When Gu Qingci woke up, he found himself in a simple room.

She covered her forehead in a daze.

Those memories flooded into my mind.

Cold river water, bone chilling cold, and the last despair.

She turned over every piece of wood that she could move. What she was afraid of was that if she didn't work hard enough, she would lose him.

She remembered that she was clearly in the river. How could she be in this strange house?

Most importantly, what about Mu xuanjing?

Gu Qingci suddenly sat up, "Mu xuanjing!"

She found her voice still very hoarse, and coughed almost retch when she opened her mouth.

On hearing the news, people from outside rushed in.

"Miss! How are you, miss? Does it still hurt? "

In front of us is Zhuling?!

Gu Qingci looked at Zhuling, almost thinking that he was just a dream.

"Zhuling, why are you here?"

Bamboo Ling endure tears, choked way: "Miss, is the shadow told me, I rushed to come."

Gu Qingci looked at Zhuling, "what do you mean?"

Seeing that Zhuling didn't speak, she grabbed her hand and said, "bamboo Ling, what's going on? I feel headache. It seems that I have thought of a lot of things, and I think these memories are very strange. Tell me, where is the Lord? "

Bamboo Ling still did not speak, standing in place, his face was very bad, and his hands were shaking.

Gu Qingci only felt a thorn in his heart.

"He's not here? It doesn't matter. I'll go to him. "

Bamboo Ling suddenly a cry out, "Miss, you don't do this, you need to rest now, can't get out of bed!"

"Tell me, what about the king?" Gu Qingci looks at Zhuling.

Zhuling covered her mouth and sobbed, "when the shadow arrived, she only found the young lady on a boat board, but he still didn't find the Lord. Zhuying said that the river was too urgent, and he had sent people from the nameless pavilion to look for it along the coast."

Gu Qingci felt a sudden jump in his head, "he didn't come up How can he not come up? I saw him fall with my own eyes. He is in the water. He must be waiting for me to go! "

Said Gu Qingci rise to go out, eyes are never persistent, "I want to find him."

Zhu Ling hugged Gu Qingci from behind, "miss! You can't go out! "

Gu Qingci felt a heat on her face. She was stunned, "how can I cry? It's not a big deal. Just find him out, don't you? "

As if only one thought in his mind, Gu Qingci pushed aside Zhuling and ran out of the room.

It was a yard she had never seen before. She saw a door and rushed over.

But when the door opens, it's a reflection of the whole body getting wet.

The shadowing man had a sword in his hand.

Gu Qingci recognized that it was mu xuanjing's sword. Her eyes lit up, "tracing, did you find him?"

Tracing shadow wiped his tears with his elbow. "Princess, I've searched all over."

"Nonsense! It's only one night! How did you find it? " Gu Qingci immediately roared.

Behind her, Zhuling sobbed in a low voice, "Miss, it's been ten days, you've been sleeping for ten days."

Gu Qingci looked at the shadow in dismay, "what? Ten days? "

Tracing shadow nodded and his voice was deep. "These days, it has been Dr. Wang who has not given up and saved the princess."

Gu Qingci pointed to the sword in his hand and yelled in a hoarse voice: "it's so big from the river that he must have been washed to somewhere! You find it! Look for it! You don't want me to go there! "

Zhu Ling took Gu Qingci and yelled: "miss! You can't go! You You are pregnant

Gu Qingci suddenly felt that the shadow in front of her eyes was a little fuzzy. As soon as her eyes were dark, she lost consciousness again.

"Doctor Wang! Dr. Wang Zhu Ling's shouts immediately let Wang Hai run over.

Looking at Gu Qingci, who fainted again in the room, Zhuling cried and slapped her shadow tracing chest.

"Is it Are you in collusion with the Lord? What tricks are you playing with feign death

Shadowing's face is dignified. If it's a fake death, how good it should be.

See chase shadow do not speak, bamboo Ling desperately patted his chest, "you talk! You colluded with me, didn't you? "

I hope it's true, too

Bamboo Ling a buttock sat on the ground, "how can this happen? The young lady and the LORD have already planned to fly away. Why do those people do this? Why? You say why... "

He clenched his fist and clenched his knuckles. He gritted his teeth and said, "I only knew that the LORD had done a good job. He knew that the Dongling people would not let him go so easily, so he arranged the game ahead of time. This time, Dongling was devastated and couldn't get up any more."

Zhu Ling cried: "I just want the Lord to come back well and accompany the young lady. Now that the young lady is pregnant, the Lord doesn't know it!"He squatted down and hugged the weeping bamboo Ling into his arms. "I will continue to look for the king. I want to see people and die..."

He didn't say it, and Zhuling didn't let him go on, and stopped his mouth directly.

When Gu Qingci woke up again, it was the next day.

Gu Qingci lies on the bed, his eyes open, looking at the veil above. Beside him is Wang Hai.

"Princess, I'm glad the fetus is not hurt. He's fine."

Gu Qingci didn't speak, and a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

At this time, the door of the bamboo Ling wipe tears, smile came in, "Miss, first drink some tonic soup, put a little warm tonic medicine."

Put down the soup bowl, Zhu Ling advised: "follow up said, he sent people to find a further place, miss, you did not say before, no news is the best news."

Gu Qingci closed his eyes, "bamboo Ling, you let me stay alone for a while."

Zhu Ling nodded, squeezed out a smile, "OK, miss, I'll wait at the door, you'll call me when you're hungry."

Lying in bed, Gu Qingci can see the bright sky outside the window.

It's a fine day.

If that didn't happen, she would be in Sanqing city with mu xuanjing now.

Mu xuanjing said that he had been to Sanqing city as a child and planted a tree there.

Gu Qingci bit his lips tightly, but his whole body still couldn't help shaking.

"I can't cry. He's not dead. What are you crying about?" Gu Qingci deeply breathed, "it's OK, it's OK."

Then Gu Qingci reached out and pressed it on her abdomen. I don't know why. She had a strange feeling, as if this kind of feeling had happened.

This familiar sense of deja vu soon softened her heart.

When mu xuanjing comes home, she will tell him the good news.

He always said that when he had a child, he would teach her by himself.

He always keeps his word. If he breaks his promise, she will give him a good beating.

"Mu xuanjing, would you like to come back soon?"

Dazed, Gu Qingci fell asleep again.

Hearing the even and long breath inside, Zhuling painfully went in, helped Gu Qingci cover the quilt, and then stayed in the room like this.

I don't know how long, bamboo Ling was called to wake up.

"Bamboo Ling."

Bamboo Ling this just found that she also fell asleep, so suddenly woke up, worried looking at Gu Qingci, "Miss? Are you all right? "

Gu Qingci just supported the body out of bed, "nothing, just I'm hungry."

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