In the evening, Huaiqing just came back from the palace and came to King's palace without dinner.

When she arrived, Gu Qingci was discussing with the housekeeper about Chuanyun Pavilion.

See Huaiqing to, Gu Qingci also did not avoid her, and housekeeper said: "do not avoid taboo, continue to say it."

The housekeeper also knew that the princess and the eldest princess had a deep friendship, so he made a courtesy with Huaiqing and did not retreat.

Huaiqing went to Gu Qingci and sat down. He asked eagerly, "is there any news? What's the matter with Chuanyun pavilion? "

Gu Qingci shook his head. "There is no big progress. Now the news of the auction has not been advertised. It was only the ghost market that knew about it. At present, only two or three people came to Chuanyun Pavilion, all of them were nestled in Tianxiang building, but there was no movement."

Huaiqing frowned and said, "I don't know when to wait."

Gu Qingci droops his eyes, "it's OK, I have time and patience."

After dinner with Gu Qingci, Liangjiang comes back with a Zheng.

Huaiqing asked with a smile, "from the prime minister's house?"

Liang Jiang touched ah Zheng's small head. "Yes, now this boy has entered Mrs. Chang's eyes. Every now and then, he and Mrs. Chang are together. I only know that today."

She packed her bags and went to find a Zheng. Unexpectedly, ah Zheng was not in the medicine restaurant or the medicine shop. She was actually in the prime minister's mansion. She was scared to learn that the impudent little boy might run into others.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the prime minister's mansion, Liang Jiang saw that a Zheng was playing with Madame Chang. He coaxed Mrs. chang into laughing.

From the servant girl's mouth that a Zheng often comes here to play, Liang Jiang pulls him to one side, "you are so noisy, or play by yourself."

I didn't expect that Mrs. Chang pulled ah Zheng in the past like a baby and said to Liang Jiang, "you girl, you are too strict with my brother. Ah Zheng is good anywhere. It's good to accompany me."

A Zheng said to Mrs. Chang with a smile, "elder brother Chang said that you will be the mother of your sister. Is that also ah Zheng's mother?"

Immediately Mrs. Chang clapped the board and recognized ah Zheng, the dry son.

Liangjiang is blinded. She has not entered the Chang family. Her brother has become the dry son of the future mother-in-law?!

What kind of generation is this?

Mrs. Chang also said, "ah Zheng is very good. If you and your son want to discipline your children, you can get married as soon as possible and have one by yourself."

Liang Jiang couldn't laugh or cry.

Being informed by the housekeeper that there is a big event in the house, Chang GUI, who hastens to adjust, knows the whole story, and almost has a stomachache.

However, his brother-in-law has become a dry brother, which is a strange thing

Hearing Liangjiang say this, Huaiqing was also very happy, "I didn't expect that you were in the eyes of the eldest son of the Chang family. Your brother is more powerful than you, and directly let the lady in charge of the Chang family recognize him as a dry son."

Gu Qingci said with a smile: "Liangjiang, I think you and Chang family are really predestined."

Liang Jiang said with tears and laughter: "I think it's ah Zheng, the stinky boy. He was always cared by young master Chengzhi. Now the emperor often announces him to play in the palace. Now, Mrs. Chang still considers him a son."

A Zheng on one side spat out his tongue, "elder sister, I said, I'm very good in the capital, don't worry about it."

Liangjiang pulled his ear and said, "you can't be arrogant because of being spoiled, or I'll send you back to my hometown and you won't be allowed to stay in the capital."

A Zheng immediately cried, "elder sister, I'm very good, and I haven't caused any trouble. Manager Lin and aunt Yin always said to me, so many people like me, I have to work harder, otherwise they will be disappointed."

When Liang Jiang heard this, he moved in his heart and his face changed. "It's good to know. If you don't strive for success, and don't say whether they will be disappointed, sister-in-law will be disappointed, and the grandparents in the sky will be disappointed."

Now her younger brother is taller than her. Because he likes eating, he is not thin, but because he loves playing, he is strong. When they were starving to death, they did not expect to have such a good day today.

So what she was most afraid of was that she didn't discipline her brother and let a Zheng go the wrong way.

Looking at Liangjiang and a Zheng, Gu Qingci said: "Liangjiang, you really wronged ah Zheng. He is working hard now. I just heard sister-in-law Yin say that ah Zheng has been learning with several imperial chefs."

Huaiqing and Liangjiang said with a smile, "yes, your sister should take care of her own affairs and wait to get married. A Zheng will not lose face, but will only add luster to your face."

Just as he was saying, a report came from outside, "the little marquis is is outside, saying that he is coming to wait for the princess!"

Gu Qingci also laughed, and Huaiqing said: "you also said that others, you also hurry to manage yourself, waiting to get married."

Huaiqing red face back to Liangjiang side, "Qingci, you don't tease me."

Gu Qingci asked earnestly, "well, no more fun. Is the little Marquis coming out of the palace?"

The porter's servant outside said, "reply to the princess, and look at the little Marquis wearing official clothes."Gu Qingci pulled Huaiqing way: "go, I accompany you to go out, just send a send you."

Sure enough, Zhou Jizong came out of the palace. As soon as he saw Huaiqing, he rushed over. He didn't see Gu Qingci on the side.

"Huaiqing! The emperor agreed! The emperor agreed! I can marry you at last

Huai halal wanted to cover his mouth! Don't say it yet

Gu Qingci could not help but say: "Xiaohou ye, congratulations."

Zhou Jizong realized that he was so excited that he didn't notice that there was anyone else. He touched his head with embarrassment, "I am It's just a little bit too happy. "

With a clear look at him, "I'm going back to the house."

With that, Huaiqing and Gu Qing said goodbye, then turned around and left.

Zhou Jizong Leng in situ, want to chase but also afraid of Huaiqing angry, frowned for a long time.

Finally, Gu Qingci reminded him in a low voice: "chase!"

Zhou Jizong seemed to be waiting for someone to chase him up, so he immediately chased up, "Huaiqing! You wait for me

Huaiqing called out in the carriage: "it's too crowded in the car to sit you down!"

Zhou Jizong said with a smile: "it doesn't matter! I can sit in the front

Gu Qingci looked at Zhou Jizong's excited and cautious appearance when he climbed onto the carriage. Suddenly, a strange picture flashed in his mind.

A man who couldn't see clearly ran to her with the same excitement. He was careful, but could not suppress the joy.

He seems to be very happy to look at her stomach

Gu Qingci frowned and knocked on her forehead. How could she have such a strange memory?

Maybe it was her serious illness that hurt her brain, and now there will be such hallucinatory memories.

After that, Gu Qingci got rid of such strange thoughts in the brain, and then raised his head. Huaiqing and Zhou Jizong's carriage had already gone far away.

The porter's servant quickly asked, "princess, the wind is strong outside."

However, Gu Qingci didn't want to go back. Looking at the dark night, she twisted her eyebrows and said, "I want to go out."

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