"You poor wretch! No one will tell you what happened! They just want you to be a poor wretch for life

The more she laughed, the louder she became. The voice was particularly harsh in Gu Qingci's ears, which made her feel sick.


Although you know that this woman is a madman, why can a madman's words have such an impact on her?

Gu Qingci couldn't think of it, and didn't want to stay here. She almost escaped and walked to the outside of the yard, and the laughter inside was still spreading freely.

"It's killing me! Gu Qingci! You remember! This is your retribution

Gu Qingci stumbled and almost tripped over the steps under his feet. The woman waiting at the door was startled and quickly helped Gu Qingci.

"Princess, are you all right?"

Gu Qingci shook his head, "it's OK. Let's go. Don't spread today's affairs."

The old lady's face turned white. She didn't know that this crazy woman was so frightening. If Miss Liangjiang or steward song knew that she had brought the princess here, she would have been driven away. Thinking of this level of interest, she did not dare to talk.

Back in the yard, ginger and hibiscus have anxiously searched for people everywhere.

Seeing Gu Qingci come back with her wife on duty, Liangjiang patted her chest and said, "thank God! Fortunately, nothing happened! "

Hibiscus is ready to run out of the gate to look for someone. Seeing Gu Qingci back, she is equally excited, "the princess is back! We are all terrified

Gu Qingci said with a smile: "I woke up early this morning and couldn't sleep. It doesn't seem to affect you either. So I just went out for a walk. I also took a person with me."

"The old slave went with the princess in the mansion," she said

Liang Jiang didn't think much about it. He nodded and said, "since the young lady is back, let's have breakfast. It's time to be hungry."

After eating, Gu Qingci finally felt much better in her heart. She silently warned herself not to take a crazy woman's words as one thing. Otherwise, if she really wanted to do this, she would vomit herself to death. She was terrified by a crazy woman.

After getting rid of these thoughts, Gu Qingci opened the medical book and read it for a while. Sure enough, reading was the best way to calm herself down. She soon felt no longer irritable.

For the next two days, Gu Qingci stayed in the courtyard, and did not go out. He spent his time reading medical books and making herbs.

But I didn't expect that although Gu Qingci forgot about the mad woman, there was something wrong with the house. The crazy woman disappeared that day!

"You know what? The madman who ran into the princess that day is gone

"I heard that the steward of song sent many people to look for it. Except for the upper court where the princess lived, all the other places were searched, but they were not in the mansion!"

"No? Where else can a madman go? Don't fall into the lake and drown

"Stop talking. Don't you remember what orders the steward song gave? Those who talk about this madman should be careful to get out


Gu Qingci learned this information from the comments of the servants. She stood at the corner of the wall and twisted her eyebrows.

How can people go missing? Even if she can't find it, why does steward song hide from her? Is there any secret?

At this time, steward song was really in a headache about this matter.

Mrs. Jinzhao, who has been locked up for so long, can still cover up once she escaped, but now she has disappeared directly!

How does she want to be imprisoned now?

The steward of song stamped his feet and said, "you are not allowed to be lazy! Keep looking! Otherwise, when the Lord comes back, no one can afford it! "

Gu Qingci was not confused for a long time because of this. After all, she was just a madman who had nothing to do with her. She only thought that she was too sensitive that day.

After thinking about it, the steward of song didn't disturb her. Maybe she just felt that the whereabouts of a crazy woman didn't need to bother the housewife. When she thought of this, Gu Qingci felt that she was no longer depressed by this matter.

She murmured: "leave it to the people below to clean up the situation."

Then Gu Qingci continued to grind up the medicinal materials in his hand.

At this time, however, suddenly came Hibiscus' cry from the yard gate, "Princess! Here comes Dr. Wang! "

Gu Qingci frowned, "Wang Hai? Shouldn't he leave for Jiangnan? Why are you still in the capital at this time

Hibiscus shook her head and said, "I don't know, but it seems that there is something urgent."

Gu Qingci said in a hurry: "since there is something urgent, please come in quickly."

Anyway, she is now in the yard tossing herbs, there is no disrespect.

After Wang Hai came in, he was completely sweating. He wiped his sweat and said, "princess, the villain left the city early yesterday morning and went south, but he met the motorcade of Hua family before passing through the old capital."

Gu Qing looked at Wang Hai in surprise, "the motorcade of Hua family? Which Chinese family is it? Is it the Hua family in Jinling City? "Seeing Wang Hai's embarrassed look, Gu Qingci's heart cluttered for a moment, "how can the Chinese team come? What are you here for? Who are they? "

Wang Hai said directly: "it's the current head of the Hua family, the young master of huazi Qiuhua. He brought people here. They are one step faster than me. It's estimated that they entered the gate half an hour earlier. They just don't know where they are now. "

Gu Qingci had a headache," why did Hua Ziqiu come to the capital at this time? Isn't his wife poisoned? "

Wang Hai said in a low voice, "Mr. Hua came with his wife."

Gu Qingci was more surprised and opened his eyes and asked, "what? He brought his poisoned wife? What is this about? "

Soon Gu Qingci knew Hua Ziqiu's intention, although it was learned from Zhou Jizong.

After receiving the letter sent by Zhou Jizong, Gu Qingci rushed to the gate of Princess Chang's mansion without delay.

At this time, at the gate of Princess Chang's mansion, two groups of people were quietly confronting each other, and the atmosphere was very cold.

Hua Ziqiu stood alone in front of the Jiangnan style carriage at the gate. He looked at Huaiqing who came out of the gate. Although his face was complicated, he soon recovered his calm.

There is indifference in this calm.

Such eyes seem to be Huaiqing frozen in place, she found her voice for a long time, "what's the matter?"

She just promised that Zhou Jizong, who had been grinding for a long time, would go out to see the lanterns. But she didn't expect that they were blocked as soon as they walked out of the gate, and the one who blocked the door was Hua Ziqiu!

Looking at Hua Ziqiu now, she is not at all like that in her heart.

His long hair was tied up with jade crowns and arranged, but his face grew stubble when he was tired on the road. His eyes did not smile, and his eyebrows were more mature and stable.

Hua Ziqiu looked at Huaiqing and said without expression: "Princess Chang, please give the antidote to the grass people."

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