In the face of Gu Qingci's question, Zhou Jizong frowned and said, "I want to take the eldest princess back to worship our ancestors, but I didn't expect that we were separated. When I found the eldest princess, she fainted on a village road in the countryside."

"When she woke up, she began to have a fever, and she always talked nonsense. The doctor looked at several of them, and all of them only prescribed antipyretic drugs. She kept on having a fever, and her body was getting weaker and weaker."

Gu Qingci frowned and turned to see Huaiqing. He was really excited and couldn't breathe. Before, Huaiqing was always very energetic. Seeing that she was now lying on the bed with a weak face, Gu Qingci was not satisfied.

"How could that happen? After you were separated, the eldest princess was poisoned? Have you found out? "

Zhou Jizong shook his head. "I don't know it's poison. I thought the princess was infected by wind and cold. Some people speculated that she was suffering from pestilence. After the medicine didn't work, the situation became more and more serious. I immediately took the princess back to the capital. When we got to the capital, the princess was already delirious."

This is also the scene in the king's mansion before. If Gu Qingci, a servant girl at that time, did not resolutely stand up, I'm afraid Huaiqing would be more or less unlucky.

After listening to Zhou Jizong's general explanation of the causes and consequences, Gu Qingci understood, but also more confused. So she looked at Huaiqing, who was panting, patted her back and helped her to breathe, "how is it feeling?"

Huaiqing's face was pale, but somehow she was not as weak as she had just been. She stretched out her hand and took Gu Qingci's hand. "The village is very strange and terrible. After I separated from Jizong, I accidentally broke into the village in the mountain and accidentally entered a family..."

"There was only one woman and one child in that family. She was making a shroud. She said she wanted to make a shroud for her only child. She also said that all the people in their village were doomed to die because they provoked the wrath of heaven."

Huaiqing frowned, "and I saw the child, his whole body pale, although still alive, but like a walking corpse, I want to save him, but when I met him, it was like touching ice."

"The woman stopped me from touching him. The child vomited as she pulled. All the green water vomited on me."

With that, he flashed with fright in his eyes. "The man who came in from outside put the little boy into the coffin alive. The woman didn't cry. She just held the shroud in her hand and followed behind, as if she knew that her child was going to die."

Gu Qingci looked at Zhou Jizong, "have these things been checked?"

Zhou Jizong and Gu Qingci said: "princess, let the eldest princess rest first."

Gu Qingci knew that he had something to say alone, so he nodded and said to Huaiqing, "don't be afraid. You should have a rest first. Remember that you have returned to the capital. No one can hurt you."

Out of the room, Gu Qingci and Zhou Jizong went to the pavilion.

Gu Qingci asked, "what's the matter? Is it related to what Huaiqing said? "

Zhou Jizong frowned and looked serious. "Huaiqing, the village she said does exist. It's a small village in the mountains. Because of poverty, it has little contact with the outside world, and there are not many people, but there are no little boys buried alive, and there is no woman Huaiqing said."

Gu Qingci looked at Zhou Jizong and wrung his eyebrows and said, "are you saying that everything Huaiqing said is false?"

Zhou Jizong hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm pregnant with her illusion, but she insists that it's not an illusion."

Gu Qingci's eyes drooped slightly. "You mean everything in that village is normal?"

Zhou Jizong nodded, "because Huaiqing was found in that village, and he has been sick since he went back. He also said that he had seen terrible things. I was not at ease, so I sent people to the village to check. There was no problem in the village. There was no place or person Huaiqing said."

With that, Zhou Jizong looked at Gu Qingci anxiously, "Princess Jing, do you think it's possible that Huaiqing was poisoned and created environment and imagination? What can be done about it? "

Gu Qingci raised his eyes, "if there is no problem in that village, how can Huaiqing be poisoned?

Zhou Jizong said, "this I haven't found out the reason, but it's just a remote country, and no one has a grudge against us. It's really impossible. Could it be that Huaiqing touched something or ate something by mistake

Gu Qingci's face was dignified. "Little Marquis, I told Huaiqing that there was nothing wrong with her. In fact, I lied to her. I couldn't get rid of the poison in her. It should be a kind of local rare poisonous grass. We can't find the antidote in the capital city."

Zhou Jizong was flustered, "what should I do? Princess! You must help Huaiqing

Gu Qingci sighed, "originally I used a lot of top-level drugs to control the poison in Huaiqing's body, but I felt my pulse today, and my plan failed."

Zhou Jizong's face was very bad, but he did not give up, "there must be a way, right?"

Gu Qingci looked up at him, "indeed, there must be something complementary to a poisonous herb nearby. If you want to find the antidote of Huaiqing, you can only go to the place where she is poisoned and explore it."

Zhou Jizong was stunned, "do you want to go back to Nanwan town to look for it?""Nanwan town?" Gu Qingci was not familiar with the name, "how far is it from the capital?"

Zhou Jizong quickly said: "Nanwan town is about one day away from the capital."

Gu Qingci considered for a long time, "Huaiqing can still hold on for a few days, but the longer it drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for her body to recover. I plan to go there and look for an antidote."

Zhou Jizong looked at Gu Qingci in dismay. His eyes were full of gratitude. "Princess, I don't know how to thank you."

Gu Qingci shook his head, "don't say these digressions, make preparations quickly, I'll start tomorrow."

Zhou Jizong said in an urgent voice, "princess, I will go too!"

Gu Qingci shook his head, "you stay, or Huaiqing if you know that the heart is not steady, not conducive to her condition."

Hearing this, Zhou Jizong really hesitated. After all, Huaiqing's physical condition is very poor, and the antidote has not yet fallen. Her health is sometimes good and bad. If he is not here, he can't relax.

Later, Zhou Jizong frowned and said, "princess, although my father has left Nanwan town for a long time, my second uncle is still in the town, and he is quite famous because of his father. I will send him a letter to ask him to help you."

Gu Qingci nodded, "that's enough. Anyway, you don't know the medicinal materials. You can't help too much by following. It's better to stay here with Huaiqing, and I can leave at ease."

After that, Gu Qingci, who explained the good things, left Princess Chang's mansion. She wanted to discuss this matter with mu xuanjing.

It is said that mu xuanjing is in the nameless Pavilion. Gu Qingci raises his eyes, "don't go back to the mansion first, go to the nameless Pavilion."

To the nameless Pavilion, people outside the door immediately released.

Before he got to the meeting hall, Gu Qingci could see Helian city and mu xuanjing standing opposite each other from a distance, as if their faces were dignified.

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