See that ignorant young granddaughter stumbled to the side of the puddle, Gu Qingci quickly rushed to embrace her.

Seeing that the little girl was caught by himself, Gu Qingci was relieved. If he fell into a puddle, he must have broken his head.

Seeing the little girl safe and sound, Gu Qingci looked at her comfortingly and said, "it's dark. Go home quickly."

The little girl smile, this just revealed the hand to protect very tight that kind of thing, Gu Qingci looked at the eye and changed his face.

It's paper money!

She remembered that the Yao family did not have paper money, so she only used peanuts and beans to offer sacrifices to Aunt Yao, and everyone said that no one had died in the village recently. Where did the paper money come from?

Gu Qingci put the little girl down and asked, "where did this come from?"

The little girl was not quick to speak, and said stumbling: "sprinkle Sprinkle On the ground, the big box It's all... "

Gu Qingci wrung her eyebrows. Did the little girl mean the coffin?

Now Gu Qingci thinks it's wrong. Such a small child can't lie.

Just as Gu Qingci was about to ask, old lady Yao's voice came not far away, "darling!"

Hearing the cry, the little girl immediately turned back and trotted to the Yao family.

Gu Qingci took the paper money down when she didn't know it. Looking at the paper money in her hand, Gu Qingci fell into deep thinking.

If all this is true, there is a widow with a boy, and the boy is really put in the coffin, but why does everyone in this village lie?

Was the little boy buried alive?

Gu Qingci quietly put away the paper money, and then returned to Yao's house.

The egret also came back in her arms, holding a lot of wild fruits and wild vegetables in her arms. "Sister Qingci, I just ate some cakes, and I'm sure I'm not full. I found a lot of wild fruits and wild vegetables. I'll eat some fruits first. When Mrs. Yao is asleep, I'll go to the kitchen to make something to eat."

Gu Qingci lowered his voice and said: "but there is no firewood, otherwise forget it."

The egret patted the small frame around him, "there is no one to pick up firewood here. I don't even have to go up the mountain. I just turn around at the head of the village and pick up a lot."

Late at night, Gu Qingci and egret entered Yao's kitchen.

Both of them were not spoiled people. The division of labor between the two dishes was clear, and soon the two dishes were out of the pot.

The egret sighed: "this old lady Yao is right. They really don't make a fire. Look, there are a lot of things in this kitchen that are covered with ash. I've painted the pot three or four times just now!"

Gu Qingci nodded, "I don't know what people in this village think."

When they were half eaten, there was a cry outside, "fire! Someone's secretly making a fire! "

"True or false?"


Hearing the cry outside, Gu Qingci and egret immediately put out the last spark, splashed it with water, and hid the wet ash.

The heron was miserable, "what is this place? You can't make a fire secretly to cook food!"

Gu Qingci put the cover of the pot covered with dust and tried the temperature again. Fortunately, the water was washed several times and there was no residual temperature.

Then they went back to the room, feeling sorry for each other. They ate two plates of vegetables and felt guilty.

Yao's door was knocked open, after a while, people did not find traces of the fire.

"Is there a mistake?"

"No? It was Qiu's sister-in-law who said that she still smelled the food. "

"But it's nothing."

In the midst of the discussion, Mrs. Yao said in a deep voice, "are you bullying Yao family? Don't think your family is much better! Wait! Retribution will come sooner or later! "

After her words fell, a group of people did not dare to speak, and even a few women began to cry.

A farce soon ended and the door of Yao's family was closed.

The egret said suspiciously to Gu Qingci: "sister Qingci, those villagers have just been angry. How come no one dares to say such an excessive curse from old lady Yao?"

Gu Qingci tightened her eyebrows. She had just heard something strange. Mrs. Yao's words didn't seem to be forced to curse in a hurry. Instead, it was like a real warning. Those people seemed to have been really bluffed.

"This village is so weird."

The next day, Gu Qingci went directly to Lizheng's home in the village.

Although it is Lizheng, Dongquan village is too small and too poor. Lizheng just picked one from the villagers.

Li Zheng is very polite to Gu Qingci because he is from Zhou family. When it comes to Yao family, Lizheng just shakes his head and doesn't say much.

Gu Qingci then asked about Dongquan village.

On her way to the village, she had never heard from the population here that the reason why the village was called Dongquan was that there was a spring on the mountain to the east of the village.

Li Zheng said: "the villagers had a better life before. Thanks to the spring, all the villagers went to the spring to fish there and sold it in the town every once in a while. This spring is the treasure of Dongquan village."Gu Qingci frowned, "what's the matter now?"

Li Zheng casually said: "no fish, those who fish for a living have left to make a living, leaving behind are unable to walk."

Gu Qingci always felt that there was a little despair in the tone of Li Zheng's speech.

Out of Lizheng home, Gu Qingci and egret meet at the intersection.

Hearing Gu Qingci say Li Zheng's words, the egret shook his head, "no, sister Qingci, we passed a river when we came. There are many fish in the river, which is easy to catch. The fish in the mountain spring is neither big nor easy to catch. Why do they keep close to the distance?"

Gu Qingci also thought of this, "indeed, and there is no fish in the mountain spring. Why don't people fishing for a living go fishing in the river?"

The egret touched his chin, "is there anything special about the spring?"

Gu Qingci also came to be interested at this moment, "it seems that it's a white matter not to have a look at this spring water."

Egret reminds: "sister Qingci, didn't we make an appointment with them to meet at the entrance of the village before noon today?"

Gu Qingci nodded, "time is running out. It's better to go and have a look now."

Knowing that Gu Qingci was going to the spring, the villagers on the road exhorted him one after another, saying that it was difficult to walk to the mountain spring.

Seeing that Gu Qingci and egret were just two pretty girls, they thought that it was impossible to climb up. Most of them were running for the name of Dongquan village to see and see, so the villagers pointed out the way.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to find, but the last part of the climb is really difficult.

Gu Qingci rolled up his sleeves and found that the egret had already pulled up his trouser legs.

They helped each other and soon climbed up.

Gu Qingci patted the ash on his palm and sighed: "this road is really hard to walk. If they really came here to fish before, they were really patient enough."

Egrets Look East and West, "the cave is too dark to see clearly."

Gu Qingci took out the fire fold, but he could only see the area in front of him.

Half of the cave is a pool, and the sound of water coming out of it is the sound of spring water.

Suddenly the egret stepped on a grass. She pinched her nose and said, "it smells bad!"

Gu Qingci alertly opened her, "wash it off with water!"

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