
(1) Captain Yu Injin - Blythe's close friend

(2) Alissa Jiang - chosen wife for Nick / ex- gf of Gavin

(3) Gavin Li - Nick's brother

(4) Li Hong - Nick and Gavin's father



July 17, 20xx

X Military Region

Captain Yu Injin kept track of 60 men doing push-ups on the ground. While she didn't loathe the idea of supervising this training exercise for the new recruits, she hated the fact that she'll be away from her command post for three weeks. Her team was close to taking down an international fugitive. However, her Commander decided to halt this operation without providing an explanation for this decision. On the same day, she was given the order to return to China and oversee this batch of soldiers for the next three weeks. Albeit the reluctance, she complied with the directive.

Upon arrival, she made a decision not to let her superiors' efforts go to waste.

Eyeing the men gasping for breath, her lips curved with a devilish smile.

She turned her eyes to the platoon leaders and commanded, "Prepare the thin wire. Crawl out."

There was a collective groan from the men whose green clothes were now drenched with sweat. They already spent half a day completing a 40 km run while carrying a 40-pound rucksack. Followed by the ground exercise that included sets of timed push-ups and squats.

Now, the new trainer wanted them to crawl across a thin metal wire. They cursed inside.

The excitement they had after receiving the announcement that a woman will be training them vanished after their first day with Captain Yu.

Being in the camp for more than a year, they seldom see a female figure on the ground.

Hence, they looked forward to to having one around them for the mean time.

Remembering the Commander's words "Are you sure you'd like a female trainer?"

Everyone nodded profusely.

"Don't be sorry," he said.

And now, they simply regretted it. If they have known it would be Captain Yu, they would have refused.

They've heard rumors of her feats and how she became a Captain at the age of 21. At the same time, they've been warned by their seniors to avoid her because she trains intensively and ruthlessly.

Hearing the complaints, Injin added, "Make it 10 feet. If one falls, repeat it. Twice."

Everyone instantly hushed down but deep inside, they were crying and was silently praying for their

Physical Training Instructor to return.

Captain Yu watched each man dangle his body on the metal wire and crossed the distance.

Some fell and returned to repeat the process. For two hours, she never got bored looking at them.

In her eyes, there was mirth.

"Captain" one of her adjutants called her attention.

She turned her head and asked, "Did you find out?"

The man nodded and handed him the report.

When she read who Blythe married, she cursed loudly, "Damn!"

"Prepare the chopper."

~~~ END ~~~


July 18, 20xx

Piraeus, Athens

Noticing that Blythe barely touched her food, he urged her, "Eat more."

It was so unlike her since she'd been eating more the whole time they were at sea.

Not wanting to make him worry, she forced herself to take a spoonful but she can't really take it in. She ran to the bathroom and retched whatever she'd eaten.

The man followed her but she locked the door.

Minutes later, she came out and seeing his unhappy expression, she explained, "I've started new medications. It's probably because of that."

His face softened and said, "I'll make you porridge."

"No, it's fine. I really have no appetite." she pleaded while holding his arm to stop him from preparing food.

Nick let out a sigh.


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Blythe drank her medicine and placed its bottle on the center table, no longer worried of him accidentally seeing it and confronting her. So the whole time, they shared the bedroom, she kept it in her bag and sneak it in the bathroom every time she needed her dose.

She lazily lounged on the sofa in the living room. At the corner of his eye, he saw her take a book so he clasped it immediately away from her.

"I'll read for you," he volunteered as he removed her black-rimmed glasses.

Inside the house, there were two people in the living room.

The man was busy reading aloud for his wife. His arm was supporting Blythe who was lying face down on his chest. On his hands, was a book intended for young children.

"You must never open it under any circumstances he warned. But Pandora could not resist the temptation of finding out what was in the box and one day, she opened it. To her horror," he paused dramatically which brought out a smile on Blythe's lips.

"Out came all the evil that has since afflicted mankind: old age, sickness, jealousy, selfishness, greed. Before Pandora could close the lid on them, they already spread all around the world. But luckily, hope remained in the box, and with hope, mankind manages to survive all these ills."

Nick ended the story with a very soft tone. He appeared to be amused upon noticing his wife had fallen asleep. Shaking his head, he closed the reading material and placed them on the side before carrying his wife to the bedroom.

After pulling the curtains to cover the light coming from the afternoon sun, he left the room and dialed Bai Xiao Wen's number. It was answered after two rings.

"Call the company that customized the yacht to change the name on the hull. Then, register it immediately."

"Okay. What--"

"I'll send you the details." he cut him up and waited for the man to respond before ending the call.

After accomplishing that task, Nick went back to the bedroom and took the empty space next to his wife, intending to rest for an hour. He gave her a peck on the forehead and closed his eyelids.


On the other side of the city, a black car parked in front of a sprawling Mediterranean Mansion. It is a hacienda-style building with red tile roofs, arches and, plaster surfaces. There are also porticoes, balconies and ornamental details such as wooden doors and multicolored tiles.

Alissa Jiang stood and studied the house with interest. The last time she came here was three years ago when Gavin Li introduced her to his family.

"Let's go in." Li Hong invited.

Alissa walked behind him and his wife with ease. She knew that even if the Li's hate her, she has President Li's support.



Capt. Yu: (head on her palm) Why did I appear here again?

TC: (mirroring YIJ's action) EvilMe plotted this idea.

Capt. Yu: What plan?

TC: Ending this story after 50 chapters.

Capt. Yu: ???????? Does it mean, my story will start sooner?

TC: Nope.

Capt. Yu: Why not?

TC: ????????????????

Capt. Yu: (one brow raised and poke to TC) hey, wake up!

TC: (in daze) what?

Capt. Yu: What did you mean earlier?

TC: (slumped on the table) What? I didn't say anything. Have I said something?

Capt. Yu: ???????????? Yeah.

TC: (smiled) Don't take it seriously. I was sleep talking.

Capt. Yu: ????????????

(High hopes plummeted down)

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