reverberated in her ear: the robbery of the female disaster, the exposure of the dead wilderness, the hawks foraging.

All of them have been fulfilled.

Jiang Li muttered: "I killed him."

Tonger anxiously said: "Girl, this is not your business, you don't have anything wrong with you."

"No, it's my fault. I made him robbed. If that day, Yin Zhili didn't take me to lure him into the game, he wouldn't hurt. It hurts me." She closed her eyes in pain and her tears rolled down. .

"Adults have never thought about this." Zhao said: "Miss Jiang Er, for adults, you are the most important, you must not torture yourself."

They have been with Ji Yun for many years, not so much as the master servant, but rather a brother who is like a courage. They are also saddened by the departure of Ji Yun, but they can't blame it on the head of Jiang Li. After all, it’s still the day to tease people, but at that time, let Ji’s old relapse.

"Adults mentioned before the expedition, if this time he can't come back, then the National Government will be handed over to Miss II. The second lady wants to sell or keep, or do other things, all by The second lady has the final say. In Yanjing City, the adults have no relatives, and the second lady is the last concern of the adults. All the things he can stay will be given to Miss Two."

Jiang Li smiled awkwardly. What is this? Is this all the house finances arranged before death? She should praise Ji Ji for her farsightedness and do everything in advance. The people in Yanjing City will start envious of her again. It was Ji Yu who died and left her such a fortune. God knows that she would rather use all her wealth to exchange her back. She hopes that Ji Yun’s arrangement will never be honored. It means that she still has the opportunity to wait for him to return and wait for the day he fulfills his promise.

"What is the plan for Miss Two in the future?" Zhao said softly. "The adult said that if he is not there, Miss Two is our master. What does Miss II have for us, we can say the finale."

Jiang Li set her mind, and the grief in her heart almost killed him in an instant, but she knew that it was not the time to be alone. A lot of things have not been solved. The enemies of Ji Yun’s past will take advantage of this time to swallow the National Government. Regarding the title, regarding other things, Hong Xiaodi may read the loyalty of Ji Yun to defend Ji Ji, but when the king’s trust can be maintained, no one can say clearly. And most importantly, those opponents will do everything they can to achieve their goals, including making a fuss about Ji's death.

She can't help Ji Yun to do anything on the battlefield, but in Yanjing City, she must do her best to protect the government. Even in this national government, there is no relative of Ji Yun, but this house, Ji Yun grew up here, she could not watch the person being taken away.

"I don't have any plans. I don't plan to go anywhere. What you worry about will not happen." Jiang Li holds a fist tightly. Only in this way can she not let her tears stop and flow down. It will make her completely collapse. She said: "I will find a way to complete the big marriage, even if there is only one person, I will stay and hold this place. Please also join me and hold the house of Ji Yun."

She is sad and determined: "He only has this home."

Wen Ji and Zhao Wei looked at each other and bowed to Jiang Li on one knee. This is the ceremony of the master and servant. They seem to completely let go of their hearts and trust Jiang Li wholeheartedly. Christine said: "Yes, girl."

In the palace, Hong Xiaodi went to the cold palace where the Queen Mother lived.

It was cold in the cold, and there was no fire in the stove here. When I walked in, I felt that I was soaked in the ice. There was no life in the yard, and the eaves were long, only showing a little faint light, walking here, like a prison.

This is also a prison.

Su Gonggong stood on one side and carefully told the guards to lift a mahogany box and open the door for Hong Xiaodi and carried the box in.

There was an unpleasant smell in the room, and Su Gonggong couldn't help but wrinkle his nose. Hong Xiaodi’s eyes were slightly moving, and it was a light. The room was dark and the curtain was pulled tightly and nothing could be seen. After the faint light is on, the talents can see it inside.

At the foot of the bed, a person curled up, she was wrapped in a quilt, the ground was full of smudges, and perhaps there was blood. She seemed to be very photophobic, and when she felt the light, she quickly retracted her head. Until Hong Xiaodi said: "Lin Roujia."

Lin Roujia looked up and looked at him with a confused look. Hong Xiaodi’s heart was slightly surprised.

He knew that the woman was so vicious and determined that she was thrown here, and she did not waver even if she was in poor condition. Still carrying a pair of tallest shelves, even the meticulous care of himself, is still proud of the past half. Emperor Hong Xiaodi was also annoyed. He even thought that he would use other methods to torture the Queen Mother. It is just to let the Queen Mother have a painful regret in her own heart. I am afraid that she will not be too selfish in this life.

However, since the last time Jiang Lijin entered the palace and saw Lin Roujia, things have changed. For those outside the gatekeeper, the Queen Mother suddenly fell into disrepair. On several occasions, she even wanted to take the fragments of the mirror to find death. Hong Xiaodi is optimistic about the Queen Mother and cannot let her die immediately. Those people said that the Queen Mother is now judged as two people, as if something that has been believed in life has collapsed, and can no longer support it. And every day looks very painful. When she is awake, she is only doing one thing and looking for death.

Hong Xiaodi took away everything that might have been used by the Queen Mother to find death, so that she would really be alive and not die.

"Emperor" Linroujia muttered. It is difficult for her to recognize the emperor's face. Under the faint light, when she was weak, she still needs to please her. The teenager has grown into a tall emperor. Unpredictable and strong wrists will make her decisively imprisoned here.

The royals can live in this position, and there is no such thing as a kind-hearted person.

Lin Roujia was soberly awake, and then, in the face of Hong Xiaodi, she was not willing to be a little short. I was about to ridicule a few words. Suddenly, her eyes fell on the huge mahogany box. Somehow, her gaze was attracted by the box, and she couldn't move it, as if there were any treasures in it, so that she could not move her eyes.

Hong Xiaodi followed her gaze and smiled. "When you come today, you are giving gifts." He waved his hand. "Come and open the box."

The two guards approached and pushed the box to Lin Roujia and opened it.

Lin Roujia looked inside.

In the mahogany box, there was also a golden velvet cloth, which seemed to be a gift-oriented ceremony. However, above the velvet, two heads were placed side by side, and the neck was bloody, but the dirt on the face was wiped clean, so the eyebrows could be clearly identified. One person is Yin Zhan and the other is Yin Zhili.

After the Queen saw the two people in front of him, she screamed "No". She rushed over and took the head out and hugged her arms. They were all separated and naturally could not live any more. However, she still hopes to save the two people. I burst into tears and said, "Azhan! Li!"

It is a pity that both Yin Zhan and Yin Zhili are closed and can no longer respond to her crying.

"Yin Jiabing defeated, Jinwujun class teacher returned to the DPRK, this is the result of the war. I thought that since you were a great mother of the country, the joys of these countries should also be shared with you. I will show you specifically, how?" Xiaodi smiled and gritted his teeth.

He finally saw the Queen Mother crying and crying, and it was time to repent. This woman is as hard as iron, no matter what happens, she is always indifferent. Emperor Hong Xiaodi is also an individual. He also has revenge. Xia Guifei, who was harmed by the Queen Mother, died prematurely, which made his boyhood full of haze. He also hoped that the Queen Mother would taste the pain.

And Lin Roujia, it is true that I really loved Yin Zhan. I saw that she held Yin Zhan’s head in her arms. She did not despise the odor of her head. She did not feel horrible. She was firmly in her arms, afraid of people stealing. She also went to kiss Yin Chan's cold lips and cried: "Azhan Azhan don't leave me."

This terrible scene fell in the eyes of everyone, and everyone felt a bit chilly. Lin Roujia cried and cried, suddenly said: "Emperor, you killed me!"

"Oh?" Hong Xiaodi raised his eyebrows: "Why are you killing you?"

"I was hurting your mother-in-law. I also killed the red leaves and Ji Hanhan. I have a deep hatred for you. I beg you, let me die!" The Queen Mother cried, swayed, and nowhere. In the past, the temple was light and light. She is really dead, Yin Chan is already dead, Yin Zhili is already dead. In this world, the only two people she loves and have feelings are dead. What does it mean to live? The day when there will be no more turnarounds, it can only be endured in this dark day of hell.

How can she be separated from Yin Zhan, or can she die?

The Queen Mother did not stop giving the Emperor a gimmick. If it was in the past few years, it would not happen in any case. She will only be high on the top, using the words of the awkward and dark words, tortured the young emperor in a sentence.

Hong Xiaodi stared at her with cold eyes and suddenly said: "The second lady on Jiang's house also took off and sent you a gift."

Su Gonggong took out a thing from his arms and smiled and walked to the front of Lin Roujia. He placed the object in front of Lin Roujia. Lin Roujia first screamed and screamed and burst into tears.

In the hands of Su Gonggong, it is a bronze mirror. The bronze mirror clearly reflected Lin Rouge’s now unkempt and unrecognizable appearance. Hong Xiaodi faintly said: "Lin Roujia, you are so ugly, under the yellow spring, how can Yin Zhan be willing to recognize you? Look at it, you still live well, let Yin Zhan live a path."

The ridiculous words have been vicious to the extreme, and Lin Roujia suddenly reached out and grabbed his face. These days, no one cut her nails, her nails have long and sharp, so caught, suddenly gave birth to a lot of blood marks, and she suddenly did not feel, like do not know the pain, and soon became flesh and blood blurry.

Hong Xiaodi turned around and seemed to be reluctant to look at her more. The language was disgusting: "Let her be optimistic, don't die." He walked out of the house.

Su Gonggong followed, and the door of the house was closed. From there, a vaguely screaming cry of a woman was like a cry.

It wasn't until I walked far, and I walked into the Imperial Garden, and the sounds behind me were gone. Hong Xiaodi looked at the distance and gave a soft breath.

His knot is the solution. Even if the emperor does this, it seems that it is not enough atmosphere, but the knot from the time of the young, if it is puzzled, will bother him for a lifetime. From then on, he can be the master of the North Yanjiang Mountain with peace of mind. As for the teenager who used to be welcoming in the past, it disappeared into memory and never appeared again.

Su Gonggong handed the heater to the emperor, and the hand came to the warmth. Hong Xiaodi thought of the words that Jiang Lituo Ye Shijie came to the palace to bring with him, could not help but want to laugh. Everyone in the world said that Miss Jiang’s temperament is soft and kind, but she does not know how to face her own enemies, but she is not soft. She is clear about Lin Roujia's weakness, specifically hit Lin Yujia's pain, that mirror, it became the last straw to crush the camel, Lin Roujia will never be free from pain.

Thinking of Jiang Li, Hong Xiaodi thought of Ji Yun, he sighed, his eyes were deeply regretted.

This war, although hard, is also beautiful. The first time that Ji Yun took the soldiers, there was such a victory, and he did not bear the reputation of his father. Beiyan first passed through the king, and after the Yin Cham, the ruling and the ruling, he can certainly use the means to buy people's hearts, but if Ji Ji is in it, it would be better, and now he still trusts Ji Yun.

But Ji Yun actually can't come back.

The wind in the garden is cold and cold, and the flower gardens are no longer in the prosperous situation in the spring. The truth is sure to decline. Everyone understands that when it is really necessary to face it, how can it be so difficult?

Su Gonggong put on the cloak for Hong Xiaodi and whispered: "The wind is big outside, and the dragon is under the weight."

There are ups and downs in life. For Ji Wei, his work is too difficult, and it is very beautiful. It always makes people feel very sorry. In the eyes of Hong Xiaodi, there is a bit of sadness, but the way of the emperor is always a lonely man. Even if it is not now, it will be later, he must face the next storm. Control the situation. Otherwise, it is a disappointment for everything that has been done in the past.

He turned and said: "Go back."

The figure of the two disappeared into the Imperial Garden.

Everyone knows about the battle of Ji Yun in the battlefield. But did not leave the graveyard. Just because I can't see the dead body now, but now the collar is crowned, Jiang Li is not willing. As if this would destroy the last thoughts in her heart.

Jin Jin’s general Ji Yuhan has been missing for many years, but he died in the National Government three years ago. Ji Yun seems to have gone his father's old road and has a similar fate. But I don't know if he can still be alive. Jiang Li knows that the hope that Ji Yun can live is very embarrassing, and everyone is hinting at her and accepting the facts.

Lu Hao and Wen Renyao hope that Ji Yun can live, and Qiulai came and went to search many times, but nothing but this broken butterfly fan pendant.

He is like coming out of the dark night, the fairy that does not belong to the dust, and now he wants to return to nothingness. It was only left to a stunning back view of the people who had seen him, making people suspicious that they only made a colorful dream.

During the winter season, when the Jinwujun class returned to the DPRK, they won the victory. When Hong Xiaodi began to thoroughly clean up the ruling, the Jiang family planned to leave Yanjingcheng.

Since the two brothers of the Jiang family have resigned, it does not make much sense to stay in Yanjing City. On the contrary, it will provoke the doubts of the young emperor. Jiang Yuanbai was also free and easy. Earlier, when he bought a house in Yongzhou, he planned to move home. Yongzhou also has a good medical doctor to see if he can cure Jiang Youyao.

Jiang Jingyou did not say much, Jiang Jingrui heard that Yongzhou has a lot of fun, long ago longing for it. But among the Jiang family, only one person is unwilling to go to Yongzhou, which is Jiang Li.

In the evening Fengtang, only Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Yuanbai were there. Mrs. Jiang looked at Jiang Li for a long time and silent. I don’t know how long it took. She said: "Two girls, do you really want to stay in Yanjing City?"

"Yes, grandmother." In fact, Jiang Li has already hinted at Jiang Yuanbai many times, but the Jiang family always thinks she is like a fool. Maybe sooner or later, I will change my mind. Jiang Li can only answer patiently over and over again.

"Two hoes, I said in the past, I don't object. As long as Su Guogong returns to Beijing, you naturally have to enter the door of Su Guogong. But now, Su Guogong has not come back." She looked at me mercifully. Jiang Li, "You have always been obsessed with this, and you are tired of yourself in the future."

"What do you mean by your grandmother?"

Mrs. Jiang’s wife sighed: “If you stay in Yanjing City, you will not be able to marry anyone in your life. You are young now, don’t feel old-fashioned. In the future, when you are older, the ladies who are watching the family are early. If you are a wife and a mother, is it still necessary for a person to keep the government? If our Jiang family is not a ungrateful person, this world is difficult for women. You have to choose this path. In this life, you may have a hard time. Very lonely. Second girl, you are the descendant of my Jiang family, the lady of Jiang family, Jiang family has nothing now, but it is no longer necessary to care about anything. Even if it is a crime of unjustness, as long as you can make it easier We don't care either."

Jiang Li has been back to Jiang House for so long, knowing that Mrs. Jiang is a strict, shrewd and well-respected person. In some respects, she has the style of Jiang Laotian, but in other respects, she wants Jiang Yuanbai to be general and avoid disadvantages. This time is the same, Jiang Lixiao, Jiang Lao's wife said these words, is a little bit of heartfelt thoughts for her. It is not difficult to think that Jiang Li is now remarried. The National Government has no one, and no one will protect her in the future. Those gold and silver treasures about the government office are like children's gold, which is inevitable. If you use the attack, it is difficult for Jiang Li to be kept alone.

But Jiang Li just smiled and said: "My grandmother said, I understand. But between me and Su Guogong, I have agreed that I should wait for him to come back. If he can't come back, I should hold him. Things can't be snatched by others. In this world, Ji Yun has no relatives. If I don't hold him for him, no one will take care of him. I know that my grandmother is worried about me, but, in the public, I am It is the descendant of Jiang’s family. I shouldn’t let Jiang’s family be ashamed. If I really do this kind of guilty thing, after many years, how can I face the ancestors of Jiang’s family under Jiuquan? I am sorry for the trust of Su Guogong. sincere."

"Further," she turned to look at Jiang Yuanbai. "The meaning of the emperor in this matter is also intriguing."

Jiang Yuanbai is a glimpse.

"The emperor valued the country, and Su Guogong can't come back now, but it is the regret and trust that makes the emperor extremely incomparable. If the Jiang family do this kind of thing in this mouth, I am afraid that the emperor is not happy. The father is now resigning, let the **** After many years, after a hundred years, the descendants of Jiang’s family may not be able to return to Yanjing City. At that time, if the children of Jiang’s family were made difficult because of my relationship, I am really worth the loss. I am willing to use me alone. In order to change the future of Jiang's home, there may be a smooth road. A good name is achieved, at least Yanjing City mentions Jiang Jialai, and does not insult the threshold of Jiang, Jiang is still the home of the Qingliu, isn't it?"

Jiang Li said that she was crowned, but she knew that it was just a reason. The reason is naturally fake, the only reason is because she wants to wait for this.

This life and long, long enough to encounter countless individuals, but this life is also very short, short after she met Ji Yun, I know that in the future, she will not meet another like Ji Yun, she likes People.

But she will not go to death, whether it is Xue Fangfei or Jiang Li, they will not go to death. Ji Xin knows himself. Under no circumstances, there is no reason to give up his life. She is here, guarding everything in the government office, and never doing the one who lost the contract.

Mrs. Jiang’s wife is no longer talking, not because she is reminded by Jiang Li’s words, although Jiang Li’s words make sense, but more importantly, Jiang Li is not a person who is willing to fight for his own defense. Many things she has heard It should be considered. Just like in the case of Yin Zhili, the likes and dislikes were straight and straight, but today, she said a lot of things for her stay in Yanjing City. She really wants to stay in Yanjing City, not forced by the situation.

"Forget it," Jiang Yuanbai said. He slowly said: "If you want to stay in Yanjing City, you will stay in Yanjing City. Xiaoli, you are a smart girl. If the old lady said something, I must have thought of it. But you still do, indicating that you have decided, whether it is me or the old lady, I can't persuade you. At the beginning, I was jealous of your mother and daughter. Now, what do you want to do, let go and do it. However, if you have One day I changed my mind and I didn't want to stick to it. I can come to Yongzhou. You are still a Miss Jiang."

Maybe when people leave, something will be very light, and Jiang Yuanbai rarely has to say such things. Jiang Li smiled, she said: "I know, father. I also hope that my father is good in Yongzhou, Jiang family is prosperous."

Jiang Yuanbai’s face was not happy, but it showed a sad look. He has three daughters, and now he is dead, leaving one, and the only one left, there is only one crazy Jiang Youyao. Once he thought that he was proud of his spring breeze, his career was smooth, and his life would only be such a splendid scenery. In the end, nothing left.

For a moment, he really believed in the word "karma." That year he was like Ye Zhenzhen and Jiang Li, and now it is his turn. Even if he wants to compensate, the past is past and cannot be repeated. Some things are not simple to kill in two days.

It’s all the bitter fruit of the two.

Jiang Yuanbai didn't say anything more. He only said: "We will leave after half a month. The house of Jiang's house is about to be sold. You want to move to Ye Family, or the National Government, and you will start preparing in these few days. ”

Jiang Li nodded: "Okay, father."

From that day, Jiang Yuanbai said that after leaving, Jiang Li really began to "move". It’s just that I don’t pack it up. When I clean it up, I discover that she’s at Jiang’s house. It’s really pitiful. In addition to some clothing and jewelry, it is a book. After Jiang Li lived in Fangfeiyuan, unlike Jiang Youyao and Ji Shuran, they liked to buy some vase ornaments in the house. Therefore, they were all collected, but they were just a few boxes. Bai Xue Tonger, Qing Feng Mingyue followed Jiang Li, in addition, Jiang family did not want to follow Jiang Li. In addition to his own servants who have followed for many years, most of them have gone home. Jiang Jingrui knows that Jiang Li does not go along with it. He still regrets it a lot. He is not willing to tell Jiang Li that one day, Jiang Li will always regret it. When not, cry to his nose and come to Yongzhou to find them.

Jiang Li smiled and did not answer.

However, the Jiang family wants to leave Beijing, and there is a storm in Yanjing City. Many people want to see the reaction of Jiang Li. If Jiang Li walks with Jiang, it is a bridge that is not too moral. However, Jiang Li will not follow along, but the news that will be left will come out. Some people think that Jiang Liguo is really the daughter of Jiang’s family. It is quite windy. Some people think that Jiang Li is famous, and he is more and more. It is a pity that Jiang Li is sympathetic to the future fate of Jiang Li. A girl who is full of enthusiasm, has to live alone since then, and she must be widowed at a young age. Not to mention the money of the first auxiliary family, it is placed in ordinary people, and others will see it, but also have a hard life.

No matter what choices Jianglian makes, there is no shortage of people who have broken mouths. Every time Tonger went out to hear these rumors, he and everyone should be angry with each other. Jiang Li himself did not care much. Since you can't manage everyone's eyes, just manage yourself.

After half a month, the Jiang family is about to leave.

Early in the morning, Jiang Li got up early. Because of the last day of staying in Yanjing, the Jiang family used an early meal together. Since Jiangli returned to Jiang's house, it was the first time to use the early food with a big family.嬷嬷 Let 幼 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜 姜

This is the last meal, but everyone can eat quietly. For the Jiang family, leaving here means leaving the hometown. At such a young age, I have to leave my hometown. Although I am not forced by life, I am not taking my own initiative. If there are not so many things, who is willing to leave?

This early breakfast, eating is also very long. Everyone is slow-moving, and even Jiang Jingrui, who has always been awkward, has become a gentleman. As if I hope that this meal will last forever, it will never be scattered.

But the banquet in the world, this meal, after all, is still in the field. Eat too early, **** pears to send **** family to the city gate. On the carriage, the old lady of Jiang’s wife and the **** pear talked about the childhood. Of course, it was the thing before the **** pear was sent to Qingcheng Mountain. Mrs. Jiang’s wife also had some feelings. Unfortunately, today’s **** pear Not really Miss Jiang, there is no memory of Miss Jiang Er in her mind. Those who didn’t belong to her in the past, Jiang Li listened, just felt sorry, if the real Miss Jiang is here, it’s a pity that Those who leave will not come back, so they should cherish the people in front of them.

After waiting at the gate of the city, Jiang Li came down from the carriage. Jiang family also came down, Jiang Jingrui looked at Jiang Li, still unwillingly said: "You really think about it? Now the remorse is still too late. As long as you say that you want to go to Yongzhou, go with us, do not want those things You are alone in Yanjing City, but there is nothing fun."

Lu's words and stops, seems to want to follow a few words, but I want to come to Jiang Yuanping before saying hello to her, and finally did not say anything.

"You are having fun in Yongzhou," Jiang Li smiled and said to him: "Maybe I have a chance in the future, I will come to Yongzhou, and you will lead the way in Yongzhou."

Jiang Jingrui snorted and whispered: "It is stubborn."

Jiang Li is not smiling, she still remembers when she saw Jiang Jingrui for the first time. When the Jiang family were full of indifference to Miss Jiang Er, the boy was greatly embarrassed, but he did not look at her like a different person. She looked at Jiang Jingrui and always thought of Xue Zhao, Miss Jiang Er and Jiang Jingrui at the same age, but Xue Fangfei was older than Jiang Jingrui.

Jiang Yuanbai looked at Jiang Li, and the face was complicated. Finally, he just took a shot of Jiang Li’s shoulder and said, “Take care of yourself.”

"Father is also." Jiang Li really said: "It’s cold, it’s too much clothes, it’s going to be cold.”

Jiang Yuanbai is not a bad person, but he is too confused about Miss Jiang's affairs. If it is not his right and wrong, Miss Jiang is not too young to be fragrant. For this reason, Jiang Li has never been able to be close to Jiang Yuanbai. As if she had done this, she was sorry for the early death of Miss Jiang. But at the end of the day, at this moment, I suddenly felt that the dust had been exhausted in the past, and the grudges and hatreds were written off.

That's it.

Jiang Yuanbai and Mrs. Jiang re-entered the carriage. Lushi they waved with Jiang Li in the carriage. Jiang Li stood at the gate of the city and watched the carriage disappeared.

Tonger and Bai Xue stood behind her, and both of them were sad. Jiang Li suddenly felt a bit degraded. In any case, her nominal family was so different from now on. In this life and in this world, I don’t know if there is any chance to see you again.

After all, they were reluctant. At this moment, she understood the feeling of Ji Yun. The eyes of the family were sent away one by one until there was only one person left.

Jiang Li turned back and immediately stopped. In the snowy days of December, in the snow, not far from Xue Huaiyuan, Situ pushed Xue Zhao in September and held an umbrella. They looked at her worriedly. Behind her, she saw it when she turned her head.

Jiang Li was a glimpse, then slowly, slowly smiled.

Perhaps she has never been alone. Someone feels so good behind the scenes, so how can she let Ji Wei look back and find that there is no one behind him?

She also wants to be the one who is waiting behind her.

Off topic

I will update the finale later tomorrow, and I will initially check it out at 8:00 in the evening.

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