Li was afraid to speak, his eyes flashed and he lowered his head, "I was forced by you."

Gu Qingci sneered, "it's our fault to cooperate with each other. It's forcing you to do evil by investigating the case?"

The egret was angry and did not hit a place, "I was just hungry, I really have no strength, and I will beat him personally when I am full."

At this time, came the voice of Bai Lingyun, "Xiaobai!"

The egret was stiff and opened her eyes to Gu Qingci. She asked in a low voice: "sister Qingci, what's going on?"

Gu Qingci had to tell her in a low voice: "it was Bai Lingyun who found here by himself, and there was no news from you at that time. We were all worried about you, so I didn't want to hide it from him."

What Gu Qingci didn't expect was that the egret blinked and whispered, "are you worried about me? By the way, I haven't asked. Is Helian worried about me? Are you worried about my disappearance

Gu Qingci was stunned for a moment, and she decided that she would not let egrets take this road which may be unresponsive or even injured.

Might as well let her follow Bai Lingyun back to the original life.

So Gu Qingci shook his head.

Egret a little sad to lower his head, "I know, he certainly did not look for me, maybe also glad I am not in these two days, no one quarreled with him."

"Egret, don't be sad. He's not worth it."

The egret flattened its mouth and took a deep breath. "It's OK. I've already guessed it."

At this time, Bai Lingyun has come to the front of egret. He looks at her anxiously and checks up and down several times before he can rest assured, "it's OK for you, otherwise I won't let go of these people."

Gu Qingci looked at white Lingyun, and felt that he looked at egrets with caution. He was totally in front of his sweetheart. When the egret saw Bai Lingyun in the Capital Medical restaurant that day, he ran away and hid.

It's really a lot of cutting, and it's messy.

At this time, the egret looked at Bai Lingyun and explained: "Bai Lingyun, don't talk nonsense. They are all good people. This is sister Qingci, who has taken me in these days."

Bai Lingyun wrung her eyebrows, "with me, I won't let you be taken in by others. Xiaobai, go back with me. The outside world is too dangerous. Can you follow me in the Hui nationality?"

The egret shook his head and insisted, "no, I decided to go down the mountain. I know you are the clan leader now, but you can't force me."

"I'm worried about you outside. I'm not worried about you. I'm not worried about you. I'm not worried about you. I'm not worried about you. I'm not worried about you

The egret looked at Bai Lingyun, frowned and said, "but I haven't finished my work, I can't go back now."

Bai Lingyun swept mu xuanjing beside his eyes and said, "you mean the agreement with King Jing? I'll take care of it for you. You can't interfere in such a dangerous matter

Gu Qingci was a little surprised. She didn't expect such a thing happened to Bai Lingyun. He is now the patriarch of Bai nationality, and his status is not ordinary. However, she is willing to sacrifice egrets like this.

Standing aside, Gu Qingci asked mu xuanjing in a low voice: "did you promise this white Lingyun?"

Mu xuanjing responded in a low voice: "of course, I agreed."

Gu Qingci nodded, "yes, you promised me not to let egrets do business, but I still left a move after that. I have seen Bai Lingyun's ability, and he plays the piano very well."

Mu xuanjing slightly raised eyebrows, "I thought you would think I shouldn't do this."

Gu Qingci took mu xuanjing's hand and raised his lips: "I'm not so stupid."

At this time, the egret's words brought back Gu Qingci's thoughts, "sister Qingci! Do you want me to stay

Gu Qingci gently coughed, "he is your patriarch in the end."

Egret looked at white Lingyun heavily, "I don't want to go back."

Bai Lingyun put soft tone, "Xiaobai, it's really dangerous outside, do you promise me? I have already told your mother that when you go back, you will not be forced to go to ethnic studies. You can do whatever you like. "

The egret turned her head and said, "no, I want to stay with sister Qingci now."

Seeing their two standstill, Gu Qingci interrupted, "young master Bai, in my opinion, it's better to eat first, or you Xiaobai should be hungry."

Bai Lingyun seems to be suddenly back to God, repeatedly nodded, "yes, right, Xiaobai just came back, quickly eat something, can't be hungry."

Egret took Gu Qingci and said to Bai Lingyun, "I'll eat with Qingci sister. Don't follow me. We are all women. It's not convenient to be with you."

After sitting down in the box, the dishes came up one after another.

The egret was really hungry. After two bowls of rice, the egret began to drink the soup slowly.

Gu Qingci looked at her with some heartache

The egret nodded, "yes, I didn't expect that old man had such bad thoughts."

Gu Qingci looked down for a moment and said, "it's a pity that up to now, we haven't found out who this rich businessman is. We can't get justice for you, and we can't find this interest chain."If we can't find the interest chain, the tragedy of Dongquan village will have no result. The innocent people who died will die in vain, while the originator will continue to be graceful and unrestrained behind the scenes.

The egret looked at Gu Qingci with firm eyes. "Sister Qingci, I dare not say whether others can do it or not, but I know you can. You know, I won't lie."

Gu Qingci looked at the sincere egret and nodded, "yes, this matter will certainly find clues."

After dinner, Gu Qingci took Li Zheng back to Dongquan village and confronted the villagers face to face.

Egret follows Gu Qingci to come, and Bai Lingyun finds a cover to worry about safety and security to follow.

The egret looked outside the carriage and seemed to be looking for something. Gu Qingci knew what she was looking for. She was looking for Helian city.

"This silly girl..." Gu Qingci did not go on, but sighed in his heart.

Maybe the disappointment would make her come out earlier.

To Dongquan village, Gu Qingci tied up the Li Zheng to the most spacious grassland.

The villagers looked at the old revered Li Zheng being tied to the pillar, and all looked at Gu Qingci and others angrily.

"One moment you say that Lord Lizheng has abducted someone, and then you have made him like this. You foreigners are going to make Dongquan village disappear before you give up!"

"Yes! We don't allow you to do this for the sake of the survival of our village. "

"Yes! Let go! Get out of Dongquan village! "

The egret was straight and said in a loud voice, "you don't know what he has done. He doesn't deserve your respect."

The short silence was followed by more ridicule and abuse.

Gu Qingci pulled the egret back and said to the angry villagers, "do you know how Dongquan village got into trouble with God? It was your good Li Zheng who sent you to a dead end. It was he who negotiated the chips with the rich merchants before he let people go to the cave to start trading. "

The villagers glared at Gu Qingci.

Gu Qingci swept his eyes and said, "talk about it, and explain these things clearly."

Li Zheng didn't dare to make any more trouble, so he explained it all the time.

Just then, the widow rushed out of the crowd, looked at Li Zheng fiercely, and said to all the villagers with red eyes, "it's him, the black hearted beast! He killed Wata's father and my son. He did evil

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