That night, although mu xuanjing did not come back, the false princess still held a banquet to entertain the egret.

How can't wait for the egret to come over, the false Princess frowned, "go and have a look, what's going on?"

The woman immediately went to the small kitchen. She did not expect to hear a burst of laughter in the small kitchen before she went in. She immediately quickened her pace and wanted to see what happened?

At this time, the chimney of the kitchenette was smoking.

"We all cook like this in the mountains. My aunt taught me that. It's so delicious! Try it later. "

Egrets laugh and roll their sleeves while cooking, while Gu Qingci is helping her.

See egret looks like a delicate woman, but in fact simple and kind, did not expect that she will cook, Gu Qingci eyes with a smile, "your aunt is very strong."

The egret nodded, "is your cooking skill taught by your aunt?"

Gu Qingci shook his head, "my aunt was not there when I was just born."

The egret shovel stopped, turned to look at Gu Qingci, "then your aunt must be looking at you in the sky, just like my father."

Gu Qing's words focused on nodding, "yes."

The egret pursed her lips and said, "you are the best person I have ever met since I went down the mountain."

Gu Qingci said with a smile, "we have known each other for less than a day."

Egret shook his head, "different, some people know a lifetime can not like, some people I feel very good."

Just as he was saying that, there was a woman's voice outside. When he came in, he saw the egret standing with such an ugly servant girl in a coarse cloth dress. Even if he had a pretty face, he would be dead now.

"White girl! I'm afraid you forgot it! The princess invited you to have dinner together. Why are you still hanging out with your servants here? Go and change your clothes

The egret looked at her mother-in-law unhappily, "why do I have to change clothes? This is my dress

But you are going to see the princess. It's against the rules

Egret continued to make his own dish. "I'm not from King's house. I don't have to obey your rules."

The old lady has no way to deal with it. She turns to her heart. At present, this is also the truth. The egret is not a servant of the palace. The identity of the egret depends on the attitude of the Lord. However, the attitude of the Lord is still unclear.

If the egret will be a side concubine or a lady in the future, she should not be allowed to mix with a servant in the small kitchen. If the prince does not have such a mind, it will not suddenly bring a beautiful woman back.

At this time, the egret's food was good, and the woman said quickly, "Miss White, the princess is still waiting, or go to the banquet first."

Egret reached for a dish and put it into his mouth, "fragrant."

She handed the plate to Gu Qingci, "have a taste."

Gu Qingci tasted it and nodded, "it's delicious."

The woman's face was almost green, "white girl, you'd better go quickly!"

The egret patted her palm. "It's OK to go to the banquet. I'm going to take ah Qiu with me."

Gu Qingci was a little surprised, "take me with me?"

The old lady looked at Gu Qingci with disgust and said, "white girl, she is a rough servant girl in the small kitchen. It's really hard to be elegant."

The egret frowned. "Ah Qiu and I have agreed to have dinner together. If she can't go, I don't want to go to the grand hall."

Gu Qingci almost laughed. She found that the egret was upright, and she was not afraid of anyone.

The old lady had to say, "let's go together, but she can't get into the house. She can only be at the door."

Seeing the egret, Gu Qingci said quickly, "it's OK. I don't like to go into the hall of elegance."

Soon, with egrets and Gu Qing, she left the small hall where the banquet was held.

The false princess's face is very heavy. She is now a royal concubine, the favorite princess of King Jing of the northern Jin Dynasty. She looks like a wild girl. She is really angry, but she is so despised.

When egret went in, he said to Gu Qingci, "I can't eat food with people I don't like. In a moment, we'll go back to eat roast chicken."

Gu Qingci nodded with a smile, "OK."

Entering the door, the egret did not salute, but said to the false princess, "thank you for the banquet. I'm late."

The false princess's face is worse. She is in the palace these days. Who can see her impolite? She's been used to it for a long time.

Thinking of the egret, after all, he didn't know the details, so the false Princess suppressed her displeasure. "I'm not good at this matter. I don't feel well these days, so I don't care. Since you're in the door, I'll make arrangements."

The egret shook his head. "No, the Lord has already arranged it. I think the arrangement is very good now."

The false Princess frowned, "that small kitchen is dirty and messy, how can you live?"

The egret said straightforwardly, "that's what you think. I think it's very good there. It's more comfortable than here."

Seeing that she didn't know what was good or bad, the fake princess said in a deep voice: "we'll talk about this later. Let's serve the dishes first."Soon the dishes were served one by one.

The fake princess said with a smile: "these are made by the cooks of Tianxiang building. I want to come to your countryside and there is no such food. Try it today."

As soon as she looked at the garb of the country folk, she knew that she must have never eaten such a good thing.

However, the egret picked up the chopsticks and tasted it. He shook his head, "this dish is not fresh..."

"The fish is fried too old This chicken is overcooked

Then she put down her chopsticks, looked at the fake Princess seriously and said, "princess, you are probably cheated."

Gu Qingci, who was standing at the door, almost laughed and bent over. The egret really dares to hate anything!

At this time, the false princess's face sank, but she told herself in her heart that the country girl did not understand anything.

She pressed down her anger and said, "I've asked the tailor to wait outside. I'll cut you two clothes in a moment. I won't even have a decent one."

The egret stood up in displeasure. "My clothes are made by my wife. I think they are very good. I don't need new clothes."

Finish saying, she also did not have the mood to sit down, "thank the princess's hospitality, I can't eat, leave first."

Seeing that the egret just left, the false Princess felt that the wild girl was stubborn. Looking at a table which she evaluated as bad, the false Princess bit and vomited

Before long, egret and Gu Qingci were eating roast chicken made by egrets and drinking milk tea with Gu Qingci in the courtyard of the small kitchen.

The egret squinted, "I didn't expect to have such a day down the mountain. I'm very happy."

Gu Qingci relied on this pillar, looked up at the stars, "yes, I didn't expect to have such a happy day."

At this time, the egret pointed to Gu Qingci's wrist, "is this bracelet from your sweetheart?"

Gu Qingci was stunned and then looked down at the bracelet in her hand. She almost forgot about it.

She laughed bitterly, "this bracelet is indeed given by others It's a long story. "

The egret said with a smile, "it must be that you are regarded as your sweetheart. Once the bracelet is put on, it will not come off unless it is broken."

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