Finally, at noon the next day, Huang's eldest son ran to the ridge where Gu Qingci was and cried out in a hurry: "Princess! There are several officials in the village who spend a lot of money to inquire about the recent women from other places in the village

Gu Qingci pick eyebrows, "official? Asking for a big price

Then Gu Qingci picked up a hoe and said, "go, go and have a look. Let others be careful. Don't let them run away."

If you are really an official, you will not be used to using money to open a road. Besides, Changyuan should not really send so many people to arrest her.

Before Gu Qingci wants to understand, she has already seen those officials.

Several officials blocked two or three children and were threatening and luring them to speak out.

Gu Qingci secretly said that these "officials" are still very active, knowing that children are the easiest to come out with news.

"The three children are all famous mischievous bags in the village. They are not so easy to fool with," he said with a smile

Sure enough, when Gu Qingci approached, he heard a child dancing and describing vividly.

"Officer uncle, the beautiful woman you mentioned should be the sister of the village?"

The official was excited, "sister? Where? Take us there

The child nodded solemnly, "OK."

Gu Qing's words were all muddled for a moment, and asked Huang's elder brother, "sister of the village?"

Huang's eldest brother touched his head and suddenly said with a smile, "it must be that stone statue!"

Sure enough, after a while, Gu Qingci saw that these officials were chasing the three children and wanted to fight, "don't talk nonsense if you don't know! What kind of beautiful sister, stone statue can also be called sister? Are you out of your head? "

The three children were as flexible as loach, and couldn't catch them at all. Those officials hated their teeth.

Gu Qingci and huangjiadalang said: "in a moment, do as I say."

Huang's eldest son touched the back of his head and said, "otherwise, let Erlang come. I'm too stupid. In case the princess's affairs are delayed..."

Gu Qingci looked at him and said, "don't worry. What you say is basically the truth. Just speak slowly."

Moreover, the appearance of a farmer like Dalang is more reliable.

So, when these officials were separated, Huang's eldest son, according to Gu Qingci's command, went to an official who was left behind.

Seeing that the official looked up and saw himself, Huang's eldest son quickly turned around and was about to run. The official looked at him with a flighty look and his eyes were wandering. He immediately chased him, "stop! What are you running for

Huang's eldest son was afraid to cover his head and squatted down, "officer's big master, villains don't know anything. Don't catch villains!"

The official kicked him, "then what are you running for? Do you know anything? "

Huang's eldest brother trembled on purpose, "no I don't know I know... "

Seeing his hesitation, the official immediately threatened and lured him. Huang's eldest son remembered Gu Qingci's command and said it in a short time.

"The villain saw that the two women looked good-looking, so they hid them. They only said that they were servant girls running out of the big house. They said that the lady couldn't accommodate them. The villain's younger brother didn't get married, so they wanted to keep them."

The official thought, "what servant girl! This is the fugitive! Come on! Take me

Huang's eldest son was afraid to beg for mercy. "Big master, the villain really doesn't know what escapees are. It's because the two women are helpless, and another woman is injured, so he took them in. The villain doesn't know!"

The official seized his collar and cried, "take me quickly, or you will be punished for the same crime! You're going to lose your head

Now he only wanted to take credit for himself, so he urged the Huang family to leave quickly without calling back his companions in front of him.

At this time, Huang's eldest son immediately got up in fear and said, "old man, you go with the villain!"

Seeing Huang's Dalang taking the official to the appointed route, Gu Qingci informs Erlang to be ready at the destination.

Before the time of a incense stick arrived, Erlang told Gu Qingci the latest news, "Princess! Got it

Gu Qingci nodded, "I'm going to have a trial on what the official is."

Before Gu Qingci entered the cellar, he heard the voice of men's abuse.

"You bastards! Crazy?! Laozi is a yamen servant! It's a big crime for you to imprison officials without permission! Let go of Laozi

At this time, Erlang handed the official's clothes to Gu Qingci, reminding him: "princess, I have just seen it. This should be fake."

Gu Qingci asked curiously, "Erlang, how do you know it's fake?"

Huang's Erlang said with a smile: "I have written letters to several yamen servants who have friendship with each other in Yamen. Their clothes are different from this one, and their sleeves can't match."

Gu Qingci looked at Huang Erlang with approval, "very good. Thank you very much."

After that, Gu Qing left the cellar and looked at the tightly bound officials and said in a cold voice, "it's a big crime to imprison officials. I don't know what the crime of counterfeiting officials is?""It's the crime of exterminating the family," said Erlang, who followed him solemnly

Gu Qingci tut said: "it seems that our crime is nothing."

The "official" saw that Gu Qingci's face was white with fright. Listening to Gu Qingci's words, he seemed to have recognized his identity. His eyes immediately flickered, "what do you mean? You're a fugitive from crime! How dare you catch me? "

Gu Qingci sneered, "know so clearly, still pretend to be a yamen servant, it seems that the person who planned the whole thing sent you here."

"Official" angrily said, "I am the official's Yamen, and I was sent by Lord Chang! Don't talk nonsense

Gu Qingci's face sank, "I'm not in the mood to fight with such a small villain as you now. Are you not willing to confess? It doesn't matter. I have a lot of ways. "

So Gu Qingci took out a dagger and a bag of sugar. "This cellar is a place where poisonous insects, rats and ants gather. Cut some holes in your body and sprinkle sugar on it. What kind of insects do you think will come to gnaw first?"

With that, Gu Qingci slashed his arm in the frightened eyes of the "official official." sprinkle more sugar. The cellar is empty, and there is nothing to eat. These poisonous insects, rats and ants are starving

The officer grinned with pain, "let me go!"

Later, Gu Qingci picked up the paper bag and pretended to pour sugar down.

Finally, the official couldn't stand it anymore, and he yelled, "I'll do it! I'll do it

Gu Qingci stopped the action in his hand and wrung his eyebrows and asked, "tell me quickly, who ordered you to do this?"

The "official" hesitated for a moment, but as soon as he saw Gu Qingci holding up his paper bag, he immediately fell into a state of mind, "it's a lady!"

Then he explained, "it's the eldest lady of the Su family."

"Su, Shen, Bi?" Gu Qingci some gnashing teeth to say this long lost name.

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