July 15, 20xx

Sarandë, Albania


Yan Shi let the cool water rinse whatever's left on her skin. She rarely uses make-up but with the scorching summer sun, she needed all the cover.

But while she was doing that, a sudden wave of nausea, clawing at her throat made her turn to the porcelain throne. Whatever she'd eaten for lunch spewed out her mouth. The violent contracting of her insides kept forcing her to spit out everything. The stench filled her nose and beads of sweat formed on her forehead. When all seemed to end, she leaned on the wall in exhaustion.

Ten minutes later, she patted her face dry with a clean towel after brushing that nasty vomit taste inside her mouth.

She looked at the mirror and gave herself a reassuring smile at herself.

"You'll be fine Blythe," she told herself.

She'd eaten light at lunch hence, it's impossible that it was caused by food.

"It must be the new medicine," she concluded.

She found the man waiting for her outside. There was a furrow on his brow but she ignored it.

Suddenly, a soul singer's voice wafted in the air and startled them.

"Light up the fire

Turn me on

Keep it coming

Before I'm gone…."

The crease on his forehead widened when he caught the name on the phone.

It says, Davy.


A guy.

He went expressionless when she immediately took the phone call without checking who called.

It meant it was a special ring tone for that person.

This birthed curiosity in him. 'What about me? What's mine?'


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"Hey there" she greeted excitedly.

"It's me. I just got back to Beijing last week and badly wanted to catch up with you. Wanna meet up this weekend?"

The man on the other line is a friend back in Med School. The last time she'd seen him was a few months after she and Bai Haifeng started dating which made her wonder what happened.

"It would have been nice but I'm currently overseas." she lamented.

"Oh, when will you come back?" There was a disappointment with his voice.

Yan Shi was quiet before responding "I'm not certain. Will you be staying long?"

"Definitely. I took a fellowship program in B- University Hospital."

"Wow! That's awesome."

That particular hospital is the best in the country. Even her, considered on taking her fellowship there in the past. However, she's treading a different path now.

But she's certainly happy for Davy.

After assuring the guy that she'll update him on her return, she ended the call with her eyes beaming of happiness.

Only to change upon seeing the gloomy man on the bed. His arm was propped behind him.

Immediately, she asked, "What's wrong?"

"Give me your phone?"

She eyed the outstretched palm and scowled.

Although they are married, her phone is her personal property.

But the expression he has somehow scared her. Talking herself out with it, she handed the device.

A generic ringing tone wafted in the air.

He became gloomier when he listened to that regular ringing sound.

Realizing what caused it, she tried explaining "All other numbers are set like that."

"Then what about the person who just called now?"

"Davy is a friend."

"But I am your husband." he complained like a child which implied 'I am the closest person to you yet I'm equal to a stranger.'

Yan Shi put up round eye movement with his childishness.

Before giving back her phone, he changed his name and assigned a personalized tone.

At the door a minute later, he rang her number.

The next second, these lyrics were heard:

"Baby I want to kiss you, kiss you

Kiss till we're breathless

Baby, I want to touch you, touch you

Touch the whole you.

Baby, I wanna lick you, lick you

Lick your whole body

Oh yeah, oh yeah..."

The song that started harmlessly then sounded provocative in the ear especially on the way the singer was whispering each word. It made her blush.

"Nicholas Li!!!!"

The man stood there laughing at her.


The nearing footsteps prompted the two people on the deck to make final glance over the surrounding.

Gu Yao Ting shook his head as she watched a woman in her 30's steady up the red and white balloons attached to the railings which were being swayed by the wind while the other woman double checked every single arrangement as if something was wrong with it. Disregarding the fact that if it was arranged by a perfectionist person like Li Jie, it would be pristine.

It made him wonder what's all with the excitement.

His eyes landed on the round table, enough to seat 6 people. On its center was a clear vase with floral arrangements of pink lilies, roses, and daisies. The whole deck was illuminated by the Christmas lights inside the empty wine bottles.

'It is really perfect for seduction. Any woman would fall for this.' he thought and decided, he'll use the same idea in the future.


Li Jie stopped her and said, "Close your eyes."

Her mouth twitched in skepticism but in the end, she listened to him and allowed him to lead her.

With her eyes closed, her senses are more sensitive. The floral fragrance, ocean air and smell of food assailed her nose. At the same time, there's the sound of waves splashing, wind filling her ear and rustling sound of something was audible to her ears.

The last one made her attempt to open her eyes but she heard him warn, "Don't peek."

The desire went away upon hearing his magnetic voice.

All of a sudden, his baritone voice along with other 2 or 3 people rang to her ears while they sing "Happy birthday" and the smell of candle burning was close to her.

Her eyes opened without warning and glanced at his smiling face. Behind him were the two women he introduced as the housekeepers and Gu Yao Ting who holding a goblet of wine.

Her eyes darted to Li Jie's hand. On his grasp was a circular cake frosted with chocolate and garnished with strawberries. She liked the way the frosting settled on the sides, making it appear drippy. It looks mouthwatering and there was the urge to poke it with her finger.

Her husband is thoughtful. He remembered her two favorites, chocolate, and strawberry.

That brought about a small upward curve on her lips. At the same time, she felt helplessness with this man's sweetness.

It's been so long since someone celebrated her real birthday with her.

During the time she lived with the Yan family, it was always celebrated 10 days later than her real one.

So, except for her mother and Captain Yu, no one really knew. When she was young, her mother would always bake a cake for her. Memories of them sharing it together popped out her head.

Yan Shi couldn't determine whether it was the nostalgic feelings it evoked inside her or the man's efforts to give her a perfect surprise---was the catalyst in awakening bittersweet feelings inside her and with her ineptness to control herself, tears appeared at the corner of her eyes.

"Make a wish before you blow your candle."

Only the waves created the noise around them as Yan Shi contemplated on what to say.


'If there's really someone out there listening to my desires, please let me live my life happily with him forever.' she murmured fervently in silence before blowing the two candles.

At the same moment, he whispered "I pray all your wishes will come true." before placing the deliciously looking dessert on the table.

Her ears caught the words and that fist-sized organ inside her body wavered.

Momentarily, she'd forgotten there were people around them.

She sprung forward and pounced on him.

"Thank you," she said with sincerity and hugged him tightly as her tears were streaming down her cheeks.



LJ: Who wrote the song? ????????????

TC: I did. It came to me when I thought of you. ????

LJ: (disappointed) ????????Now, I am a certified pervert.

TC: You've only realized that now? You're too slow. ????

LJ: ????????????????

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