July 5, 20xx

Paris, France


What is this?

The document says marriage contract at the top most part. Accompanying it was a small red book with no photos.

At first, she thought it must be a mistake yet her name and signature were on the two. It even surprised her that both Blythe Ricci and Yan Shi were listed on it. When she left China, she reverted to the name her mother gave her. With Captain Yu's help, she was able to sneak out of the country while the lawyer was on the process of obtaining a new passport for her. A week later, she received it while she was in Cambodia.

How could this be?

She shook her head to the side. At the same time uttering a hurried 'no' repeatedly.

'This must be a hoax.'

She coaxed herself.

However, she remained agitated and didn't know what to do. She took her phone and called the only person she is close with.

Three hours later:

She went to the local civil registration and embassy to check it. Both offices confirmed the authenticity of the document. Her marriage was both registered in France and in China.

How is this possible?

When did she even sign an application form for marriage?


A conjecture sprouted inside her brain and without delay, she called the number Anthony Chen provided.

But her calls were left unanswered. She tried his office and his assistant reported he was away on holiday.


Has she been duped by him?

'But it's not his name on the husband column.'

It reads Li Jie.

What should she do?

She tried racking her brain for solution.

Get divorce?

To get at the bottom line of things, she has to talk to the man she 'married.'


July 6, 20xx

Paris, France

"Think about it. You needed an entry to the competition, I needed a wife. It's beneficial to both sides." Li Jie stated to convince the woman who barged in to his office unannounced.

She was standing in the middle of the room, hands on hips and face was flustered with anger.

It was difficult to explain how he felt for her. Hence, all he could do was appease her.

"That is not the point. How could you just take someone's signature and use it without consent? I don't even know you."

A smile rose his lips and suggested "Well, that's easy. Get to know me."

"Not interested." she retorted back as soon as his words were uttered. She wished she could wipe away that smirk on his face.

It was not being married to a stranger that's making her angry. Plus, he is not a complete stranger because he was the man who saved her from falling a few days ago.

It was her inner turmoil that's fostering this ill temper.

A part of her felt inclined to accept what life has to offer. Like any other women, she wants to find that love too even if she's living on a borrowed time.

'How nice would that be?'

However, another kept on reminding her 'Yan Shi, don't.'

There are many unforeseen events that can happen in the future. At the moment, her health is showing signs of improvement with the help of medications, but you can never tell what's going to happen.

Hence, marriage was far off from her plans.

As a doctor, she'd seen many family members of patients suffer from grief and bout of depression.

Having an illness can change the dynamics of a family.

It is purely selfishness to let others be in distress because of her.

At the same time, she has a very important need in the moment. She has to get the letter no matter what happens. She can't give it up.

It is impossible to get hold of the two other mentors now. Additionally, the last day of registration is tomorrow.


After a minute of contemplating, she opened her mouth.

"Fine. I'll accompany you. Call your cousin and get me that letter."

His eyes never left the figure who was rooted a few steps away from him.

It was amusing to watch her chest heave in anger and frustration. The more he stared at her mouth, the stronger his desires to kiss her.

'This woman has no idea how her mole looked so appealing when she's talking.'

To him, it was like a magnet, drawing out that inner beast in him.

Brushing off that yearning, he opened the drawer and fished out a white envelope--- thinking that getting her nod was more important at the minute.

After making sure it was the correct one, she asked him "Could I use your computer?"

Seeing that beautiful arc on her face, he nodded and stood up.

Yan Shi took the leather padded swivel chair and started typing.


Li Jie studied the A4 size document in front of him and wanted to laugh. He still hasn't started enjoying the perks of being married yet his wife already handed the ultimatum. Even her words echoed to his ears.

"This is an agreement that in three weeks we will divorce. Please sign it."

Eventually, he signed with a plan in mind.

Upon checking if everything was in order,she bagged one and gave him one.

At the door, she turned and stated "Don't fall in love with me."

Unknown to her, the warning was already late.

At this time, he's certain his feelings for her are for real.

In the beginning, he thought it's the compulsion he has that's pulling him towards her.

But, it's more than that.

Hence, divorce is impossible.

A grin played on his lips as he looked at the dancing fire and seconds later, the paper turned to black ashes.


Yan Shi alighted in front of a 5-story building. The whole block is lined with houses of similar structure and design which reminded her much of the houses she'd seen in Vietnam. It's undeniable that the influence of French culture on that Asia country still lingers till the present.

Captain Yu's two bedroom apartment was designed with open floor plan making the living room and kitchen spacious. She likes it a lot and made a mental note to buy herself one in the future.

'Hopefully' she murmured while she tidied up the mess in the living room.

She wanted to acquire one without emptying the trust fund her mother left her.

An hour later, she was drying her hair when the doorbell rang.

Wonder was on her face as she opened it because there was no one on the monitor.

Then, a tall figure with a suitcase was standing face to face with her.

Confused, she asked "What are you doing here?"

"Of course, moving in. We are married, aren't we?"

There was a hint of playfulness in his voice that stimulated her annoyance.

"Who said you can move in? Didn't you read clause #1?"

The man simply shrugged his shoulders and eyed her.

She was instantly conscious with the gaze he was giving her that she pulled the robe tighter to cover the exposed skin below her neck not realizing that by doing the action, the thigh length clothing got shorter, exposing an ample view of her lower body.

The curve on his mouth grew wider, exposing a shallow dent on his cheeks.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" he teased her trying to mask that desire that got triggered with the exposed skin below. He couldn't take off his eyes from her long shapely legs.

Upon noticing where his eyes were directed at, she looked down and cursed.


And sprinted to the room.

Li Jie watched her receding figure in amusement and murmured "too sexy."


After a while, when the woman seemed to have locked herself inside the room, he uprooted himself from the sofa and was planning to go to the kitchen.

But noticed that the furniture in the living room wasn't in order. After rolling his sleeves up, he pushed the sofa opposite the television set and arranged the two armchairs on both sides, facing each other before he pulled the table in between.

'But something doesn't seem right.'

He re-arranged the potted plants and put them next to the windows.

'Now, it's symmetrical.'

When the arrangement satisfied him, he made his way to the kitchen however something pink caught his eyes.

Using his right index finger, he hooked it up like a fish and studied it.

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