Seeing that Huaiqing was going to leave, huaziqiu rushed to catch up, "Huaiqing! Don't go

Huaiqing turned back and said in a cold voice, "huaziqiu, I admit that I said that because I was angry at gambling before. Now I tell you very seriously that I am not interested in your affairs, and I have not done anything to your lovely wife!"

Hua Ziqiu twisted her eyebrows. "You mean, you have nothing to do with her disappearance?"

Huaiqing sneered, "while poisoned, while missing, what happened is my fault? Hua Ziqiu, you take yourself seriously. Is it necessary for me to do this? Do you think I still want you? "

Hua Ziqiu's face was dignified. "Huaiqing, if you didn't do it, I apologize for what I said. But if it's related to you, I hope you stop. After all, it's not good for anyone. I have no ambition. When the shops in the capital are changed, I will return to Jinling with fragrant moon, and I won't step out of Jinling in this life."

Huaiqing Leng for a moment, the original green words are true, he is really ready to leave.

For the sake of Zhao Xiangyue, he has become a mediocre man with no shining point from the original high spirited huaziqiu.

Huaiqing doesn't know what kind of taste he has in mind. He is not jealous, but a little astringent.

Once she fell into the mud and struggled to live in the sun. It was because there was a Hua Ziqiu who worked hard at the same time. Now she is still on this road, and Hua Ziqiu has already parted ways with her.

"Hua Ziqiu, you have changed and changed a lot. I always have a problem in my heart. It's hard to get over it. Now I know that I just can't accept your change. Today I seem to want to understand."

"Everyone will change, everyone has the right to choose what kind of person to change. I should not be frustrated because your choice is different from mine, because as long as I continue to move forward, I will have other companions."

"I shouldn't hate you for breaking the appointment. You accompany me through a journey. I should thank you. That's enough."

Huaiqing's words made Hua Ziqiu's palm tingle.

He heard the loss and relief in Huaiqing's tone, which was the result he had always wanted. But now he saw the complete indifference of Huaiqing's eyes. Why is his heart still so painful.

Yes, she is still going forward, but he has stopped at the same place, he will never follow her step.

In fact, he had been trying to be a master in the past. He wanted to protect her, but he was just a businessman's family. No matter how rich he was, he could not match the power of power.

Once upon a time, he was fresh and angry, but at the bottom of his heart, he could not pass through. His identity and Huaiqing were always separated by thousands of rivers and mountains.

He wanted to fight for it, but he could not resist the fate of his family. He was very tired and painful as a thread tightly entangled him.

Zhao finally lost his wedding line, which was like cutting the thread.

Two people looked at each other for a long time, the persistence of the fundus gradually became indifferent.

At this time, the sound of the horse's hooves came from behind.

"Huaiqing! don 't panic! Here I am It's Zhou Jizong's voice.

Huaiqing can't help laughing, just talking about the future companion, this person arrived.

Zhou Jizong jumped off his horse and ran to Huaiqing immediately. He looked at Hua Ziqiu with a warning look on his face. "I tell you, the marriage between Huaiqing and me is about to be decided. She is my wife who hasn't passed through the door. If you want to come to me, don't scare her."

Huaiqing opened his mouth and said, "Jizong, it's OK. Young master Hua just has something to ask me. He has already asked me."

Hua Ziqiu looked at Huaiqing, "long princess, I hope that as you said, the whole thing has nothing to do with you. In that case, congratulations."

Huaiqing relieved with a smile, "thank you."

Watching Hua Ziqiu leave in a hurry, Huaiqing's heart dissipates all his residual emotions.

However, at this time, Zhou Jizong said in a low voice: "Huaiqing, there is a rumor in the market that you started to take back huaziqiu's wife..."

Huaiqingsi was merciless and hit it directly with a fist, "they're Farting!"

Zhou Jizong was scared to shiver, "ah?"

Huaiqing put light action patted just hit Zhou Jizong's chest, coughed, "are you jealous?"

Zhou Jizong looked around and saw no one around, so he nodded, "of course, you are my future daughter-in-law."

"You don't believe me?"

Zhou Jizong laughed and bent over to Huaiqing, "do you really don't like him?"

Huaiqing stepped on his foot, "I'm still talking to me here. Help me find someone to go. If Zhao Xiangyue really has something wrong, I'm not going to be stabbed by those gossipy women."

Seeing that huaiqingdu said so, Zhou Jizong had no doubt about it for a long time. He nodded quickly, "I've sent someone to help me find out. Don't worry. I've written down all those gossiping chaoguan's wives. I'll definitely give them men small shoes when they're there."

At the end of the night, Gu Qingci went out of the palace. Originally, the Empress Dowager wanted to keep her for dinner. Fortunately, two ladies of the state went to the empress dowager, and Gu Qingci slipped out.Just out of the palace, Gu Qingci saw the coachman and an entourage of King Wang's mansion anxiously talking.

"Not yet?"

"Yes, it has been two hours. Now, not only the king's house and the Hua family are looking for it, but also the people from Dali temple and Princess Chang's mansion are looking for them."

"Why haven't you found it yet? It's been a long time. Can't anything happen?"

Gu Qingci vaguely heard that something was wrong and could not be found, so she quickly walked over and asked, "speak up! What's going on? What was not found? "

Seeing that Princess Jing finally came out, the two men quickly reported today's affairs.

Gu Qingci didn't think that he went into the palace for a long time before such a thing happened, "don't say it first, hurry back to the house."

At this time, Huaiqing and Zhou Jizong are also in the king's mansion to facilitate the exchange of information.

But now there is no news of Zhao Xiangyue.

At this time, Gu Qingci came back.

At this moment, people seem to have a backbone, and they all look to Gu Qingci.

After asking about the current situation, Gu Qingci said: "Zhao has never been out of her yard since she came to the capital, and she is not familiar with the capital. It is reasonable to say that such a person can hardly walk out of the king's mansion, but she has no whereabouts. It must be that she or the people who took her away consciously concealed it."

Hibiscus said: "princess, the maid named Qiuju has disappeared."

Gu Qing CI droops eyes, "and this servant girl related?"

With that, Gu Qingci Li said: "search the house of Qiuju, be careful!"

Within the time of a stick of incense, a woman came out of Qiuju's room, her face was a little bad.

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