The next morning, Gu Qingci's door was knocked by the maid sent by Jin Dayuan.

"Miss Gu, these are the clothes that the fourth master of Jin sent to change for the girl."

Gu Qingci had already woken up. She was leaning at the head of the bed, looking at a Book accidentally found in the room.

In fact, she can only understand 50% of the book by guessing, but she happens to be bored, so she should know herself and the enemy first.

"Come in."

Soon, the maid brought the clothes in.

A set of simple plain white long shirt, the skirt embroidered with various colors of flowers on the skirt, inlaid with a ring of gems, more brilliant.

At this time, Huaiqing also woke up and looked at a suit of clothes at a novel close distance, "Wow, this skirt is really beautiful."

The maid said with a smile, "this is specially bought by the fourth master."

When Gu Qingci and Huaiqing put them on, they put half of their hair in a braid and wore a variety of jewel pendants.

After dressing up, the maid was waiting outside. Gu Qingci and Huaiqing whispered, "remember what I said later, and try to contact the outside world."

Huai counted and nodded, but he thought that they were going to leave soon. He worried Gu Qingci and said, "Qingci, what if there is no royal brother here? If you're in danger, I'll What should I do? "

At this time, the outside was already urging, Gu Qingci saw that there was no time to say much more, so he pressed Huaiqing's shoulder and said, "don't be afraid, we will be OK. Believe me, I will believe you."

Huaiqing nodded heavily, "Qingci, you must protect yourself, and I will."

Then Gu Qingci walked out of the room and said to a line of people waiting outside: "take me to see your master."

Standing on one side, Kim Tae Yuen, with a smile, "I'm also with you. It's reported by Khan and me."

The waiters from the palace didn't object, so they set out.

When he arrived at the southern Qiang palace, Gu Qingci looked up. The style of the palace was totally different from that of the northern Jin Dynasty. It was rough and magnificent, and it was just like the local customs.

As soon as she stepped into the palace gate, she swept around her eyes and clenched her fists defensively in her sleeve.

This time, she did not know what was ahead of her, nor what was behind her. She could not rely on mu xuanjing. She had to go on her own.

Thinking of Mu xuanjing, she had more persistence in her heart. She wanted to live well and get out of the predicament.

Soon Gu Qingci went to a palace under the leadership of the palace people. The solemn black door of the hall opened and Gu Qingci stepped in.

Jin Dayuan wanted to go in, but he was stopped outside. He said anxiously, "I have to go in!"

"Khan ordered, only one person was seen."

Seeing that he couldn't get in, Jin Dayuan stuffed silver ingots for the palace man who stopped him and asked in a low voice, "Khan, do you understand what I mean? I gave the goddess to Khan

"Khan already knows it," said the palace man

"Did Khan agree?" he asked anxiously

The palace man shook his head, "Khan didn't answer, but since he called people in, he should have this meaning."

As long as Khan is interested in this woman, his gift will be sent to his heart, and promotion will be a matter of words.

Looking at Gu Qingci walking in, Jin Dayuan was so happy that he even forgot his remaining poison.

At this time, Gu Qingci has followed to the inner hall.

Approaching the inner hall, she faintly heard a little noise. It seemed that someone was practicing boxing. As soon as Gu Qingci entered the inner hall, she saw a man in a dark yellow long shirt fighting.

His hair was tied up and he didn't wear the unique coat of the southern Qiang people. From behind, he was the same as that of the northern Jin Dynasty. However, he had many details and retained the style of the southern Qiang people, especially the gem ornaments visible all over his body.

When he heard someone coming, Tuoba Huan closed his fist and ended up in a beautiful posture.

One side of the maid immediately held the outer garment and handed it over, waiting for Tuoba Huan to put on his coat.

At this time, Gu Qingci also saw the front of tuobahuan, who was a handsome and upright man.

After putting on the outer garment, Tuo Ba Huan glanced at the woman at the gate of the hall. He deliberately dried her for a while, but the woman looked calm and had no sense of formality or fear at all.

Tuoba Huan felt more and more rare, and he stayed on Gu Qingci for a long time.

When he came to the chair and sat down, he looked at Gu Qingci and said, "it was your magic medicine that saved the soldiers in the barracks. I didn't expect you, a Beijin man, would like to do this."

Gu Qingci looked at Tuoba Huan and said: "for doctors, patients have no distinction between men, women, old and young, and national boundaries."

What's more, she also has her own selfishness. This is not a serious illness. She can get more opportunities to leave the military camp by curing this disease. Why should she not do it.

Besides, the southern Qiang soldiers have not harmed the people of the northern Jin Dynasty so far, and she has no hostility to them.Seeing Gu Qingci say with ease and grace, Tuoba Huan's eyes float up to appreciate, "I'm surprised that you can think like this."

Gu Qingci looked at tuobahuan. The emperor was different from her imagination. She thought that the southern Qiang emperor would directly force her to hand over the prescription.

At this time, Tuoba Huan came to Gu Qingci and said, "and I didn't expect you to be so special in this suit. I really can't think of any empress dowager around me who can compare with you."

Gu Qingci frowned and saw the man's possession from Tuoba Huan's eyes. She took a step back and said, "Khan's praise, I've got married."

Tuoba was unhappy, but then said with a smile: "in our Nanqiang, married women are also valuable jewelry. As long as she is willing, she can choose a new and stronger partner at any time."

Gu Qing was stunned. What is the national condition? A married woman can change her husband at any time? This idea is too advanced!

Just when Gu Qingci was stunned, a report came from outside, "Khan! The front military news

Tuoba Huan waved and said to the court supervisor at the door, "come in and send someone to arrange her residence."

Gu Qing CI a Leng, "my residence?"

Tuoba Huan's sight fell on her, "without my command, you'd better stay in the palace."

Gu Qingci tightened her eyebrows. She saw an attempt to possess in Tuoba Huan's eyes, but then she was more restrained and calm. This man was not a woman greedy man.

Then he should have another purpose to keep her.

She also wanted to say that, but looking at Tuoba Huan's non-negotiable face, she had to go out with the palace people for the time being.

At the moment when she stepped out of the threshold, she faintly heard the person who went in to report the news and said: "this matter went down along the clues and found the king of the northern Jin Dynasty."

Hearing this, Gu Qingci's heart trembled. How could the affairs of Nanqiang disturb mu xuanjing?

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