Extra Characters:

(1) Trinette Dubios Li - grandmother of LJ

(2) Francine Tan - chosen wife by Grandma Li

(3) Wang Yiren - Li Hong's wife

(4) Tiffany Li - daughter of Li Hong and Wang Yiren / LJ's half-sister

(5) Vivian Li - LJ's cousin / bride of Tang Qi

(6) Anthony Chen - LJ's cousin

(7) Julia Chen - wife of Anthony Chen


July 11, 20xx

Kotor, Montenegro

The 78 year old socialite with amber eyes stared at the woman sitting across her. Her trimmed eyebrows were drawn up, adding to the sharpness of her appearance.

Yan Shicourteously gazed at slightly wrinkled face framed with glossy, shoulder length hair.The woman exudes elegance, not only for her well-dressed appearance but also her impeccable bearing. It made Yan Shi curious if the old woman doesn't suffer from pain with the way she strains her back.

She heard him introduced his grandmother so she stood up and gave the woman a curt bow but the Li matriarch in white dress barely acknowledged her, instead, she sized the her up.

Li Jie who noticed this and he thought his grandmother was going overboard, He spoke in a respectful yet dangerous tone "That's being rude grandma. Blythe is my wife."

Her forehead creased with her grandson's warning. No matter how angry he was, that temper of his that makes most of cousin fold was never used on her.But he has given her the warning already.

Trinette Li retracted those sharp eyes and smiled superficially.She was about to say something but they were all startled by bellowing voice from the doorway "Bring it back to me."

A soft giggle from a child followed.

All eyes fell on them.

Grandpa Li followed a 4 year old boy who was struggling to hold the cane. Eventually, he dropped it and his short, chubby legs darted to their direction in order to escape.

Behind the two,were three women. The older one, Yan Shi recognized as Li Hong's second wife but not the other two who appeared to be of her age.

"Do not go shouting at a child." Grandma's stern but thoughtful voice snapped at her husband before gesturing to the child to move closer as the little boy halted upon hearing his great-grandma's angry tone.

The child's fear was brought to her attention and her expression changed to tenderness that showed much love.

"Come here, my dear little one. Did you have agood sleep?"

The chubby little child nodded shortly and sat on her lap.

Seeing this, his mother reminded him "Come down honey, you are too heavy"

"It's fine. I am strong, not a brittle boned one." Trinette said with a dismissive tone. But with hearing his strict mother'swarning, he came down.

The box of toys in the corner of the room caught his attention and he skipped chirpily.

Grandpa Li's happiness can't be concealed when he saw Li Jie and Yan Shi.

"I'll introduce you to everyone."Li Jie said.

Shortly after, she learned their names. Li Hong's wife is called Wang Yiren and the woman close to her is Tiffany Li, their second child together. That makes Tifanny, Li Jie's younger sister.

The little boy's mother is Julia Chen, the wife of Anthony Chen. He is one of the mentors in WDN Designing Competition.

Then, the other woman sitting next to Trinette Dubois is called Francine Tan, an American born Chinese who manages her family's business. Yan Shi found it funny that the other woman volunteered the information herself with a you-are-an-inferior-look.

Yan Shi was quick in perceiving their different reactions when Li Jie introduced her as his wife.

Wang Yiren pretended to be shocked but her subtle demeanor gave her away.

An 'oh' formed on Tiffany Li and Francine Tan's face.Especially the latter because the Li matriarch never mentioned of this when she invited her for the purpose of introducing to Li Jie. Although they went to same school, they haven't spoken for 10 years.

In contrast to them, there was a radiant smile from Julia and she gave her a hug, uttering "Welcome to the family" at the same time.

But nonetheless, she was polite with everyone. Responding to their questions when asked.

Tiffany and Francine ignored her which she never cared about.

The only person who made her uncomfortable was Li Jie's grandma and Li Hong's second wife, Wang Yiren.

The two women asked probing questions on how they met, how the relationship started and other things. It was apparent that they were suspicious of the sudden marriage.

The previous night, they discussed what to say to avoid inconsistency. Luckily, it was close to the truth so she didn't stutter at all when she narrated the events.

When she told them she was a doctor, his grandmother appeared to be impressed but concealed it by saying "well, anyone can be doctors these days."in a dismal tone.

Which her grandson refuted with a grin"Not true. None of your grandchildren became one."

The French socialite ignored his chide and continued asking her.

It came to Yan Shi's attention, that him being straightforward and badgering at times, was something his family has gotten used to.

She found Julia Chen an interesting person and the quirky woman talked endlessly about fashion and traveling. Learning Nick's wife has an Italian blood, the full-time mom invited her to their vineyard in Tuscany which she gladly agreed to.

Before lunch, the couples who are going to wed in Greece arrived.Vivian Li's excited shriek filled the room upon learning that the stylish woman that caught her attention the minute she entered, is her cousin's wife.

"I totally love your outfit. Where did you get it from?" her girlish giggles can't be concealed in her question.

She liked how she wore the white blouse paired with leaf printed blue pleated skirt.There was a touch of sexiness and gracefulness in her. Plus, she is their dearest Nick's wife.

"They are both from an unknown brand." she answered with genuine smile. Her constant chattering reminded her of the woman she met in India.

"The skirt looks especially lovely. I wish I have a figure like yours." the petite singer complained.

"This kind of skirt will be good in you too. Wear it with 4-inch heels and you are a stunner."

"Really?"she asked sounding skeptical.

Yan Shi nodded. The woman might be only five feet tall but she got the curves in the right places.


Tang Qi and Li Jie left the women to talk.The Vice President's son shook his head in helplessness. When it comes to fashion, experience tells him better leave the women on it.

The two men entered the door leading to the outside of the house and occupied the sofas on the outdoor seating area behind the big villa.

"How's Uncle Bastien?" Tang Qi asked in concerned tone.

"His operation went well. Father will fly him back to France tomorrow. What did you find out about the attacker?"

Tang Qi recounted the background check he did.

A line appeared between his brows and spoke "Sad story. But what's the connection with Uncle Bastien?"

"His company was bought by Li Group." Tang Qi replied.

His questioning eyes landed on the military man. He was puzzled on the connection when all acquisition is decided by his father.

"It was Uncle Bastien's idea to buy out the company. But it was Pres Li who took care of it. The police are still interrogating of his real motive. It's just odd that it wasn't your father that he attacked." he said furrowed brows.

He was doubting the same thing.

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