This time, Gu Qing returned to the prince's house with mu xuanjing's original instructions.

With this road and leave the book, Gu Qingci gave birth to the wind under his feet. For the first time, he felt that walking in the backyard of the prince's house could be so happy.

At the same time, Gu Qingci ran into Liang Jiang who was rushing back.

Seeing Gu Qingci, Liangjiang immediately whispered: "Miss, the mansion is busy with two days' marriage recently. The flowers and soil in the small garden in the backyard have been moved to Renhe drugstore. The others that are easy to move are also piled up in the backyard of Renhe drugstore, leaving only the dowry boxes that are not convenient to move."

Thinking of these dowry boxes, Gu Qingci was a little sour. At the beginning, she had no reason to marry mu Junyou, and her grandfather had to rush to the border, but before his grandfather left, he tried his best to give her a dowry.

After all, she owes her grandfather. After the prince's house is over, she should do something for him.

Later, Gu Qingci nodded to Liangjiang, "you've done a good job. Don't make trouble at this time. If it's not easy to move, seal it first, and then take it away when you get there."

Liang Jiang nodded, and then asked in doubt: "it's the only way. It's just that the county's government hasn't been repaired. Is Miss retrospection?"

Gu Qingci nodded solemnly and said in a low voice, "yes, looking back home."

Liang Jiang looked at Gu Qingci anxiously. "I heard Zhuling say that miss did not have a good time in Gufu before..."

This time, when the crown prince married another imperial concubine and left, he would inevitably be looked down upon by others.

Gu Qingci's mouth is slightly crooked. Once, Gu Qingci was a girl with no father and no mother and a simple mind. She suffered a lot in the back house of Gu family, but now it is different.

She raised her eyes, a trace of stubbornness flashed in her eyes, "don't worry, it won't happen in the future."

Thinking of Gu Fu, she couldn't help but feel a little tight. These three days, she went to King's house without patronizing the endorsement. She also got a reply from her grandfather from Yanmen pass.

Gu Qingci did not expect that her grandfather actually sent her the private seal of the management of Gu's house, for fear that she would be wronged in the prince's house and be bullied.

When she was in King's palace, she also used mu xuanjing's power to investigate the current situation of Gu's family.

It is said that Gu Qingci is very sorry for her grandfather when she hears that Gu's family is now in a state of chaos. Her eyes narrowed and she thought that it was time to calculate those old debts.

Later, seeing that Liangjiang had to go to Renhe pharmacy to deliver something, Gu Qingci thought for a moment, and then walked to the yard closed by Wen Ruyue.

Now the courtyard is not as good as it used to be. After living in Wen Rumei, Gu Qingci has sent housekeeper Feng to repair it. Except for Guan Wenru's room, the other two rooms are more magnificent.

In the prince's house to catch up with the wedding process and chaos, Gu Qingci did this thing can not lift a bit of water.

Hearing that Gu Qingci was coming, Wen Rumei immediately walked out of the room. Now she was dressed in brocade and had gold ornaments on her head. Everything was of high quality. Gu Qingci ordered people to spend a lot of money from the accounting room.

Gu Qingci didn't feel any pain in throwing money at him. She thought that she was throwing mu Junyou's money to help him raise women. However, she felt that she was beautiful, virtuous and virtuous.

Wen Rumei saw Gu Qingci and anxiously welcomed him, "Niang, are you ok?"

The first to know her position in Lingqing is to stay in the gate of nature.

Gu Qingci's eyes were slightly narrowed, and he said calmly: "OK, you have been following your Highness for the longest time these days. I think you know that two days will be the day when Princess Linglong enters the mansion."

Wen Rumei knelt down eagerly and said, "Niang Niang, Rumei only recognizes Niangniang as a mistress."

Gu Qingci pulled her up, regardless of whether Wen Rumei is hypocritical or really afraid, she doesn't care.

She won't let mu Junyou's future days go too smoothly. How can we do if the backyard is not lively?

So naturally she was going to stir the muddy water.

Gu Qingci's eyes were slightly deep, and he slowly opened his mouth: "you and Wen Ruyue are different. You are very smart and know what to do and what not to do. You can't compare the identity of Princess Linglong, but you have the way you should go."

With that, Gu Qingci lowered her voice and pointed out the names of several important managers in the backyard of Wen Rumei.

Wen Rumei was overjoyed, knelt down to Gu Qingci and kowtowed, "thank you for your advice."

Gu Qingci waited for her to kowtow her head, and said calmly, "on the wedding day, I will give you the title. Although you are only a concubine, if you are smart enough, you will be able to climb up."

After explaining Wen Rumei, she asked people to send a letter to Ning Wan'er of Ning house. She also agreed to accept her entrance on the wedding day, and her status was similar to that of Wen Rumei.

She is still an unshakable princess, and naturally has the right to carry people into the government.

Before long, Ning Wan'er, who had been waiting for a long time, also received the news, and she was equally overjoyed.

Although she knew that Princess Linglong would bully others in the backyard of the prince's residence by virtue of her status, she knew that Princess Linglong had been humiliated by beggars in the past. She was determined to win the princess Linglong with her perfect body, so she was eager to marry her immediately.Different from the wind and rain coming from the outside world, Gu Qingci was always indifferent, without any waves.

After she closed the door, she even ate some new vegetables.

Zhuling and Liangjiang couldn't sleep at all, especially Liangjiang. She always felt that the young lady had been greatly wronged and wished she could help her revenge.

Zhuling pulled Liangjiang and had an idea. "Liangjiang, can't you sleep? Miss taught me a good way to sleep yesterday

Liangjiang frowned, "Oh? What is it? "

Then Zhuling taught Liang Jiang to count the sheep over and over again

The next day, Gu Qingci heard Liangjiang questioning Zhuling.

"Zhuling, what sheep did we count last night?"

Zhu Ling flattened his mouth and said with a smile, "what sheep is best to eat is what sheep!"

Gu Qing said with a smile, "what do you say?"

Zhu Ling came over with a smile, "Miss, how did you get up so early?"

Gu Qingci extended his arms and said, "I have an appointment today. Let's prepare the car. I'll go to the teahouse after breakfast."

She made an appointment with Wu Bo, the old housekeeper of Gu's house.

Now, in addition to Gu Qingci's yard, the prince's house is busy in the past few days to get married in a hurry. Many people have not been able to sleep for two or three days. Mu Junyou is also running around the palace, duanqin palace and Prince's house.

The most leisurely place in the whole house is Gu Qingci, the mistress.

Gu Qingci has no interest in the wedding tomorrow. After breakfast, he goes out directly to the teahouse.

Wu Bo has been waiting for a long time. Seeing Gu Qingci's words, he is stunned for a moment.

It was only about half a year since the first lady came out of the cabinet. But now the young lady standing in front of him turned out to be quite different. The momentum of his whole body and the sharpness of his eyes immediately dazzled him.

In his heart, he felt a sense of respect. This Is this the old lady who was fooled?

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