Just as Gu Qingci was about to take people out of the camp, Duan Hengzhi came after him, "Princess! The head of the witch clan wakes up in the cold night! He said he wanted to see you

Gu Qingci eyebrows slightly twist, maybe there are clues in cold night, she thought or decided to go to see cold night first.

"Follow up, you take people to search first, and I'll be there later!"

Tracing shadow nodded. Since he learned that the little master of the witch clan was the flesh and blood of his master's son, he was full of heart to find the child.

"Don't worry, princess. I'll take people into the mountain and search inch by inch!"

Give this place to the pursuit, Gu Qingci immediately rushed to the camp.

After entering the tent where the cold night was set up, a smell of medicine came to my face, which was the way to extend the life of the cold night.

On the bed made of simple wooden board, the weak man's face was pale, and the wound on his back shoulder exuded blood.

The accompanying military doctor got used to it and dealt with it.

Seeing Princess Jing coming in, the military doctor quickly got up and said, "tell the princess that he is too weak now and the blood in the wound can't stop. He can only control the deterioration after bleeding."

Gu Qingci nodded, "I know his injury in my mind. It's not good for a while. It's hard for you."

The military doctor stepped down in a hurry.

At this time, Gu Qingci walked to the cold night, "it's been years since I saw you."

She should hate the cold night, but now she can't.

Although this man caused her to be separated from her own flesh and blood for so long, it was the same man who saved the child's life.

If the cold night did not appear, the child might have died in the hands of Dongling's pursuers.

Perhaps, the child himself will die because of poison.

Think of here, Gu Qingci heart five flavor Chen miscellaneous, she really don't know how to face the cold night.

Cold night forced to sit up, tried several times to barely support the body, he laughed at himself, "did not expect six years not to see, meet again will be this scene."

Gu Qingci sat on the chair in front of the bed, looking at the cold night, "for the past six years, you have not appeared. You should know that I have lost my memory."

"It's just that I remember everything now. Those memories are painful, but I'm also lucky."

The cold night droops the eyes, the warm and moist jade face appears very pale because of the weakness, "yes, knowing that you have lost memory, I actually have a little bit of joy. As long as you forget the existence of Qing'er, you will never appear and take him away."

Looking at the cold night, Gu Qingci asked in a puzzled way: "before this, you don't know that I have recovered my memory. Why do you want to let Huayi bring you here?"

Cold night clenched his fist. Although he was not reconciled, he had to make such a decision, "because I can't protect Qing'er any more. Maybe he should come back to you, even if it will make me lose qinger's affection for me."

With these words, the cold night seemed to be drained of all the strength of the body.

At this moment, he knew that he was living for Qing'er all these years. If it was not for Qing'er, he would not have wanted to live in the world.

Gu Qingci can see that cold night's eyes are really loving, "cold night, I don't hate you, even willing to help you, because you once saved Qing'er."

After a pause, Gu Qingci continued: "I thank you for bringing up qinger and always giving him warmth. After finding Qing'er, I will give you a chance not to let qinger know what you have done."

Looking at Gu Qingci, the body of the cold night was shaking. He couldn't believe it and said, "you Do you really want to do that? "

What he was afraid of most was that Qing'er knew what he had done and would hate him from now on.

Then he can't close his eyes even if he dies.

Gu Qingci nodded, "do what you say."

Although she did not raise Qing'er, she brought up An'an with her own hands, and she knew that kind of family ties.

If one day by their own children as enemies, that taste like a knife is not too much.

Cold night even if there are thousands of mistakes, but he did one thing right.

Gu Qingci took a deep breath, "I will go to find Qing'er, bring him back, and tell him the truth of everything. I will tell him that you saved him in those years, and you have benefitted him."

Looking at the back of Gu Qingci's leaving, he fell on the bed in the cold night.

There was no despair in his eyes.

Fortunately, Qing'er won't hate him in the future

At this time, Gu Qingci has arrived at the hillside of Jishan.

Tracing shadow and Gu Qingci said: "turn over the front, is the last hiding place of the witch clan!"

Gu Qingci wrung his eyebrows and said: "be careful, or you will anger the Wu people. You should pay more attention to the safety of Qing'er!"

Just as the crowd surrounded the stronghold, an arrow stung on the tree trunk beside Gu Qingci.

"Protect the princess!" shouts the shadow

Gu Qingci shook his head. "No, this man is on purpose. His archery is extremely high. If he really wants to kill me, I will be down now."

Sure enough, the bodyguard yelled, "there is a letter tied to the arrow!"

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