April 1, 20xx


The Previous Day

The time on the dashboard says 8:30 in the morning and after driving for more than hour, she was exhausted and was longing for the bed.

As she was mentally planning what to do the minute she returns to the apartment, from the corner of her eye, a limping man behind the trees caught her attention.

She intended to ignore it, however, upon noticing the person has fallen on the ground and men were unscrupulously attacking him, she parked the car a few feet away and sauntered stealthily to their direction.

Hiding behind the tree to assess the situation, then two seconds later, she pulled the closest man to her and elbowed his neck knocking him off.

The other one took notice and turned. Upon seeing her, he extended his arm to give her a punch but before the blow can land, Yan Shi kicked his groin making him stagger.

But there was no room for him to recover because she pivoted and extended her long leg, hitting his face and stumbled down.

'Ouch' Yan Shi winced, seeing the man's hurt face when a pile of wood fell on his body, partly burying him.

Suddenly, the one who was kicking the wounded man stood and attacked her from behind by locking her neck but his act of twisting it, was halted when she dug her nails on his hand, making the stocky man momentarily distracted as he yelped. The grip loosened and she took the opportunity to grab his right arm and with force, she twisted it behind him. Instantly, the sound of cracking bones resonated.

'Ulna..Carpal..Metacarpal..Radius...' she recited.

But her strength was not enough to incapacitate the man because he got off the binding and kicked her when he turned. By reflex, she ducked and attacked his stomach making him wobble. The attack she gave him to his groin resulted to his falling on the ground.

Without missing a beat, she stepped on his leg then up to his manhood.

His painful groans were heard but she smiled sweetly to assure him.

"Don't worry. The pain is just temporary."

Before her two inch boots hit his face, rocking him to sleep.

She looked around and an arc formed after seeing her handiwork.

Luckily she has knowledge for Martial arts though she has no recollection of learning it. The only suspicion she has, was that missing window in her memory from 6-12 years old. Whatever happened at that time, she is lazy to think about it. Somehow she is grateful for knowing how to defend herself as it useful at times like this.

She sprinted to where the man was and saw his half closed eyes and bloody clothes.

She noticed that despite his face was covered with blank ink, his strong jawline and pointy nose cant be concealed.

Immediately, Yan Shi unbuttoned his shirt to assess his injury but suddenly, a painful grip stopped her.

In a magnetic yet hoarse voice, he asked "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to help you mister."

Li Jie opened his eyes but due to his blurry eyesight after being sprayed on earlier, her face cant be clearly seen but the body form tells him, she's a woman.

He stretched his other hand to reach that body but his eyes were getting heavier every second and the knife wound on his stomach radiated pain to his lower body, making him unable to move.

At the back of his mind, if this is his end, he wanted to die on the arms of this woman, nestled on her bosom.

He smiled at that thought as he bent forward to her body.


Yan Shi cursed as she felt his weight on her.

Now, she needs to carry his body. It means, she will exert more effort to lift his dead weight.

Good thing, the person who was shocked to see a woman fight four muscled men finally recovered and help her to put the wounded man in the car.

She directed him to drive to her hospital while she applied pressure on the bleeding wound on his body.

"Hang on mister. We are going to the hospital."

She kept repeating the same sentence whether the man is conscious or not.

But unknown to her, at his barely conscious state, listening to the gentle voice pleading him to live suddenly birthed a yearning to survive.

His enemies are lurking around at every opportunity to kill him.

Yet there is this one lone figure wishing him to endure.

He fought that drowsiness which was slowly taking him into oblivion.

There is a strong desire to see her face. To see whom the gentle voice belongs to.

No matter how much he struggled with the drowsiness, it failed.

In the end, his world turned black.


Because she called early on, there was an emergency team waiting by the hospital door.

"Dr Yan." they greeted.

"Operating room 2 is ready and Dr Wang is on standby." Her colleague reported.

After careful deliberation, he continued "Dr. Lin will assist him."

There was no flicker of emotions from her so he assumed it was fine knowing the history of the two.

Three hours later, the red light above the operating room stopped blinking, Dr Wang and Dr Lin in scrub suits came out and spoke to her "The operation has been successful. Luckily, there were no major organs affected. We'll proceed according to procedure, he will be moved to the recovery room for observation in the next 16 hours.

"Thank you Dr Wang."

The bald doctor smiled and glanced behind him, signaling the woman to leave. The latter glanced at her from head to toe before sashaying in.

"I would prefer if you assisted me but you know protocols needed to be followed."

The underlying meaning on his words was 'You worked more than 70 hours this week while others have less.'

To avoid complaints, there is a policy that doctors are only required to render maximum hours per week. On her case, she already exceeded.

"It's fine Dr. Wang."

Her laziness to dwell on this management issues made her ignore the other reason behind his explanation.


Not a minute later passed, her phone rang and the special tone tells her it was the VP of the hospital.

She reminded the nurse what to do before darting to the direction of the elevator, not noticing that pitiful look the nurse gave her.

Two hours ago, there was an announcement on the website that Dr Bai Haifeng is going to be engaged to actress Yan Mei.

The minute it was known, the rumor mill involving the three people can't be stopped.

A lot of speculations rose and everyone is curious why suddenly the handsome surgeon and Dr Yan broke up as they appeared to be happy together.

Shaking her head, the nurse turned to her work.



Realistic me:As a doctor, Yan Shi should never harm a person. .

Romantic me:

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