After listening to Gu Qingci, who is the most suspected person at present? Princess Chunyao's face is dignified, "really Can it really be him? "

Gu Qing CI drooped his eyes, "princess, from the existing evidence, it is very likely."

Zheng for a long time, she still firmly nodded, "I will do as you say, even if he is my third brother, if he really killed people, and is his own relatives, I will not be partial to him."

Said, she frowned, "if the third brother is really he killed, that poisoned my killer is likely to be him, only he can unknowingly poison me."

Gu Qingci saw that although Princess Chunyao had hesitation and sadness on her face, she still firmly chose to cooperate.

In her heart, she could not help feeling that the women who were born in the imperial family were so bright and beautiful that they could see that there were many cruelty in their knowledge.

Gu Qingci didn't say anything more. He got up and said, "you haven't recovered well, and it's not suitable to worry too much. You can make it through by taking more rest."

Pure Yao Princess nodded, "thank you very much."

See Gu Qingci to leave, pure Yao princess suddenly called her, "wait a minute, why hasn't Jizong come?"

Gu Qingci did not hide from her, "Zhou Jizong has been here twice, and he was driven away by Khan for the last time. After all, the murderer who poisoned you has not been found. He is also from northern Jin Dynasty and is also suspected."

Princess Chunyao bit her lip, and then said, "we must catch this man who is really making trouble."

Early in the morning the next day, tuobahuan, who arrived, heard that although Princess Chunyao woke up, she had no spirit and kept talking in her sleep.

Even the princess of Chunyao insisted that tuobafan, the third prince, had given himself a dream, saying that tuobafan said that he had died unjustly, and that there were clues to the real murderer on the body!

Tuobahuan wanted to comfort Princess Chunyao, but she refused to give up. She cried and asked tuobafan, who died of injustice, to overturn the case. She also said that if the real murderer could not be found out, she would not live.

Seeing the emaciated Princess of Chunyao crying into tears, looking for a life and death, Tuo bahuan couldn't see it anymore, and nodded his head in agreement with Princess Chunyao's words.

Soon, Khan wanted to find out the truth about the death of the third king, tuobafan. The news immediately reached tuobawu's ears.

Tuoba Wu just recovered from the nightmare of being killed by a ghost that day, but it didn't take long before the news came!

After hearing that, he fell to the ground directly from his chair, grinning with pain.

A moment later, he got up with his chair and pushed aside the people who wanted to help him. He gritted his teeth and asked in a quick voice, "say it quickly! What did Khan say? Why is it necessary to reopen the coffin for autopsy? Aren't all the people in the ground? "

The spy who inquired about the news said in a dilemma: "report to the Lord, the matter is like this. Khan can't beat the princess. The princess said that the third prince gave her a dream and said that she died unjustly. Moreover, there are clues to the real murderer on the body. If the real murderer is not found out, the princess will not live. So Khan has been ordered to open a coffin for autopsy!"

Tuoba Wu's face changed greatly, and he shivered more than he thought of the terrible night.

Is it really a dream? Is there really evidence on the body? This possibility made Tuoba Wu fidgety.

"No! We have to find Huayi! "

An hour later, the spy brought more anxious news to Tuoba Wu.

"Lord, no one can be found! Leave the letter of the Lord in the old place

Tuoba Wu paced around, sweating out a layer, irritably said: "how can't you find someone at this time! What a rush! What if something goes wrong? "

After a while, another spy came back, "Lord! A letter from Mr. Hua! "

Tuoba Wu quickly walked over, "give it to me quickly!"

After reading the letter, Tuoba Wu's heart of killing people all has, "what is blind worry, what is calm, how can I calm down now?"?! It's going to be on my neck

Tuo Bawu was very restless at the moment.

Usually any decision is made by Huayi for him, but now he can't find anyone.

After thinking about it, it was dark. Tuobawu decided that he had to do it himself. He still wanted to go to tuobafan's cemetery and destroy the evidence that might exist.

As the night deepened, Tuoba Wu sneaked out of the five princes' mansion with a group of people

Soon, the news was sent to Gu Qingci, and she sneered, "sure enough, Tuoba Wu can't sit still. If it wasn't for his conscience, he wouldn't be so anxious to destroy his body."

Huaiqingzheng, who was sitting opposite Gu Qingci, gnawed at a cucumber. "Speaking of it, he is really a fool. He believes such ghost stories. He can't blame others. If he doesn't do something wrong, he's not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door. He's obviously guilty!"

Gu Qing nodded, "if I didn't pretend to frighten him that night, maybe he's not so afraid now. Now it's a good time and place to make peace with people. It's only the last step to catch a turtle in a jar."

Said Gu Qingci to get up, "I'll find Tuoba Huan."

Mu xuanjing gently coughed, "no, I'll send someone."

Huaiqing blocked the two people, "forget it, I'll go. If Qing resigns, he can't rest assured that he will go to find a man in the evening. If you go, you may expose your identity."At this time, Huaiqing body came to the voice of pure Yao princess, "no need, I'll go."

Gu Qingci looked over and saw Princess Chunyao walking out of the room. She twisted her eyebrows and said, "can you hold on like this?"

Princess Chunyao nodded and pulled out a smile. "Don't worry, the women of Nanqiang are much stronger than you. It's just a little poison. I'm almost better. This case is also our family affair. I'll go."

Gu Qingci looks at the back of Chunyao princess, and her eyes float with appreciation. In fact, although she is a bit obstinate and willful on weekdays, she knows it from the bottom of her heart.

Huaiqing has some bad taste. If Princess Chunyao was an unreasonable shrew, she would feel better, but now it doesn't look like this.

The princess of Chunyao was originally the favorite sister of the South Qiang Khan. She was younger than her and more beautiful than her. She was also a happy and cheerful woman. What's more, Khan was willing to marry his favorite sister to Zhou Jizong. Few men would refuse it?

See Huaiqing also look at the direction of the door, Gu Qingci walked to her side, "what's the matter?"

Huaiqing took back her eyes. "It's nothing. Let's go."

Going back, Gu Qingci looked at Huaiqing and asked, "I heard that you haven't seen Zhou Jizong these two days. What's the matter? Still mad at him? "

Huaiqing took a deep breath and said in a relaxed tone: "I think Zhou Jizong has a good life in Nanqiang. When the southern Qiang and the northern Jin are reconciled, the best way is to get married. The master of this county is not bad. He is a good man to be with him."

Gu Qing CI frowned, "Huai Qing, how can you suddenly think so?"

Huaiqing deliberately arrogantly said: "I can solve the hidden danger in the West for the northern Jin Dynasty. It's much better than he went back to fight with me."

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