The next day, he Liancheng and Gu Qingci said goodbye. He said with a smile, "little lady, this time, it's really time to go."

Gu Qingci nodded, "although your body is no problem for the time being, but the loss before is too big. I'm afraid that it will not be able to maintain for three or five years. When you go back, be a good emperor and don't run around again."

Helian city quietly listened to Gu Qingci's words. She really cared about him at the moment, but it was only limited to the care of friends.

In fact, this is enough. He Liancheng smiles, "I want to see you for the first time. The little lady is like a sharp blade just opened. It's hard and sharp, but now it's soft."

Gu Qing said, "it seems that I have misunderstood you these two days, or I will let you aftertaste before leaving?"

Helian city quickly waved his hand, "it's a pity that my life is very bad. Now no one wants to disturb me."

Gu Qingci's joking look gradually stopped, and he Liancheng said: "seriously, take care."

At this time, the egret put out his head from the outside, "everything is ready, Helian City, you should go and see if there is anything left."

Helian city deeply looked at Gu Qingci, then turned around and walked out of the door, "there is nothing worth seeing again. Go."

Egret has already told Gu Qingci goodbye, but now she is a little reluctant to give up. She rushed forward and hugged Gu Qingci. "Take care, sister Qingci. I'll go to Beijin to see you when I have time."

Gu Qingci patted her on the shoulder and rubbed her head reluctantly. He ordered: "for this long snack, on the way to Xiliang, you must ask Helian city about his family background, and then consider whether to insist on his own choice, you know?"

The egret looked at Gu Qingci curiously. Although she didn't understand why Qingci sister had to ask her about this, she always listened to Gu Qingci's words, so the egret nodded, "OK, Qingci elder sister, I know. In fact, even if Helian city is a little poorer and has a lower status, I don't care about these things, as long as he is willing to go with me."

Gu Qingci twisted her eyebrows. She still hoped that egret could understand these things by herself. If she said it from her mouth, it might make egret sad.

So she sighed in her heart, silly girl!

Egret is not expected, so Gu Qingci turned to look at Bai Lingyun, "take care of Xiaobai."

If these two people are really not suitable, let them all see clearly this time.

Seeing off this group of people, Gu Qingci returned to the medicated food restaurant.

At the same time, the imperial chef sent by the imperial concubine Yao entered the medicated food restaurant and was sitting beside the counter in a daze.

The shopkeeper and Gu Qingci said: "the imperial chef came and asked for a piece of mung bean cake and sat there for half an hour."

Gu Qingci felt strange and walked over, but heard the imperial chef saying, "it's clear that these ingredients are different from what I made. It's delicious It seems that... "

"Sweet but not greasy, cold and soft?"

Gu Qingci blurted out adjectives to satisfy the imperial chef. He clapped his hands and raised his head, "yes, that's it. Why is it different?"

Gu Qingci chuckled, "stir fried mung bean paste mixed with good oil, stir fry until delicate, immediately into the mold, put into the ice cellar for an hour, so the mung bean paste made in this way is like this."

"The key point is here! Excellent! I'll go back to it! "

Gu Qingci called out with a smile, "today's package has not been taken away."

The imperial chef quickly turned around and took over the paper bag with a smile, and suddenly found that he was not talking to the former man today.

It's Princess Jing!

The imperial chef saluted in a hurry and said, "hello to Princess Jing! Princess, I'm here to get mung bean cake

You know, although the princess is not from Nankun, she is now a hot figure in Anyang City. The emperor returned to the throne with her help. What a credit!

There are countless people who want to come to flatter Princess Jing, but the emperor protects Princess Jing very much and does not allow anyone to disturb her. Therefore, many people are full of longing for this place and dare not enter.

Gu Qingci asked the imperial chef a few words about the palace, and then let him leave.

As she expected, wanyanzhao was busy dealing with all kinds of mess every day. It was the Empress Dowager who worked with the king of Beiyu to do things in Nankun, while the imperial concubine of Yao kept silent every day and paid more attention to her diet.

Gu Qingci raised his lips and chuckled. It's good that Wan yanzhao, a lonely man, is not alone. After this disaster, he and Yao noble people can not really fall in love with each other, and the friendship between them will not change easily.

Today's day has just begun. However, Gu Qingci stretched her back. She probably didn't sleep well yesterday. So she went back to find mu xuanjing. I don't know why. As long as mu xuanjing is by her side, she can have a good sleep.

I didn't expect Gu Qingci to go up, but saw their room surrounded by several people. These people's faces were very heavy. Even if they saw Gu Qingci coming, these people still didn't get out of the way. Instead, they were more eager to confirm the orders in the room.

Gu Qingci looked at the scene in front of her, and expected that mu xuanjing must be in the face of an emergency. However, for the merits of Mu xuanjing, Gu Qingci summed up that in the end, she was strong enough, so she should not get involved in it. She might as well go shopping.Anyway, she should go back soon. She has to go shopping and bring something back to give to many people.

As a result, Gu Qingci sorted out his clothes and left the medicine restaurant.

Today, it was very lively. The dark Wei who followed Gu Qingci looked at the new things on both sides from time to time, and his eyes were straight. However, he kept the master's orders in mind and did not stay away from Gu Qingci.

But Gu Qingci said to the dark guard at a corner with few people: "go shopping. It's lively here. I'll go to the teahouse in front of me to have a cup of tea. You can come to me when you've finished. Don't worry."

So Gu Qingci went to the crowded place.

Just as Gu Qingci was about to follow the flow of people through a small shop, she suddenly fixed her eyes and ran away from the crowd.

Just now she thought that she had been blinded. Now she saw it.

Lu Changfeng!

How could he be here?

This old urchin has always been wandering around the world. How could he come to Nankun capital at this time?

When Gu Qingci went in, he saw a chess game randomly placed on the stake. The man opposite Lu Changfeng said with a smile, "don't play tricks! Don't forget to gamble

Before Gu Qingci opened his mouth, Lu Changfeng, sitting in front of him, and the old man on the opposite side said, "are you still dreaming? It's all a trick to kid, and you're scared to death. "

Trick to kid? Gu Qing's words choked.

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