Gu Qingci's heart stopped for a moment.

Just now the distance between them was so close that she could smell his clean smell, as always.

And his deep, clear voice in his ear.

But he left, leaving her standing in the same place, disappointed.

Gu Qingci lost her smile. She thought her feelings for mu xuanjing were due to a habit. But now she found out that emotion is emotion, and falling in love is falling in love.

She will be happy to see mu xuanjing, sad for his leaving, enlarge his every move in her heart, and care about the people around him.

Gu Qingci would like to ask him if he missed her, but now she has no way to say.

Gu Qingci sighed and returned to the casino with half wet clothes.

But what she didn't expect was that Jiuye was not in the original position!

What about the people?

Gu Qingci frowned. Jiuye would not leave her here. The distance from here to the capital city would break her leg.

So Gu Qingci walked quickly in the crowd, struggling to find the figure of Jiuye, but could not find it.

"Damn it! Where have you been? "

Seeing a figure very similar to the ninth master, Gu Qingci hurriedly trotted forward, but did not expect that Gu Qingci was pulled by a fat and expensive young man when he passed a hot gambling table.

"Ugly! Just this! That's it

Gu Qingci ran so fast that he almost hit the fat man with such a pull.

If it was Gu Qingci, the next second the fat man would lie on the ground and beg for mercy.

Looking at himself who has no money, no potential and no identity, Gu Qingci resisted the impulse to beat people and took out his hand. "Have you recognized the wrong person? The master of the maid is in front of him."

But these noble childe obviously did not intend to let Gu Qing leave, but surrounded her.

One of them, the tallest, said with a smile: "Master Wang has just lost. Our bet is to ask him to find the ugliest woman to hold him. I think this is very suitable! What do you say? "

"That's it! I think it's ugly! sure! That's it

Also have courage not so big, frown a way: "but this is somebody else's servant girl, beat dog still see Master, let's make trouble so bad?"

"Why are you so timid? Aren't you just an ugly servant girl? All my servant girls are beautiful and windswept. I'll pay him one. "

"Ha ha, that is to say, such an ugly servant girl can't handle it. It's not like sleeping with her after playing for a while. What can't be done?"

The loser blushed, "so ugly, I want to sleep with you! I'll give it a hug

Gu Qingci eyebrows slightly pick, it is almost to be angry smile, these people really know how to play.

Looking at the fat man who was called Wang six young master rolled up his sleeves and walked towards her, Gu Qingci's face sank, "I said, I'm looking for someone. Don't go too far."

Wang six young master originally felt embarrassed. At this moment, he was so excited that he blushed and his neck became thick. He took up the silver ticket and smashed it at Gu Qing, saying, "didn't you get the money? Take it! That's enough to buy you! But I don't want you. I'm afraid I can't sleep at night

Said Wang six young master rushed to the past, Gu Qingci first cold face let.

Seeing that the sixth young master of Wang threw himself into the air, the rest of the gentleman who was surrounded by the circle was very excited, and each of them clapped his hands.

"Ha ha! Hurry up! Wang Liu, can you do it! It's impossible for such an ugly girl

"Yes! Come on! You can't even catch a woman! Do you mind


Wang six face more red, looking at Gu Qingci curse: "cheap maid! How dare you hide? A servant girl's life is cheap. What do you want to play with me, rather than die? "

With that, Wang Liu rushed up in a huff and puff, and the people around him narrowed down the circle, forcing Gu Qingci and Wang Liu to collide head-on.

As Wang Liu's hand reached out, Gu Qing frowned. If she was held by this fat man, she might as well be thrown out by those guards for breaking the rules.

At the moment when Wang Liu's hand was about to touch Gu Qingci, Gu Qingci couldn't help but fall over his shoulder.

"Ouch My ass

As a result of the surrounding people too close, two people were Wang Liu fat body pressure, the same was smashed to cry father and mother.

"Fuck you! Get out of the way! I will be crushed to death! "

"What's going on?"


Just now Gu Qingci quit his job too quickly, and Wang Liu blocked most of Gu Qingci's thin body. Moreover, those boys who were making a fuss were drunk one by one, and now they all seem to have seen a ghost.

A man stood up with his head and pointed to Gu Qingci, "that's her! I saw it! Her hand

Wang Liu lost face today, but also fell a dog to gnaw excrement, he was not angry to hit a place, roared: "kill this cheap maid!"Gu Qingci took a deep breath, kicked on the chair beside him, raised the chair and waved it in the past, "what do you want to do?"

"Maidservant! Somebody! Get her Wang Liuqi pointed to Gu Qingci and scolded, "that's her!"

Looking at a large group of people, the whole scene was in disorder. Gu Qingci glanced around and murmured in a low voice: "Damn it!"

She didn't want to be in the limelight. She just wanted to get out of trouble, so Gu Qingci ran into two people and rushed out of the crowd.

Wang Liu, fat and panting, pointed to Gu Qingci in front of him, "catch her!"

A large group of people chased Gu Qingci.

Such a battle attracted a large number of bodyguards.

Gu Qingci scolded these idiots in his heart. She walked here with good manners and could provoke these fools. What a bloody disaster!

"Get her! It's just ahead of us! "

Hearing that someone was approaching her, Gu Qingci jumped over a chair and then slapped his backhand. The man stumbled over the chair.

But there are many people in the back who have even picked up the knife.

This is to kill her!

Gu Qingci's heart is awe inspiring. At this moment, the ninth master is not here. No one will complain for a maid in such a gambling house. There will only be people watching the fun.

She's on her own!

Gu Qingci tried to avoid ahead of time, suddenly eyes a tight, she saw mu xuanjing.

Mu xuanjing is sitting at the corner of the table, eyes slightly raised, lazy and noble, it seems that the chaos around him is out of tune with him.

Seeing mu xuanjing and the woman in plain clothes sitting beside him, Gu Qingci unconsciously slowed down for a moment.

A tight scalp, it turned out that her hair was caught by the people who came after her!

"Maidservant! Let you run again

Gu Qingci is a punch, and then continues to run forward.

She knew that mu xuanjing could see it, but Yu Guang looked at it. She found that mu xuanjing had withdrawn her sight and did not look here again. He even had a little impatience between his eyebrows.

It seems that her being chased and beaten is just a farce that shouldn't exist, disturbing him.

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