Marriage of the Di Daughter

: Outside the Zhaoyue Fan: Pearl (middle)

Suo Jing adults in the middle of the temple with Situ September.

Situ went in September.

In fact, her last name is not the surname Situ, but it was the last name used in order to avoid the pursuit of killing, walking in the rivers and lakes, and hiding under the name. It can be a long time, accompanied by the past, even the name has become a habit. Now she has become a "September Princess", but sometimes, she will remember the time when someone called her "Stuart Doctor" in Yanjing City.

Suo Jing and her salute: "Chen Soo has seen Princess Her Royal Highness."

"Sit." Situ September said.

She looked indifferent, and she looked at her heart. The fascination of this Princess’s life is not tempting. It is no wonder that even the people are afraid of it. He thanked Situ for giving a seat in September and sat down and said: "His Royal Highness... The matter of the Grand Ceremony is ready."

Among the royal family, only Situ is a person in September, and there is a Yanguo emperor behind him. This world is naturally Situ’s September. It is the grand ceremony of the royal girl, and the queen of the city of Molan in the future is Situ September.

Suo Jing is not the person left by the new king. On the contrary, he has been suppressed by the new king. After Situ returned to the palace in September, he will be promoted. Suo Jing wants to keep his position, and he has to firmly grasp the life-saving straw of Situ September. So these days, Suo Jing is really sincerely running for Situ in September.

"Good." Situ answered in September.

"In these few days, the Zong adults and the ministers mentioned one thing... it was the appointment of His Royal Highness."

When the voice just fell, Situ looked at Soo Jing coldly in September. Soo Jing was scared by her eyes and dared not to continue.

Situ September is the king's daughter. When the king's daughter is enshrined in the grand ceremony, Wang Fu should be booked. However, Situ was still unmarried in September, so the courtiers at the bottom began to urge. After all, Stuart is a woman in September. In the past history of Molan, there was actually no woman who was the king. Even though the emperor of Yan Guo was behind his back, Jin Wujun would not stay in Molan for the rest of his life. In the end, Situ was always dealing with the next troubles in September.

And in all the troubles, this one is completely evasive. Even if Sohon does not say it now, there will be others in the future. If Situ has not chosen Wang Fu in September and gave birth to his own son, then this throne may have to choose another person.

This is the rule that Molan has always had, and Situ will have to follow the rules in September.

Seeing Situ’s silence in September, Suo Jing asked with great courage: “His Royal Highness, if His Highness does not make a resolution, I am afraid that the palace will be chosen.”

The selection of Molan is similar to that of Beiyan’s draft. However, choosing a man as Wang Fu is also the first time in the world. Among the emperors of the Molan, the princes of the princess were very early in their family. When Situ was in his youth, he suddenly became a teenager, and later he had been displaced, so he had not set a marriage.

"It's not good, just pick it." Finally, Situ September said.

Suo Jing’s awkwardness could not help but look at Situ’s September, but she saw this cold-looking girl showing a smile like a smile. She said: “The so-called Wang Fu is just a sly, since it’s all right, it’s not as good as the last. Choosing a good obedience is a good thing. You don't have to tell me about these trivial things. Let's do it, ask the grown-up."

She said that the words "sudden adults" really made a spirit in Suo Jing's heart.

Suo Jing did not know what Situ was thinking about in September. This is the lifelong event of Stuart in September. Why does she not care about this? Ordinary daughter's family, there is still a expectation for the pillow-side person who lives with him for the rest of his life. Can you listen to what Stuart said just now in September, eh? Obediently obedient? If this is passed to the ears of the people of Molan, I don’t know how many attacks the Princess of the Princess has to suffer.

Suo Jing sighed, I really don't know what to do.


In the busy schedule of preparation for the ceremony, the day after the day, Haishu discovered that Situ’s September became more and more cold.

Although Situ was not innocent when he was in the government office in September, but for the Xue family, Situ can help in September, Xue Zhao also said that Situ September is a cold outside heat. People. But now she has returned to Molan, as if she had evaporated her last enthusiasm. From the inside out, she really turned into a passionate person.

The selection and deliberation held for Situ in September has gradually begun. In addition to Suo Jing, the other courtiers were forced to support Situ in September, but the heart was not convinced. It is difficult for So Jing to be able to counter the power of other courtiers. However, the selection itself has gradually become a problem.

Situ September is beautiful, but unfortunately means poisonous and good at poisoning. Although it is a king girl, even if she is elected as Wang Fu, she does not have much power. I am afraid that it will be controlled by Situ in September. Not good, annoyed Situ in September, even the small life must be finished.

Therefore, those who have a good reputation, but the good son of the young master, also learned about the election. The aristocratic children who were similar to Situ’s September age had already booked a relative, and they had no relatives. The two days were immediately given by the family.

So the only thing left to pick up at the end is either the infatuation that has been favored at home, and the lack of any skill, the deaf children who are fancy, or the family is not as good as before, expecting to find a king girl to mix and drink. Help a family of old and small want to take advantage of the broken.

All in all, at first glance, all of them are melons and dates. It’s really like the kind of obedient that Situ’s September told Sohon’s needs, and it’s very weak, not to mention the responsibility, it seems like a servant, or the humblest servant. . If Situ really chose such a person as his own husband in September, I was afraid to slip the world and become the most ridiculous king in the history of Molan.

Suo Jing is also helpless. When some of the children of the family heard that they were Situ in September, they couldn’t get too late, and they would take the initiative to nominate the election. It’s really unbelievable to say it, and Situ’s birth in September is not bad. How can it be degraded to the point where such a good person is not willing?

The sea otter is also anxious.

Stuart did not feel that she had anything in September. Those who had seen it had not seen it, but they did not feel angry. Instead, they guessed that it would be like this, revealing a "surely so" look.

If you want to choose Wang Fu before the canonization of the ceremony, then it is this time, Situ will have to make a decision in September. Can not be a reliable person, So Jing looked at those people can not bear the heart, next to the side of the attack, asked Situ September to think which can be okay, Situ September considered a long while, pointing to a writer's home The young master said: "That is not bad."

Suo Jing saw it, almost fainted, that ... indeed looks pretty good, at least not good or bad, and there is no bad habit, but it is too flat. Whether it is appearance or temperament, or its own talent or temperament, throw him into the crowd and find it, such a person, the future is the king of the mother of Molan? Suo Jing is hard to accept.

"It looks very well-behaved and courageous. There should be nothing to kill his wife." Situ said in September.

Killing a wife? Suo Jing’s heart is a glimpse of what, the Royal Highness’s request for the selection of Wang Fu is just “as long as there is no killing for himself”. Moreover, whoever will be inexplicable will kill his wife.

Situ September thought of something, suddenly smiled. She knows that Sohon is strange, can it be strange to kill a wife? At least she knows Xue Jia, Xue Zhao’s sister Xue Fangfei, but she is not dead in her husband’s hand. When she is close to her husband and wife, the couple who can join hands with whiteheads are too rare. Most of them have become grievances. She does not want to be a grievance, nor does she want to be able to make a whitehead. Then, to be a stranger who is respectful of ice, there is nothing wrong with it, at least peace of mind, peace of mind and body.

Suo Jing still wants to say something, but when Situ wants to talk more about it in September, he has to give up. Just saying, suddenly there was a palace man coming to report, saying that the guards outside the palace caught an assassin, but the assassin kept saying that he would see the king.

"There is no shortage of assassins in this palace." Suo Jing did not have a good spirit, but he knew it. There were no more than two in these three days. Fortunately, the king is a powerful one, otherwise she does not know how many times she has died.

"Don't see, kill it." Situ wrote down in September.

The Nagiya people were hesitant, saying: "Wang, the assassin... I know you are in Beiyan. Although I don't know who it is, it is a blind man. The guards have checked it, it is not a fake. It’s an assassin...a blind doesn’t seem to be a threat, is it wrong?”

Wen Yan, Haishu and Situ Qi Qi Qi Qi Qiu, Haishu excitedly said: "Young master, must be the young master!"

Situ asked in a sharp voice in September: "Where is he?"

Suo Jing has never seen Situ in September. The palace people were shocked and hurriedly replied: "In the garden in front of the Siyin Temple, the guards took him."

Situ turned around in September and Haishu quickly followed. The palace people are at a loss to look at So Jing, and Soo Jing is also a look of sorrow, Haishu called the man a young master? Was it a man? But how can Stuart's reaction in September be so big? It seems that this person is very important to her.

Suo Jing made up his mind and decided to take a look at it and see if this person who can affect the mood of His Royal Highness is sacred.


Situ came to the garden in front of the Siyin Temple in September. On the ground, he was being touched by the swords of the two guards. The boy sitting on the ground was not Xue Zhao.

The sea otter called out: "Young Master!"

Xue Zhao followed the sound and saw Situ September and Haishu, immediately showing a smile, he said: "September girl, Haishu."

The surrounding guards and Suo Jing, who followed behind, were shocked. The boy actually called the princess "September Girl." If the Princess Princess walked in Beiyan before hiding, hiding his identity, and now, as long as he is not a fool, he knows the true identity of the princess. How can he still call the princess?

Situ angered the guard in September: "What are you doing? Don't let him go!"

The guards quickly took up the sword and leaned over to plead guilty. The sea otter ran over and lifted Xue Zhao. His wheelchair was thrown aside and dumped to the ground. The sea otter settled him on a wheelchair and said: "Young master, when did you come over? How come you got to Molan?"

At the time of the separation, Xue Zhao was still in Yanjing. The difference between Molan and Yanjing is not close. He is... alone?

Suo Jingben looked at the talents of this young boy. He was very good at it. He was thinking about some thoughts. He saw Xue Zhao’s wheelchair, and he felt sorry for it. It’s really a scorpion, or the kind of road that can’t be taken, but unfortunately, unfortunately. .

Situ September said: "Come on." She said to Suo Jing: "You will retreat first, what will happen, I will call you again."

Suo Jing retired.

Situ came to his palace with Xue Zhao in September, and after all the people were opened, Haishu went to the tea. Situ sat at the table in September and asked Xue Zhao, "How come you? Others?"

"I came alone, no one else." Xue Zhao replied with a smile.

His smile was as sloppy as ever, and he was there, as if the haze of these days had been scattered in an instant.

"This is not the place you should come." After a long while, Situ said in September: "You are too risky, Xue Zhao."

The young man whispered, then shook his head gently, and said: "I am coming for you."

------Off topic ------

A raccoon said that he was very pleased: the pigs raised at home finally learned to sculpt cabbage!

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