After Jin Dayuan came back, Gu Qingci and Huaiqing had almost taken over the whole camp.

He opened his mouth and finally sat down on the small stool at the corner of the door under the instruction of Huaiqing's fingers.

Huaiqing touched his nose and said in a low voice, "I've just heard that you've brought your own people dead and scattered. The rest of you have gone to other people's places. Your situation is not much better than ours."

Jin Dayuan, a rude man, was flushed by Huaiqing, but he couldn't refute it. The gang of people under his hand were really scattered, and those who didn't die also left him.

At last, he snorted and resented: "so what? Now there are some strange diseases in the barracks, and I don't know who lives longer than whom!"

Gu Qingci raised his eyes curiously, "strange disease?"

Jin Dayuan glared at them. "It's said that it was you who made evil tricks in the northern Jin Dynasty that made the warriors of Southern Qiang suffer from a strange disease."

Huaiqing chuckled and said, "you can pull it down. If we could use demons in the northern Jin Dynasty, you would have been completely destroyed. Would you still be able to dance around the gate of the city? You can point your face. If you get sick, you will also depend on Beijin. If you can't have children after that, are you still responsible for Beijin people? "

After staring at him for a long time, Jin Dayuan finally turned his head and said, "I don't want to tell you, you are also a northern Jin demon girl!"

Huaiqing spat, "as if who would like to chat with you Nanqiang people."

Said Huaiqing to Gu Qingci side, "Qingci, now how to do? How can we expect to rely on him to find someone who has no ability at all? "

Seeing that Huaiqing was so outspoken, Jin Dayuan was very angry, "what do you mean? I have no ability at all! I am, at least, an emissary of the army

Clearly in a dangerous situation, but in the face of such a picture, Gu Qingci was a little sad and laughing, "you don't argue, now we are all grasshoppers on a rope."

"Grasshopper? Who is a grasshopper

Huaiqing gave him a look, "don't you understand?"

Just at this moment, there was a cry from the door of the camp.

"Brother Jin! Are you there? "

Hearing this cry, Jin Dayuan showed a look more angry than just facing Huaiqing, "not in!"

"Brother Jin, please, I was cheated. They said you were dead, so I took refuge in others!"

Seeing that Jin Dayuan didn't make a sound, the man standing outside cried and said, "brother Jin, I also have a strange disease. It is said that anyone who has this disease will die. You have brought two prisoners of northern Jin without getting sick. You must be able to cure me!"

When Jin Dayuan stood up, he was about to rush out and said, "if you have a strange disease, you still want to harm me!"

But before he rushed out, he was stopped by Gu Qingci.

Jin Dayuan looked at Gu Qingci in surprise, "what do you want to do

Gu Qingci raised his eyes, a pair of clear eyes with a bullying momentum, "do you want to take back their own power status?"

"What?" he said

Gu Qingci glanced at the door and said, "a great opportunity is at the door. Do you want to drive him away?"

"What do you mean?"

Gu Qingci see his brain a muscle, straight said: "I can cure him, and help you turn over."

Jin Dayuan looked at Gu Qingci dubiously, "really?"

Gu Qingci sneered, "anyway, you have nothing. Can't you afford to gamble? If you are so timid, you might as well go home. Cowards don't live long in the barracks. "

Jin Dayuan was almost excited and almost jumped up, "who said I was a coward! I'm afraid I dare not gamble! How would you like to bet? "

Gu Qingci looked at the door and whispered, "do as I say..."

Soon, the man at the door entered the camp, he was excited to look at Kim Tae Yuen, "big brother! You are willing to see me at last! I knew you wouldn't leave me alone

Jin Dayuan snorted coldly, "the commander said, now the strange disease is rampant. It's a crime to be found wandering in the army. Do you want to harm me?"

The man almost knelt down, "big brother, I really have no way, the military doctor can't turn us these people, big brother, do you have a cure secret recipe, help me!"

Jin Dayuan is still angry, but he sees Huaiqing behind the screen a warning gesture, so he stops when he sees it well.

"If it wasn't for the sake of our friendship, I wouldn't care about you."

The man was overjoyed and looked at Jin Dayuan, "big brother! I knew you had a way

According to Gu Qingci's teaching to him, Jin Dayuan said: "I have also suffered from strange diseases. It was the miracle doctor of the northern Jin Dynasty that I brought back to cure me."

Man a Leng, the face floating warning and doubt, "North Jin people?"

Seeing that he was suspicious, Jin Dayuan immediately pointed to the door and said, "if you don't believe me, get out of here and go to the front line of the military doctor!"

The man quickly pulled Jin Dayuan, "big brother, I don't mean that, I listen to you!"

In any case, going out is a dead end. He can only count on Kim Tae won to give him a way to live, although this one seems very unreliable in front of him at the moment.Under Jin Dayuan's threat, the man sat down in his place, and Gu Qingci came out from behind the screen.

A beautiful woman appeared in the camp, and the man was stunned.

Huaiqing saw this look and got angry. He said to Jin Dayuan, "cover his eyes, or let him go back and wait for death."

The man was honest at once.

Jin Dayuan blindfolded him and said in his ear, "you know, the people of northern Jin Dynasty are different. They know how to use magic and how to use fairies. This is the goddess I invited back in front of you. You'd better be honest, or I won't be able to save you if you get retribution."

The man is not light, even chicken peck rice general nod, "I know!"

Gu Qingci was more interested in the strange disease at the moment, so he looked at the disease directly.

Soon she got up and went back to the screen.

Huaiqing asked nervously, "Qingci, what disease is this? Is it easy to cure? If there is an infectious disease, we must stay away from him

Gu Qingci said with a low smile: "don't worry, it's not an infectious disease at all, it's just a kind of cold. It's common for people in the northern Jin Dynasty. The southern Qiang people come here for the first time. They think they are strong, but they don't adapt to the local conditions."

Huaiqing asked: "cooperation is not a strange disease at all. How can it be transmitted?"

Gu Qingci thought for a moment and continued: "it should also be related to the flying insects here. We have just found that there are small flying insects in the camp. This kind of insects do not look impressive, but actually they are easy to spread diseases."

Huaiqing suddenly realized, "is it so simple?"

Gu Qingci nodded and shook his head again. "Even so, I still have to do something about it."

She walked out of the screen and said, "if you want to cure this strange disease, you have to get me some medicine."

Jin Dayuan touched the back of his head. "Now the military doctors are surrounded tightly. No one can enter, let alone take medicine."

Gu Qingci shook his head and said: "of course, the medicine I want to use can't be the same as that used by military doctors. I want you to go to the nearby river to collect some herbs, the more the better."

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