???? Extra Characters:

(1) Shen Qiao - Nick's mother / Li Hong's first wife

(2) Trinette Li - grandmother

(3) Julia Chen - Anthony Chen's wife

(4) Michael - Julia and Anthony's son

(5) Karlie Chen - Anthony's sister


July 19, 20xx

Piraeus, Athens

The Maybach came to halt after traversing the long driveway that widens out to the front entry. Sensing her cold hands, he assured her, "Don't worry sweetheart. I am here."

Blythe already met his grandparents. Although both gave a distinctly different expression to her, she became comfortable with them. She's now worried of meeting his mother because the woman is a respectable figure in China. Aside from being the wife of the Vice President, the socialite is an admirable philanthropist. She supported and raised millions to help impoverished local children go to school and never suffer from hunger again. While others would rather want their work reported by media, she avoids the limelight and focuses on her cause.

Even though Blythe never met her, she's familiar with Nick's mother. Shen Qiao known as Madam Tang is a frequent volunteer to Xuanwu Hospital's I-CAN-READ program. Every week, the woman would read stories and interact with young cancer patients. Blythe never realized she was Nick's mother until she saw Shen Qiao's picture in the yacht.

Her familiarity towards Nick's mother comes from listening to the nurses gossiping at the nurses station. One time, she wondered, what kind of children would this amazing woman raised? Unknowingly, she is married to one now.

"You're here." Trinette beamed upon seeing the two enter.

As always, his grandmother was well-dressed in a knee-length peplum dress that accentuated her slim figure. Blythe liked its wide neckline and color. It was rose ivory.

Trinette introduced the other two women as her relatives before she patted the empty space on the two-seater gray sofa. Blythe was obliged to sit close to her while her husband sat on the armrest rather than taking another chair.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" the Li matriarch asked while she eyed Blythe's flat belly.

Blythe gave Nick a nudge to explain because she knew what Nick's grandmother was thinking.

"Here try this." Trinette put a slice of pie onto the small dessert plate and pushed it to her side.

Nick immediately took the fork and gave food to her. A bit ashamed being fed in front of people, she didn't open her mouth right away.

Noticing her embarrassment, Nick spoke, "Don't mind them."

Albeit the reluctance, she ate it because her husband's hand hung in the air. Blythe tasted custard and cheese in the pastry. There was a bit of cinnamon and sugar on it too.


"This is called Bougatsa, traditional breakfast food for Greeks."

There was an 'oh' on her mouth. The custard filling was really great and it didn't taste very eggy and the cheese made the pastry softer inside the mouth.

Blythe didn't refuse the second, the third and only realized she had much when porcelain plate was empty. She stopped Nick's attempt to get another one.

To Nick, it's seldom to see her finish something without vomiting so he still wanted to feed her. What's more, she didn't eat much before they left.

At the same time, he made a mental note to include this recipe on her food plan.

While the two were busy, the grandmother was smiling as she watched them. She's pretty much convinced that the couple will have a wonderful future together. She believes in her grandson's choice. In the beginning, the reason she chose Francine Tan was to threaten Nick to take action for his singleness. He's old enough to be married. At the same time, to stop his son's ploy of marrying him to Alissa. Seeing Nick happy with Blythe, there was no reason to stop the two. Although she was unhappy at first, her husband was right. She admired Blythe.

Albeit the short interaction with Blythe, she saw her younger self in her. Blythe might be quiet but she's not some spineless woman who will ride her husband's coattails. She's intelligent and strong-willed. If she sets her mind onto something, she will push for it. Whatever Nick intends to do in the future, whether he will take the helms of the family business or continue on growing NL Industries, Blythe will be there to support him.

Karlie who came to the parlor after her make-up was completed saw this scene. She felt she was being stuffed with dog food again. She just left the other room because of seeing the bride and groom being extra sweet. It made her super envious.

'Why?' She cried inside. She's pretty, rich and famous but she is still single.

"Damn it!" she muttered seeing the two gazing each other like love-struck idiots. Now, she regretted coming to this wedding.

"Mommy, what's that?" Julia Chen's 5-year-old son asked upon hearing what his aunt Karlie said.

The mother and son were just behind the redhead.

Karlie earned a glare from her grandmother and reminded, "Karlie Louise Chen, how many times did I tell you not to swear when a child is present?"

Karlie bent her head apologetically and murmured, "Sorry grandma."

Grandma Li exhaled and reminded herself, today is not the day to go on talking about social etiquette.

Nick let out a small laugh as he continued to feed his wife.

Ten minutes later, a bald man in his late 50's came along with a well-dressed woman. Upon the sight of the woman wearing a cap sleeve cheongsam with small flower prints, Blythe stopped Nick and she stood.

The Vice President and his wife politely greeted Trinette.

Nick introduced his mother when she turned her attention to them.

Blythe was taken aback by Madam Tang's actions as she hugged her and murmured, "Welcome to the family!"

She accepted the woman's embrace and bathed to the comfortable and nice scent of Nick's mother.

She scolded herself for getting ahead and being worried about nothing.

"Thank you, Auntie." She murmured.

Shen Qiao's smile faded when she heard those words and a brow raised.

"What auntie? Call me mother."

Blythe was quiet. The last time she said this word was when she was crying in her mother's funeral. Over the years, she never called her step-mother the same. So now, the word 'mother' was stuck in her throat.

She tried to expel the constrictions she was feeling and called out with her lips slightly curved up, "Mother"

Although it was barely audible, Nick and Shen Qiao who heard it gave out a satisfied smile.

"Come, let's go and see if the bride is ready."

Without letting go of her hand, Shen Qiao faced Nick's grandmother and excused themselves.

"Go, go." She prodded the two understanding the intention of her son's ex-wife. To check the bride was simply an excuse to step away and talk to Blythe privately, without Nick hovering around.

Nick's eyes were on the two departing figure and he winced in helplessness. Every time they are around the family, it's difficult to monopolize his wife.



Nick: Can you give me and my wife alone moments more?

TC: Hmm. You just wanted to do something again.

Blythe: Please don't.

Nick: Why not?

TC: Why not?

Blythe: I am afraid I can't control myself.

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Nick: ???????????? from what?

Blythe: You know... that--- (stumped for words and ashamed to say)

Nick: (giving that all-knowing grin)

TC: Seriously? You two are keeping secrets against me now?

Nick/Blythe: (at the same time) Yes, because you love to ruin moments.

TC: ????????

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