Tea stalls outside the town are usually used for temporary rest for passers-by.

The bodyguard came back soon and reported, "there is only one old man in the tea stand who has given 500 Wen, saying that the two thatched houses behind can be borrowed."

Gu Qingci doesn't mind. She subconsciously turns her head and looks at the egret. Sure enough, the egret doesn't mind either.

At the tea stand, the old man came out with a light and led them through the leaky wooden door. Behind them were two thatched huts, with a stable next to them.

After settling down, Gu Qingci, egrets and Hibiscus syriacus are in a room, while others are crowding in the room on one side. The night guard does not dare to relax, and works in shifts around the tea stand.

Seeing Gu Qingci enter such a room, there is no expression of disgust and disgust. I believe the egret is not surprised.

After all, this scene is different from the ladies and ladies she has seen. Which woman with a head and a face can sleep in a messy kitchen after being framed.

At that time, she also lived in the small kitchen, and saw Gu Qingci's openness with her own eyes.

Thinking of these, the egret felt that Gu Qingci was more and more intimate.

The next day, Gu Qingci was awakened when the knife and cutting board collided. She got up and smelled the fragrance of porridge.

Another side, egret's bed has no one.

Gu Qingci raised his lips. As soon as he went out, he saw a figure busy in the kitchen.

Seeing Gu Qingci, the egret exclaimed happily, "sister Qingci, Nanwan town is really good. I have found several kinds of wild vegetables which are only available in our family. I have already made steamed cakes."

Gu Qingci walked over and helped to add firewood. "You are such a good girl. If some people don't cherish it, they can't find it in the future with lanterns."

The egret nodded, "yes, he has no place to cry after regret!"

Suddenly, he thought of the spring noodles he wanted to eat last time. Gu Qingci looked at the egret. "You don't want to learn from me. It's better to start from now on..."

Hibiscus in the outside to draw water back to smell the bursts of aroma in the kitchen, and then look around, the guards have long been unable to withstand, have borrowed the opportunity to the kitchen together.

Gu Qingci and egret quickly brought out all kinds of breakfast.

After that, Gu Qingci sent a bowl of noodles and a steamed cake to the old man who looked at the tea stand. She just saw the old man eating dry steamed bread with water.

After breakfast, Gu Qingci and his party entered the town. At this time, several of Zhou Jizong's subordinates had already delivered the news to Zhou Fu.

Zhou Wenchang personally came to meet Gu Qingci and his party.

As Zhou Jizong had already said hello, Zhou Wenchang knew that the person was Princess Jing. Seeing Gu Qingci, he stood by respectfully and did not dare to speak loudly.

"Princess, Jizong has told me that you are here to investigate the poisoning of Princess Chang. If you need anything, please tell me."

Gu Qingci nodded to thank him, "Mr. Zhou, don't worry. If you come to Nanwan Town, you should rely on your care."

Zhou Wenchang was relieved. He had heard a lot of rumors about the princess. He said that he should never relax when he saw the beautiful princess. The princess was not a vase on the shelf. She was a woman who would kill people with real weapons.

However, the princess also has a lot of heroic deeds, which makes people respectable and awe inspiring.

Seeing a real person, Princess Jing can talk and give him a little face, which is not as fierce as Zhou Wenchang imagined.

Knowing that Gu Qingci had spent the night in a tea stall outside last night, Zhou Wenchang's just relaxed heart suddenly mentioned it. He was shocked and went to Gu Qingci to plead guilty.

"I didn't think it was comprehensive to ask the princess to make atonement. I thought that the princess would have to wait outside the town in advance because she was so tired that she would not arrive until tomorrow."

Nanwan town is close to the mountains and rivers. There are a lot of business visitors to and from Nanwan town. However, the folk custom is simple. The town is closed at night and no outsiders are allowed to enter. In this way, the danger of the night is also avoided.

Gu Qingci shook his head, "it doesn't matter. We came to investigate the case, and we didn't go sightseeing. Last night, nothing happened."

Seeing Gu Qingci, he didn't get angry. Zhou Wenchang almost cried. The princess was so kind!

So on the way to Zhou's house, Zhou Wenchang said one by one what he had done in the past two days. "Since Jizong took the eldest princess back to the capital city, I've been blaming myself for it. I thought the princess would come back to worship our ancestors. It's a great honor. I didn't expect..."

He sighed and said, "I have also taken people to Dongquan village to check it again. This village is the village where the eldest princess went astray. The village is halfway up the mountain. Most of them are poor families. There are few decent young men, mostly old, young, women and children."

Gu Qingci frowned, "the eldest princess mentioned the strange things there, do you know?"

Zhou Wenchang nodded. "Burying a boy alive is a big deal, but everyone in the village, including the elderly, knows about it. I also found all the boys about the same age in the village according to the description of the eldest princess. However, there is no widow in the village who lives alone with the boy."Gu Qingci was surprised, "there is no such family?"

Zhou Wenchang touched his beard and said, "yes, I'm afraid I've missed something. I've been looking for it from door to door. There are not many people in Dongquan village. There are only about ten families in Dongquan village. I haven't found such a family after wandering around."

Gu Qingci frowned, "there is no strange place in that village?"

Zhou Wenchang shook his head, "did not find."

After hearing Zhou Wenchang's investigation, Gu Qingci felt that the village made her more suspicious.

Huaiqing can't be poisoned for no reason, let alone in a remote village with simple folk customs.

Gu Qingci wrung eyebrows, "how far is Dongquan village from the town?"

Zhou Wenchang heard Gu Qingci's intention to go, and said: "Dongquan village is not far away, but on the mountain, it just rained yesterday. The mountain road is muddy and hard to walk."

Gu Qingci nodded, "it doesn't matter. Please find someone who knows the way to show me the way."

All of them have come. Naturally, she wants to find out.

At the courtyard arranged by the Zhou family, the egret said, "sister Qingci, that Dongquan village sounds like a very ordinary small mountain village."

Gu Qingci raised his eyes, "do you think there will be no problem there?"

The egret shook her head. "My aunt said that even if we saw it with our own eyes, it might be hoodwinked. If we don't find out clearly, no one can tell. Moreover, the mountain village where our Bai family lives is just a common place in the eyes of outsiders."

Gu Qingci nodded, "so in the afternoon we went to Dongquan village to see what was there."

However, when Gu Qingci and others were having lunch, the house suddenly became flustered.

Hibiscus was afraid that something might happen to her Princess, so she anxiously went to inquire about the news.

Soon, hibiscus came back, also brought the latest news, "on Tuesday, the master married a concubine who came into the house and died suddenly."

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